Cách sử dụng sửa

Regular verbs, including those with consonant alternations sửa

1. The verb cantar (to sing) is fully regular. Use as follows:


2. The verb pagar (to pay) is regular other than having a predictable spelling change in the preterite pagué. This is handled automatically, so no parameters are needed. Use as follows:


3. The verb concluir (to conclude) is regular other than having a predictable change in the present concluyo. This is handled automatically, so no parameters are needed. Use as follows:


Verbs with vowel alternations sửa

1. The verb perder (to lose) is regular other than having a vowel alternation in the present pierdo. This is not predictable, so an indicator must be given in angle brackets, in this case specifically <ie>. Use as follows:


2. The verb contar (to tell) is regular other than having a vowel alternation in the present cuento. As with perder, an indicator must be given in angle brackets, in this case specifically <ue>. Use as follows:


3. The verb avergonzar (to shame, to embarrass) is regular other than having a vowel alternation in the present avergüenzo. It also has a predictable spelling change in the preterite avergoncé. Both vowel alternation and spelling change occur in the subjunctive avergüence. The same indicator <ue> as above should be given; the spelling changes from z to c and from u to ü when the vowel alternation occurs are handled automatically. Specify as follows:


4. The verb regimentar (to regiment) is regular other than having an optional vowel alternation in the present: both regimiento and regimento are found. In case of multiple vowel alternations, separate the vowel alternation indicators with commas and use + to request no vowel alternation, as follows:


5. The verb aislarse (to isolate oneself, to sequester (oneself)) is regular other than having a vowel alternation in the present me aíslo. The is specified using the indicator <í>:


This also shows the handling of reflexive verbs.

6. The verb licuar (to blend, to puree) is mostly regular, but in the present tense both licuo and licúo occur. To specify this, use <+,ú> (+ to request the non-alternating variant and ú to request to alternating variant):


7. The verb jugar (to play) has an irregular vowel alternation u-ue in the present tense juego. The code <ue> still works in this case. Specify as follows:


8. The verb sentirse (to feel) has a vowel alternation e-ie in the present tense me siento, and raising to i in various other forms, e.g. the third-person singular preterite me sintió and the gerund sintiéndome. For this, use the code <ie-i>, as follows:


9. The verb conseguir (to get, to manage) has a vowel alternation e-i in the present tense consigo, as well as a predictable spelling alternation g-gu. As mentioned above, the spelling alternations are automatically detected, so only the indicator <i> for the vowel alternation needs to be given:


Irregular verbs sửa

The module knows how to conjugate all irregular verbs, including compounds such as mantener and convenir, and no parameters are needed for them.

1. For example, the verb decir (to say) has various irregularities: present tense digo, preterite dije, past participle dicho, imperative di, etc. Specify simply as follows:


2. The verb describir (to describe) has two alternative past participles, descrito (used in most places) and descripto (used in Argentina and Uruguay). The module knows about this, so specify simply as follows:


Here, a footnote is automatically added to indicate the different usage of the past participle.

Defective verbs sửa

Certain verbs are defective, i.e. are missing some forms. Indicators are available to specify this.

1. The verb atañer (to concern) is defective and only 3rd-person forms and no imperative. Specify as follows:


Here, <only3sp> means "only third-person singular and plural". For impersonal verbs that occur only in the third-person singular, use <only3s>.

2. The verb aterir (to numb with cold) is defective and is missing forms whose ending does not begin with an i (specifically, the stressed present tense forms and the entire subjunctive). To specify this, use the indicator no_pres_stressed:


3. The verb preterir (to leave out, to omit) is defective in the same way as aterir. In addition, the root vowel raises to i in certain forms, such as the third-person singular preterite pretirió and the entire imperfect subjunctive. This requires two indicators: no_pres_stressed as above, and i to indicate the vowel raising. When multiple indicators are required, separate them with a .:


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