Thảo luận:tab

Bình luận mới nhất: 18 năm trước bởi trong đề tài Kết luận 1


A tab in graphical user interfaces is a typically rectangular small box (usually containing a text label or graphical icon) associated with a view pane. When activated (e.g. by a mouse click), the view pane displays widgets associated with the tab. A single tab is obviously not useful, but a tab group comprising several tabs allows the user to switch quickly between different widgets (which are displayed in the view pane belonging to the tab group). ...

Tôi cho rằng dùng chữ tay cầm là đi quá xa với nghĩa nguyên gốc của chữ TAB

Theo Microsoft: Tôi phải chép tay lại vi từ điển in giấy TAB control gives the user an interface that resembles tab dividers in file cabinet .

Như vậy tôi đề nghị nên dùng chữ chữ ngăn (hay hộc hay bảng ) chớ không thể nào là tay cầm . Chũ ngăn trong Việt ngữ cho thấy sự phân chia như là mô tả theo Microsoft

Đó là nói về giao diện còn cái nút bấm trên bàn phím máy tính và máy đính chữ thì là nút nhảy

FYI, Tất tiếc Trong các định nghĩa về tab tôi chưa tìm ra nghĩa lnào là tay cầm hết ráo Các định nghĩa về TAB mà tôi tìm được bao gồm cả những nghĩa chuyên dùng trong các ngành nghề

  • check: the bill in a restaurant; "he asked the waiter for the check"
  • yellow journalism: sensationalist journalism
  • tab key: the key on a typewriter or a word processor that causes a tabulation
  • a short strip of material attached to or projecting from something in order to facilitate opening or identifying or handling it; "pull the tab to open the can"; "files with a red tab will be stored separately"; "the collar has a tab with a button hole"; "the filing cards were organized by cards having indexed tabs"
  • pill: a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet
  • TAB is a Romanian amphibious armored personnel carrier.

  • When a typist (or typewriter as they were known in the early days) wanted to type a table, there was a lot of time consuming and repetitive use of the space bar and backspace key. To simplify this a bar was placed in the mechanism with a moveable lever for every position across the page. Initially these were set by hand, but later a "tab set" and "tab clear" keys were added. When the tab key was depressed the carriage advanced to the next "tab stop". ... -
  • A tab in graphical user interfaces is a typically rectangular small box (usually containing a text label or graphical icon) associated with a view pane. When activated (e.g. by a mouse click), the view pane displays widgets associated with the tab. A single tab is obviously not useful, but a tab group comprising several tabs allows the user to switch quickly between different widgets (which are displayed in the view pane belonging to the tab group). ... -
  • Tab, also spelled TaB, was the first diet soda produced by the Coca-Cola Company. It was introduced in 1963 as something of an experiment, and has been reformulated several times. It was initially sweetened with saccharin. After the FDA issued a ban proposal on saccharin, aspartame was used. When the saccharin ban was lifted in 1991, the current formula (going heavy on the saccharin) was brought back reincarnated in the early 1990s. ... -
  • A tab used in archery is a small leather or synthetic patch that protects an archer's fingers from the bowstring. It is usually strapped to an archer's hand. In summertime, tabs are far more comfortable than gloves. They can also use thicker material, because they can be less flexible than a glove. They also are less expensive and easier to fit, and are the normal finger-protection rented with bows. -

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Kết luận 1 sửa

Theo thảo luận tại thì "đám đông" hiện nay dùng "thẻ". 07:51, ngày 11 tháng 4 năm 2006 (UTC)Trả lời

Quay lại trang “tab”.