Thành viên:Laurent Bouvier/Free Vietnamese Dictionary Project Vietnamese-English/Not imported
This is the list of articles that have not been migrated:
sửa- (8) (logic học)
sửa- (9) 2-way device
- (10) 2D (two dimension)
- (11) 2D configuration
- (12) 2D image
- (13) 2D module = two-dimensional module
sửa- (19) 7-bit ASCII code
- (20) 7-bit ASCII code set
sửa- (21) 8-bit character
- (22) 8-bit character code
- (23) 8-bit character set
- (24) 8-bit character string
- (25) 8-bit microcomputer
- (26) 8-bit microprocessor
- (27) 8-bit personal computer
sửa- (28) A except B gate
- (29) A ignore B gate
- (30) A implies B gate
- (31) A shares
- (32) A-D = A
- (33) A-D conversion
- (34) A-D converter circuit
- (35) A4-size
- (36) AC-cut quartz
- (37) ACK (acknowledgement)
- (38) AD converter
- (39) AFL-CIO
- (40) AI (Artificial Intelligence)
- (41) ALGOL (algebraic oriented language)
- (42) ALGOL (algorithmic language)
- (43) ALGOL (algorithmic oriented language)
- (44) AM
- (45) AM (amplitude-modulated) capability
- (46) AM (amplitude-modulated) noise
- (47) AM (amplitude-modulated) photodetector
- (48) AM (amplitude-modulated) receiver
- (49) AM wave = amplitude-modulated wave
- (50) AND
- (51) AND circuit
- (52) AND component
- (53) AND core
- (54) AND element = AND gate
- (55) AND gate
- (56) AND operation
- (57) AND operator
- (58) AND to AND
- (59) AND to AND circuit
- (60) AND to OR
- (61) AND to OR circuit
- (62) APPEND
- (63) ARCH
- (64) ARCH effect
- (65) ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
- (66) ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) code
- (67) ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) text
- (68) Abatement cost
- (69) Ability and earnings
- (70) Ability to pay
- (71) Ability to pay theory
- (72) Abnormal profits
- (73) Abscissa
- (74) Absentee landlord
- (75) Absenteeism
- (76) Absolute advantage
- (77) Absolute cost advantage
- (78) Absolute income hypothesis
- (79) Absolute monopoly
- (80) Absolute prices
- (81) Absolute scarcity
- (82) Absolute value
- (83) Absorption approach
- (84) Abstinence
- (85) Accelerated depreciation
- (86) Accelerating inflation
- (87) Accelerator
- (88) Accelerator coefficient
- (89) Accelerator effect
- (90) Accelerator principle
- (91) Acceptance
- (92) Accepting house
- (93) Accesion rate
- (94) Accesions tax
- (95) Access
- (96) Accommodating monetary policy
- (97) Accommodation transactions
- (98) Account
- (99) Accounting price
- (100) Accrued expenses
- (101) Accumulated depreciation
- (102) Achieving Society, the.
- (103) Across-the-board tariff changes
- (104) Action lag
- (105) Active balance
- (106) Activity analysis
- (107) Activity rate
- (108) Adaptive expectation
- (109) Adding up problem
- (110) Addition rule
- (111) Additional worker hypothesis
- (112) Additive utility function
- (113) Address principle
- (114) Adjustable peg regime
- (115) Adjustable peg system
- (116) Adjustment cost
- (117) Adjustment lag
- (118) Adjustment process
- (119) Administered prices
- (120) Administrative lag
- (121) Advalorem tax
- (122) Advance
- (123) Advance Corporation Tax (ACT)
- (124) Advance refunding
- (125) Advanced Research Project Agency Network (ARPANET)
- (126) Advanced countries
- (127) Adverse balance
- (128) Adverse selection
- (129) Adverse supply shock
- (130) Advertising
- (131) Advertising - sale ratio
- (132) Age-earning profile
- (133) Agency for International Development
- (134) Agency shop
- (135) Agglomeration economies
- (136) Aggregate concentration
- (137) Aggregate demand
- (138) Aggregate demand curve
- (139) Aggregate demand shedule
- (140) Aggregate expenditure
- (141) Aggregate income
- (142) Aggregate output
- (143) Aggregate production function
- (144) Aggregate supply curve
- (145) Aggregation problem
- (146) Agrarian revolution
- (147) Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
- (148) Agricultural Wage Boards
- (149) Agricultural earnings
- (150) Agricultural exports
- (151) Agricultural lag
- (152) Agricultural livies
- (153) Agricultural reform
- (154) Agricultural sector
- (155) Agricultural subsidies
- (156) Aid
- (157) Aitken estimator
- (158) Alienation
- (159) Allais Maurice (1911)
- (160) Allen , Sir roy George Douglas(1906-1983)
- (161) Allocate
- (162) Allocation funtion
- (163) Allocative efficiency
- (164) Allowance
- (165) Allowances and expences for corporation tax
- (166) Allowances and expencess for income tax
- (167) Almon lag
- (168) Alpha coeficient
- (169) Alt (alternate) key
- (170) Alternative technology
- (171) Altruism
- (172) Amalgamation
- (173) America Depository Receipt
- (174) America Federation of Labuor
- (175) America selling price
- (176) American Stock Exchange
- (177) Amortization
- (178) Amplitude
- (179) Amtorg
- (180) Analysis (stats)
- (181) Analysis of variance
- (182) Anarchy
- (183) Anchor argument
- (184) Animal spirits
- (185) Annecy Round
- (186) Annual allowances
- (187) Annual capital charge
- (188) Annuity
- (189) Annuity market
- (190) Anomaliess pay
- (191) Anti-export bias
- (192) Anti-trust
- (193) Anticipated inflation
- (194) Appraisal
- (195) Appreciation
- (196) Appreciation (currency)
- (197) Appreciation and depreciation
- (198) Apprenticeship
- (199) Appropriate products
- (200) Appropriate technology
- (201) Appropriation account
- (202) Approval voting
- (203) Apriori
- (204) Aquinas St Thomas
- (205) Arbitrage
- (206) Arbitration
- (207) Arc elasticity of demand
- (208) Archimedes
- (209) Aristotle
- (210) Arithmetic mean
- (211) Arithmetic progression
- (212) Arrow.KennethJ
- (213) Asiab Development Bank
- (214) Assessable Income or profit
- (215) Assessable profit
- (216) Asset
- (217) Asset stocks and services flows
- (218) Asset stripping
- (219) Assets motives
- (220) Assignment problem
- (221) Assisted areas
- (222) Association of International Bond Dealers
- (223) Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
- (224) Assurance
- (225) Asymmetric infornation
- (226) Asymptote
- (227) Asymptotic distribution
- (228) Atomistic competition
- (229) Attribute
- (230) Auction markets
- (231) Auctioneer
- (232) Auctions
- (233) Augmented Dickey Fuller test
- (234) Augmented Phillips curve
- (235) Austrian school
- (236) Autarky
- (237) Autarky economy
- (238) Autocorrelation
- (239) Automatic fiscal policy
- (240) Automatic stabilizers
- (241) Automation
- (242) Autonomous consumption
- (243) Autonomous expenditure
- (244) Autonomous investment
- (245) Autonomous investment demand
- (246) Autonomous transactions
- (247) Autonomous variables
- (248) Autoregression
- (249) Availability effects
- (250) Average
- (251) Average cost
- (252) Average cost pricing
- (253) Average expected income
- (254) Average fixed costs
- (255) Average product
- (256) Average productivity
- (257) Average propensity to consume
- (258) Average propensity to save
- (259) Average rate of tax
- (260) Average revenue
- (261) Average revenue product
- (262) Average total cost
- (263) Average variable cost
- (264) Averch-Johnson Effect
- (265) Avogadrós number
- (266) Axiom of
- (267) Axiom of completeness
- (268) Axiom of continuity
- (269) Axiom of convexity
- (270) Axiom of dominance
- (271) Axiom of prefence
sửa- (272) BACKSPACE statement
- (273) BCD (binary-coded decimal)
- (274) BEL
- (275) BIMOS (bipolar metal oxide semiconductor)
- (276) BIMOS integrated circuit
- (277) BIS
- (278) BLUS residuals
- (279) BS == backspace
- (280) Back-haul rates
- (281) Backdoor fancing
- (282) Backstop technology
- (283) Backward bending supply curve of labour
- (284) Backward intergration
- (285) Backward linkage
- (286) Backwash effects
- (287) Bad
- (288) Bad money drive out good
- (289) Bagehot, Walter
- (290) Balance of payment
- (291) Balance of trade
- (292) Balance principle
- (293) Balance sheet
- (294) Balanced (GDP)
- (295) Balanced GDP
- (296) Balanced budget
- (297) Balanced economic development
- (298) Balanced equilibrium (GDP)
- (299) Balanced growth
- (300) Balanced-budget multiplier
- (301) Bancor
- (302) Bandwagon effect
- (303) Bank
- (304) Bank Charter Act
- (305) Bank advance
- (306) Bank bill
- (307) Bank credit
- (308) Bank deposite
- (309) Bank for international Settlements
- (310) Bank loan
- (311) Bank note
- (312) Bank of England
- (313) Bank of United State
- (314) Bank rate
- (315) Banking panic
- (316) Banking school
- (317) Bankruptcy
- (318) Banks' cash-deposit ratio
- (319) Bargaining tariff
- (320) Bargaining theory of wages
- (321) Bargaining unit
- (322) Barlow Report
- (323) Barometric price leadership
- (324) Barriers to entry
- (325) Barter
- (326) Barter agreements
- (327) Barter economy
- (328) Base period
- (329) Base rate
- (330) Base year
- (331) Basic Outcome
- (332) Basic activities
- (333) Basic exports
- (334) Basic industries
- (335) Basic need philosophy
- (336) Basic wage rates
- (337) Basing-point system
- (338) Bayesian techniques
- (339) Bearer bonds
- (340) Bears
- (341) Beggar-my neighbour policies
- (342) Behavioural equation
- (343) Behavioural expectations
- (344) Behavioural theories of the firm
- (345) Benefit principle
- (346) Benefit-cost analysis
- (347) Benefit-cost ratio
- (348) Benelux Economic Union
- (349) Bentham,Jeremy
- (350) Bergsonnian Social Walfare Funtion
- (351) Bernoulli Hypothesis
- (352) Bertrand's duopoly Model
- (353) Best Linear Unbiased Estimator
- (354) Beta
- (355) Beveridge Report
- (356) Bias
- (357) Bid
- (358) Bid-rent function
- (359) Bifurcation Hypothesis
- (360) Big bang
- (361) Big push
- (362) Bilateral assistance
- (363) Bilateral monopoly
- (364) Bilateral trade
- (365) Bill
- (366) Bill broker
- (367) Bill of exchange
- (368) Bills only
- (369) Binary variable
- (370) Biological interest rate
- (371) Birth rate
- (372) Bivariate analysis
- (373) Black market
- (374) Black market premium
- (375) Black market premium rate
- (376) Bliss point
- (377) Block grant
- (378) Blue Book
- (379) Blue chip
- (380) Blue-chip stock
- (381) Blue-collar workers
- (382) Bohm-Bawerk, Eugen Von (1851-1914)
- (383) Bond
- (384) Bond market
- (385) Bonus issue
- (386) Book value
- (387) Boolean
- (388) Boolean algebra
- (389) Boom
- (390) Borda Count
- (391) Border price
- (392) Boulwarism
- (393) Bounded rationality
- (394) Bourgeoisie
- (395) Box-Jenkins
- (396) Brain drain
- (397) Branch banking
- (398) Brand loyalty
- (399) Break-even analysis
- (400) Break-even level of income
- (401) Bretton Woods
- (402) Bretton Woods system
- (403) Brokerage
- (404) Brooker
- (405) Brookings model
- (406) Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
- (407) Brussels conference
- (408) Brussels, Treaty of
- (409) Buchanan, James M.
- (410) Budget
- (411) Budget deficit
- (412) Budget line
- (413) Budget shares
- (414) Budget surplus
- (415) Budgetary control
- (416) Buffer stocks
- (417) Building society
- (418) Built-in stabililizers
- (419) Bullion
- (420) Bulls
- (421) Bunsen photometer
- (422) Bureaucracy, economic theory of
- (423) Bureaux
- (424) Business cycle
- (425) Business performance
- (426) Business risk
- (427) Buyer concertration
- (428) Buyers' market
sửa- (429) C.mácist economics
- (430) CAD (computer aided design)
- (431) CAD (computer aided drawing)
- (432) CADD (computer aided design and drafting)
- (433) CAM (computer aided manufacturing)
- (434) CAN (Cancel)
- (435) CAP
- (436) CASE (computer aided software engineering)
- (437) CBI
- (438) CD (compact disk
- (439) CD-ROM
- (440) CD-ROM drive
- (441) CD-ROM player
- (442) CE (computer enhancement)
- (443) CES production function
- (444) CGA (color graphics adapter)
- (445) CIF
- (446) CIO
- (447) CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer)
- (448) CMOS (complementary metal-oxid-semiconductor)
- (449) COLA
- (451) CPRS
- (452) CPU (central processing unit)
- (453) CPU time
- (454) CR (Carriage Return)
- (455) CRT (cathode ray tube)
- (456) CRT display
- (457) CS (Computer Science)
- (458) CS (Computer Simulation)
- (459) CSDN (Circuit-Switched Data Network)
- (460) CSO
- (461) Caculus
- (462) Call money
- (463) Call option
- (464) Cambridge Equation
- (465) Cambridge school of Economics
- (466) Cambridge theory of Money
- (467) Capacity model
- (468) Capacity untilization
- (469) Capital
- (470) Capital - intensive
- (471) Capital - intensive economy
- (472) Capital Consumption Allowance
- (473) Capital Controversy
- (474) Capital Stock Adjustment Principle
- (475) Capital account
- (476) Capital accumulation
- (477) Capital allowances
- (478) Capital asset
- (479) Capital asset pricing model
- (480) Capital budgeting
- (481) Capital charges
- (482) Capital coefficients
- (483) Capital deepening
- (484) Capital equipment
- (485) Capital expenditure
- (486) Capital gain
- (487) Capital gains tax
- (488) Capital gearing
- (489) Capital goods
- (490) Capital information (capital formation?)
- (491) Capital intensity
- (492) Capital loss
- (493) Capital market
- (494) Capital movements
- (495) Capital rationing
- (496) Capital requirements
- (497) Capital services
- (498) Capital stock
- (499) Capital structure
- (500) Capital theoretic approach
- (501) Capital theory
- (502) Capital transfer tax
- (503) Capital turnover criterion
- (504) Capital widening
- (505) Capital, marginal efficiency of
- (506) Capital- reversing
- (507) Capital-intensive sector
- (508) Capital-intensive techniques
- (509) Capital-labour ratio
- (510) Capital-output ratio
- (511) Capitalism
- (512) Capitalization
- (513) Capitalization issue
- (514) Capitalization rates
- (515) Capitalized value
- (516) Capitation tax
- (517) Captital tax
- (518) Captive buyer
- (519) Capture theory
- (520) Carbon tax
- (521) Cardinal utility
- (522) Cardinalism
- (523) Cartel
- (524) Cartel sanctions
- (525) Cash
- (526) Cash balance approach
- (527) Cash crops
- (528) Cash drainage
- (529) Cash flow
- (530) Cash flow statement
- (531) Cash limit
- (532) Cash ratio
- (533) Casual employment
- (534) Categorical
- (535) Causality
- (536) Causation
- (537) Cauxi)
- (538) Ceiling
- (539) Ceilings and floors
- (540) Celler - Kefauver Act
- (541) Central Bank
- (542) Central Bank of Central Banks
- (543) Central Limit Theorem.
- (544) Central Place Theory
- (545) Central Statical office
- (546) Central business district
- (547) Central planing
- (548) Central policy Review Staff
- (549) Central tendency
- (550) Certainty equivalence
- (551) Certificate of deposit
- (552) Ceteris paribus
- (553) Chain rule
- (554) Chamberlin, Edward
- (555) Characteristics theory
- (556) Charge account
- (557) Cheap money
- (558) Check off
- (559) Cheque
- (560) Cheque card
- (561) Chi-square distribution
- (562) Chicago School
- (563) Child allowance
- (564) Choice of production technique
- (565) Choice of technology
- (566) Choice variable
- (567) Circular flow of income
- (568) Circular flow of payments
- (569) Circulating capital
- (570) Clark, John Bates
- (571) Classical and Keynesian unemployment
- (572) Classical dichotomy
- (573) Classical economics
- (574) Classical model
- (575) Classical school
- (576) Classical system of company taxation
- (577) Classical techniques
- (578) Clay-clay
- (579) Clayton Act
- (580) Clean float
- (581) Clearing banks
- (582) Clearing house
- (583) Cliometrics
- (584) Closed economy
- (585) Closed shop
- (586) Closing prices
- (587) Club good
- (588) Clubs, theory of
- (589) Co-determination
- (590) Co-ordinated wage policy
- (591) Coase's theorem
- (592) Coase, Ronald H.
- (593) Cobb-Douglas production function
- (594) Cobweb theorem
- (595) Cochrane-Orcutt
- (596) Coefficient of determination
- (597) Coefficient of variation
- (598) Coercive comparisons
- (599) Cofactor
- (600) Coinage
- (601) Coincident indicator
- (602) Cointegration
- (603) Collateral security
- (604) Collective bargaining
- (605) Collective choise
- (606) Collective exhaustive
- (607) Collective goods
- (608) Collinearity
- (609) Collusion
- (610) Collusive oligopoly
- (611) Collusive price leadership
- (612) Combination
- (613) Comecon
- (614) Command economy
- (615) Commercial banks
- (616) Commercial bill
- (617) Commercial paper
- (618) Commercial policy
- (619) Commissions
- (620) Commodity
- (621) Commodity Credit Corporation
- (622) Commodity bundling
- (623) Commodity money
- (624) Commodity space
- (625) Commodity terms of trade
- (626) Common Agricultural Policy
- (627) Common Customs Tariff
- (628) Common external tariff
- (629) Common facility co-operative
- (630) Common market
- (631) Common stock
- (632) Communism
- (633) Community Charge
- (634) Community indifference curve
- (635) Company
- (636) Company bargaining
- (637) Company director
- (638) Company saving
- (639) Comparability argument
- (640) Comparable worth
- (641) Comparative advantage
- (642) Comparative costs
- (643) Comparative dynamics
- (644) Comparative statics
- (645) Compensated demand curves
- (646) Compensating differentials
- (647) Compensating variation
- (648) Compensation principle
- (649) Compensation rules
- (650) Compensation tests
- (651) Competition Act Đạo luật cạnh tranh 1980.
- (652) Competition and Credit Control
- (653) Competition policy
- (654) Competitive markets
- (655) Complementary inputs
- (656) Complements
- (657) Complex number
- (658) Composite commodity theorem
- (659) Compound interest
- (660) Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) International
- (661) Computerized Translation System
- (662) Concave function (concavity)
- (663) Concentration
- (664) Concentration ratio
- (665) Concentration, coefficient of.
- (666) Concerted action
- (667) Concertina method of tariff reduction
- (668) Concesionary prices
- (669) Conciliation
- (670) Conditional Probability
- (671) Conditional probality
- (672) Condorcet Criterion
- (673) Confederation of British Industrial
- (674) Confidence interval
- (675) Confidence problem
- (676) Congestion costs
- (677) Conglomerate
- (678) Conjectural behavior
- (679) Consistency
- (680) Consistent
- (681) Consolidated balance sheets
- (682) Consolidated fund
- (683) Consols
- (684) Consortium bank
- (685) Conspicuous consumption
- (686) Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) Production Function
- (687) Constant capital
- (688) Constant market share demand curve
- (689) Constant prices
- (690) Constant returns to scale
- (691) Constestable market
- (692) Constrain informal
- (693) Constrained optimization
- (694) Constraint
- (695) Constraint (informal
- (696) Consumer
- (697) Consumer borrowing
- (698) Consumer choice
- (699) Consumer credit
- (700) Consumer demand theory
- (701) Consumer durable
- (702) Consumer equilibrium
- (703) Consumer expenditure
- (704) Consumer goods and services
- (705) Consumer price index
- (706) Consumer sovereignty
- (707) Consumer surplus
- (708) Consumer's surplus
- (709) Consumption
- (710) Consumption bundle
- (711) Consumption expenditure
- (712) Consumption externalities
- (713) Consumption function
- (714) Consumption tax
- (715) Contestable market
- (716) Contingency reserve
- (717) Contingency table
- (718) Contingent valuation
- (719) Continuous distribution
- (720) Continuous variable
- (721) Contract curve
- (722) Contractionary fiscal policy
- (723) Contractionary phase
- (724) Convergence thesis
- (725) Convergent cycle
- (726) Conversion
- (727) Conversion factor
- (728) Convertibility
- (729) Convertible bond
- (730) Convertible loan stock
- (731) Convertible security
- (732) Convex function (convexity)
- (733) Cooling off period
- (734) Copernican
- (735) Core, the
- (736) Corn Laws
- (737) Corner solution
- (738) Cornor solution
- (739) Corporate capitalism
- (740) Corporate conscience
- (741) Corporate risk
- (742) Corporate state
- (743) Corporation
- (744) Corporation tax
- (745) Correlation
- (746) Correlation of returns
- (747) Correlogram
- (748) Correspondent banks
- (749) Corset
- (750) Cost
- (751) Cost - benefit analysis
- (752) Cost - effectiveness analysis
- (753) Cost - plus pricing
- (754) Cost - push inflation
- (755) Cost - utility analysis
- (756) Cost insurance freight
- (757) Cost minimization
- (758) Cost of capital
- (759) Cost of living
- (760) Cost of protection
- (761) Cost overrun
- (762) Council for Mutual economic Assitance (Comecon)
- (763) Council of Economic Advisors (ECA).
- (764) Counter - vailing duty
- (765) Countercyclical
- (766) Countertrade
- (767) Countervailing power
- (768) Coupon
- (769) Coupon payments
- (770) Cournot's duopoly model
- (771) Cournot, Antoine A. (1801-1877)
- (772) Covariance
- (773) Covariance stationary
- (774) Covered interest parity
- (775) Craff unions
- (776) Cramer's Rule
- (777) Crawling peg
- (778) Credible threat
- (779) Credit
- (780) Credit account
- (781) Credit card
- (782) Credit celing
- (783) Credit control
- (784) Credit creation
- (785) Credit guarantee
- (786) Credit multiplier
- (787) Credit rationing
- (788) Credit restrictions
- (789) Credit squeeze
- (790) Credit transfer
- (791) Creditor nation
- (792) Creditors
- (793) Creeping inflation
- (794) Criminalization
- (795) Critical value
- (796) Cross elasticity of demand
- (797) Cross partial derivative
- (798) Cross price elasticity of demand
- (799) Cross-entry
- (800) Cross-section consumption function
- (801) Cross-section data
- (802) Cross-sectional analysis
- (803) Cross-subsidization
- (804) Crowding hypothesis
- (805) Crowding out
- (806) Crowding-out effect
- (807) Cubic
- (808) Cultural change
- (809) Culture of poverty hypothesis
- (810) Cumulative Probability
- (811) Cumulative causation model
- (812) Cumulative preference shares
- (813) Cumulative probality
- (814) Cumulative shares
- (815) Curency school
- (816) Curie constant
- (817) Curie cut
- (818) Curie point
- (819) Currency
- (820) Currency appreciation
- (821) Currency control
- (822) Currency depreciation
- (823) Currency notes
- (824) Currency principle
- (825) Currency retention quota
- (826) Currency substitution
- (827) Current account
- (828) Current and capital account
- (829) Current assets
- (830) Current cost accounting
- (831) Current income
- (832) Current liabilities
- (833) Current prices
- (834) Current profits
- (835) Custom Co-operative Council
- (836) Custom and practice
- (837) Custom markets
- (838) Custom union
- (839) Custom, excise and protective duties
- (840) Cyclical unemployment
- (841) Cycling
sửa- (842) D bus
- (843) D indicator
- (844) D layer
- (845) D scan
- (846) D type flip-flop
- (847) D'Arsonval current
- (848) D'Arsonval galvanometer
- (849) D-MOS transistor (Diffusion-Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
- (850) D-region
- (851) D-type constant
- (852) DA converter (digital-analog converter)
- (853) DAC (Data Acquisition and Control)
- (854) DAD (digital audio disc)
- (855) DAM (Direct Access Memory)
- (856) DASD (direct access storage device) [dahzz-dee = Disk Drive]
- (857) DB-25 connector
- (858) DC (Data Channel)
- (859) DC (Digital Computer)
- (860) DC (Direct Current)
- (861) DC component
- (862) DC1-4 (Device Control 1-4)
- (863) DCE (Data Circuit-terminating Equipment)
- (864) DCE (Data Communication Equipment)
- (865) DCE (Distributed Computing Environment)
- (866) DCF
- (867) DCM (Disk Cache Memory)
- (868) DCTL (direct-coupled transistor logic) gate
- (869) DD (double density) disk
- (870) DDDS (double density double sided) disk
- (871) DEL (delete
- (872) DIP socket
- (873) DIP switch
- (874) DLE (Data Link Escape) character
- (875) DLE (data link escape)
- (876) DMA bus
- (877) DMA interface
- (878) DMA multiplexer
- (879) DOS (Disk Operating System)
- (880) DRAM (Dynamic RAM)
- (881) DRO (destructive readout) memory
- (882) DVI (Digital Video-Interactive)
- (883) Damage cost
- (884) Damped cycle
- (885) Daniell cell battery
- (886) Darlington amplifier
- (887) Darlington configuration
- (888) Darlington connection
- (889) Darlington emitter follower
- (890) Darlington pair
- (891) Darlington stage
- (892) Darlington(-connected) transistors
- (893) Data
- (894) Dated securities
- (895) De-Broglie wave
- (896) Dead weight loss
- (897) Dead weight tax burden
- (898) Deadweight - loss
- (899) Deadweight debt
- (900) Dear money
- (901) Debased coinage
- (902) Debentures
- (903) Debreu Gerard
- (904) Debt
- (905) Debt conversion
- (906) Debt finance
- (907) Debt for equity swaps
- (908) Debt management
- (909) Debt ratio
- (910) Debt rescheduling
- (911) Debtor nation
- (912) Decile
- (913) Decimal coinage
- (914) Decision function
- (915) Decision lag
- (916) Decision rule
- (917) Decision theory
- (918) Decreasing cost industry
- (919) Decreasing returns
- (920) Decreasing returns to scale
- (921) Deferred ordinary shares
- (922) Deficit
- (923) Deficit financing
- (924) Deficit units
- (925) Deflation
- (926) Deflationnary gap
- (927) Deflator
- (928) Degree of freedom
- (929) Degree of homogeneity
- (930) Deindustrialization
- (931) Delors Report
- (932) Demand
- (933) Demand - deficient unemployment
- (934) Demand - pull inflation
- (935) Demand curve
- (936) Demand deposits
- (937) Demand for exchange
- (938) Demand for inflation
- (939) Demand for money
- (940) Demand function
- (941) Demand management
- (942) Demand schedule
- (943) Demand shift inflation
- (944) Demography
- (945) Demonetization
- (946) Density gradient
- (947) Dependence structure
- (948) Dependency burden
- (949) Dependent variable
- (950) Depletable and renewable resources
- (951) Depletion allowance
- (952) Deposit
- (953) Deposit account
- (954) Deposit money
- (955) Depository Institution Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 (DIDMCA)
- (956) Depreciation
- (957) Depreciation rate
- (958) Depressed area
- (959) Depression
- (960) Deregulation
- (961) Derivative
- (962) Derived demand
- (963) Deseasonalization
- (964) Desired capital stock
- (965) Determinant
- (966) Deterministic distribution
- (967) Detrending
- (968) Devaluation
- (969) Devaluation and revaluation
- (970) Developing countries
- (971) Development area
- (972) Development planning
- (973) Development strategy
- (974) Deviation
- (975) Dickey fuller test
- (976) Difference equation
- (977) Difference principle
- (978) Difference stationary process (DSP)
- (979) Differencing
- (980) Differentials
- (981) Differentiated goods
- (982) Differentiated growth
- (983) Differentiation
- (984) Diffusion
- (985) Digital Compact Cassette (DCC)
- (986) Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)
- (987) Dillon Round
- (988) Diminishing marginal rate of substitution
- (989) Diminishing marginal utility
- (990) Diminishing marginal utility of wealth
- (991) Diminishing returns
- (992) Direct costs
- (993) Direct debit
- (994) Direct taxes
- (995) Director's Law
- (996) Directors
- (997) Dirigiste
- (998) Dirty float
- (999) Disadvantaged workers
- (1000) Discharges
- (1001) Discount house
- (1002) Discount market
- (1003) Discount rate
- (1004) Discounted cash flow (DCF)
- (1005) Discounted cash flow yield
- (1006) Discounting
- (1007) Discouraged Worker Hypothesis
- (1008) Discouraged worker
- (1009) Discrete distribution
- (1010) Discrete variable
- (1011) Discretionary fiscal policy
- (1012) Discretionary profits
- (1013) Discretionary stabilization
- (1014) Discriminating monopoly
- (1015) Discrimination
- (1016) Discriminatory pricing
- (1017) Diseconomies of growth
- (1018) Diseconomies of scale
- (1019) Disembodied technical progress
- (1020) Disequilibrium
- (1021) Disguised unemployment
- (1022) Disincentive
- (1023) Disinflation
- (1024) Disintermediation
- (1025) Disinvestment
- (1026) Dispersion
- (1027) Displacement effect
- (1028) Disposable income
- (1029) Dissaving
- (1030) Distance cost
- (1031) Distortions
- (1032) Distortions and market failure
- (1033) Distortions and market failures
- (1034) Distributed lags
- (1035) Distributed profits
- (1036) Distribution
- (1037) Distribution (stats)
- (1038) Distribution function
- (1039) Distribution, theories of
- (1040) Distributional equity
- (1041) Distributional wage
- (1042) Distributive judgement
- (1043) Distributive justice
- (1044) Disturbance term
- (1045) Disutility
- (1046) Divergence
- (1047) Divergent cycle
- (1048) Diversification
- (1049) Diversifier
- (1050) Dividend
- (1051) Dividend cover
- (1052) Dividend payout ratio
- (1053) Dividend yield
- (1054) Division of labour
- (1055) Dollar certificate of deposite
- (1056) Dollar standard
- (1057) Domar, Evsey D.
- (1058) Domestic - oriented growth
- (1059) Domestic absorption
- (1060) Domestic credit expansion
- (1061) Domestic resources cost
- (1062) Dominant firm price leadership
- (1063) Doolittle method
- (1064) Doppler effect
- (1065) Doppler modulation
- (1066) Doppler radar system
- (1067) Doppler velocity
- (1068) Double counting
- (1069) Double factorial terms of trade
- (1070) Double switching
- (1071) Double taxation and double taxation relief.
- (1072) Double-coincidence of wants
- (1073) Dow Jones index
- (1074) Dual decision hypothesis
- (1075) Dual labour market hypothesis
- (1076) Dualism, theory of
- (1077) Duality
- (1078) Dummy Variable
- (1079) Dummy variable
- (1080) Dumping
- (1081) Duopoly
- (1082) Duopsony
- (1083) Duration of unemployment
- (1084) Durbin h - statistic
- (1085) Durbin- Watson
- (1086) Dushmann's equation
- (1087) Dynamic economics
- (1088) Dynamic externalities
- (1089) Dynamic model
- (1090) Dynamic peg
- (1091) Dynamic programming
- (1092) Dynamic theories of comparative advantage.
sửa- (1093) E
- (1094) E core
- (1095) E graph
- (1096) E layer
- (1097) E notation
- (1098) E scan
- (1099) E vector
- (1100) E wave
- (1101) E&E (energy and electronic)
- (1102) E-H wave
- (1103) E-cell
- (1104) E-plane bend
- (1105) E-region
- (1106) E-type constant
- (1107) EAROM (electrically alterable read-only memory)
- (1108) EBCDIC (Extended Binary Code Decimal Interchange Code)
- (1109) EC Agricultural Livies
- (1110) ECGD
- (1111) ECL (emitter-coupled logic)
- (1112) ECSC
- (1113) ECU
- (1114) EDP
- (1115) EEC
- (1116) EEROM (electrically erasable ROM)
- (1117) EFTA
- (1118) EGA (enhanced graphic adapter)
- (1119) EGA (enhanced graphic adapter) mode
- (1120) EGA card
- (1121) EIA RS-232 interface
- (1122) EIA interface
- (1123) EIB
- (1124) EISA (Extended Industry Standard Architecture)
- (1125) EM (end of medium)
- (1126) EMA
- (1127) EMCW radar
- (1128) EMS
- (1129) ENQ (Enquiry = Inquiry)
- (1130) EOT (End of Transmission)
- (1131) EPROM (erasable programmable read-only memory)
- (1132) EPU
- (1133) ERM
- (1134) ES (Expert System)
- (1135) ESC (escape character)
- (1136) ESC key
- (1137) ESD (electro-static spark) prevention
- (1138) ETB (End of Transmission Block)
- (1139) ETX (End of Text)
- (1140) EUA
- (1141) EXCLUSIVE OR (XOR) circuit
- (1142) EXNOR gate = EXCLUSIVE NOR
- (1143) EXOR gate = EXCLUSIVE OR
- (1144) Earmaking
- (1145) Earning
- (1146) Earnings driff
- (1147) Earnings function
- (1148) Easy
- (1149) Easy money
- (1150) Eccles-Jordan circuit
- (1151) Eclectic Keynesian
- (1152) Econometric model
- (1153) Econometrics
- (1154) Economic Co-operation Administration
- (1155) Economic base
- (1156) Economic base multiplier
- (1157) Economic community
- (1158) Economic cost
- (1159) Economic development
- (1160) Economic development Committee
- (1161) Economic development Institute
- (1162) Economic dynamics
- (1163) Economic efficiency
- (1164) Economic good
- (1165) Economic growth
- (1166) Economic imperialism
- (1167) Economic liberialism
- (1168) Economic man
- (1169) Economic planning
- (1170) Economic policy
- (1171) Economic price
- (1172) Economic profit
- (1173) Economic rate of return
- (1174) Economic rent
- (1175) Economic surplus
- (1176) Economic theory of polities
- (1177) Economic union
- (1178) Economic welfare
- (1179) Economics
- (1180) Economies of learning
- (1181) Economies of scale
- (1182) Economy of high wages
- (1183) Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro
- (1184) Edison accumulator
- (1185) Edison cell
- (1186) Edison effect
- (1187) Effective
- (1188) Effective demand
- (1189) Effective exchange rate
- (1190) Effective protection
- (1191) Effective rate of protection
- (1192) Effective rate of return
- (1193) Effective rate of tax
- (1194) Efficiency
- (1195) Efficiency coefficient of investment
- (1196) Efficiency earnings
- (1197) Efficiency units
- (1198) Efficiency wage theory
- (1199) Efficiency wages
- (1200) Efficient asset market
- (1201) Efficient market hypothesis
- (1202) Efficient resource allocation
- (1203) Effort aversion
- (1204) Einstein photoelectric equation
- (1205) Einthoven galvanometer
- (1206) Elastic and unit elastic demand
- (1207) Elasticity
- (1208) Elasticity of demand
- (1209) Elasticity of input substitution
- (1210) Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC)
- (1211) Electronics Industry Association (EIA)
- (1212) Eligible asset ratio
- (1213) Eligible paper
- (1214) Elitist good
- (1215) Embodied technical progress
- (1216) Emoluments
- (1217) Employee Stock Ownership plan (ESOP)
- (1218) Employment Service
- (1219) Employment subsidies
- (1220) Encompassing test
- (1221) Endogeneous consumption
- (1222) Endogenous income hypothesis
- (1223) Endogenous money supply
- (1224) Endogenous variable
- (1225) Endowment effect
- (1226) Energy intensity
- (1227) Enfranchisement of the nomenklatura
- (1228) Engagements
- (1229) Engel curve
- (1230) Engel's Law
- (1231) Engineering method
- (1232) English mode
- (1233) Entitlement principle
- (1234) Entrepreneur
- (1235) Entrepreneurial supply price
- (1236) Entrepreneurship
- (1237) Entry and exit
- (1238) Entry barriers
- (1239) Entry forestalling price
- (1240) Entry preventing price
- (1241) Environmental conditions
- (1242) Environmental determinism
- (1243) Environmental impact analysis
- (1244) Equal Employment Opportunity Act of Đạo luật về cơ hội việc làm
- (1245) Equal Employment Opportunity Commision
- (1246) Equal advantage
- (1247) Equal pay
- (1248) Equal sacrifice theories
- (1249) Equalization grants
- (1250) Equalizing differences, the theory of
- (1251) Equation of exchange
- (1252) Equilibrium
- (1253) Equilibrium aggregate output
- (1254) Equilibrium error
- (1255) Equilibrium level of national income
- (1256) Equilibrium price
- (1257) Equilibrium rate of inflation
- (1258) Equilizing wage diffirentials
- (1259) Equities
- (1260) Equity
- (1261) Equity capital
- (1262) Equivalance scale
- (1263) Equivalent commodity scale
- (1264) Equivalent income scale
- (1265) Equivalent variation
- (1266) Error correction models (ECMs)
- (1267) Error learning process
- (1268) Errors variables
- (1269) Es layer
- (1270) Esaki diode
- (1271) Escalators
- (1272) Estate duty
- (1273) Estate economy
- (1274) Estimation
- (1275) Estimator
- (1276) Ethernet
- (1277) Ethernet cable
- (1278) Euclidean geometry,
- (1279) Euler's theorem
- (1280) Eurocurrency market
- (1281) Eurodollars
- (1282) European Agricultural Guidance and Guaranted Fund
- (1283) European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- (1284) European Coal and Steel Community
- (1285) European Commom Market
- (1286) European Community
- (1287) European Community Budget
- (1288) European Currency Unit
- (1289) European Devolopment Fund
- (1290) European Economic Community
- (1291) European Free Trade Association
- (1292) European Fund
- (1293) European Investment Bank
- (1294) European Monetary Agreement
- (1295) European Monetary Co-operation Fund
- (1296) European Monetary Fund
- (1297) European Monetary System (EMS)
- (1298) European Monetary Unit of Account
- (1299) European Payments Union
- (1300) European Recovery Programme.
- (1301) European Regional Development Fund.
- (1302) European Social Fund.
- (1303) European Unit of Account
- (1304) Eurostat
- (1305) Evolving market condition
- (1306) Ex ante
- (1307) Ex post
- (1308) Exact test
- (1309) Excess burden
- (1310) Excess capacity
- (1311) Excess capacity theory
- (1312) Excess demand
- (1313) Excess productive capacity (Idle Excess goods)
- (1314) Excess profit
- (1315) Excess reserves
- (1316) Excess supply
- (1317) Excess wage tax
- (1318) Exchange
- (1319) Exchange Equalization Account
- (1320) Exchange control
- (1321) Exchange rate
- (1322) Exchange rate Mechanism
- (1323) Exchange rate speculation
- (1324) Exchange reserves
- (1325) Exchequer
- (1326) Excise duty
- (1327) Excise taxes
- (1328) Excludable
- (1329) Exclusion
- (1330) Exclusion principle
- (1331) Executive
- (1332) Exempt goods
- (1333) Exhaustive voting
- (1334) Existence, theorem of
- (1335) Exit-voice model
- (1336) Exogeneity
- (1337) Exogeneity of money supply
- (1338) Exogenous
- (1339) Exogenous variable
- (1340) Exogenuos expectations
- (1341) Expansion path
- (1342) Expansionary phase
- (1343) Expasionary fiscal policy
- (1344) Expatriate
- (1345) Expectations
- (1346) Expectations lag
- (1347) Expectations, augmented
- (1348) Expected inflation
- (1349) Expected net returns
- (1350) Expected utility theory
- (1351) Expected value
- (1352) Expenditure approach
- (1353) Expenditure tax
- (1354) Expenditure-switching policies
- (1355) Expenditure-variation controls
- (1356) Expense preference
- (1357) Explanatory variable
- (1358) Explicit function
- (1359) Exploitation
- (1360) Explosive cycle
- (1361) Exponential
- (1362) Export
- (1363) Export Credit Guarantee Department.
- (1364) Export promotion
- (1365) Export-import bank
- (1366) Export-led growth
- (1367) Export-oriented industrialization
- (1368) Extensive margin
- (1369) External balace
- (1370) External balance
- (1371) External deficit
- (1372) External diseconomy
- (1373) External economies & diseconomies of scale
- (1374) External economy
- (1375) External finance
- (1376) External financial limits
- (1377) External growth
- (1378) External labour market
- (1379) External reserve
- (1380) Externalities
- (1381) Extraneous information
- (1382) Extrapolative expectation
- (1383) Extrema
- (1384) Extrema Keynesian
- (1385) Eyring equation
sửa- (1386) F-statistic
- (1387) F-test
- (1388) FAO
- (1389) FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
- (1390) FASB
- (1391) FCI
- (1392) FEFO (first ended-first out) algorithm
- (1393) FET (field-effect transistor)
- (1394) FF (Form Feed)
- (1395) FIFO (first in - first out)
- (1396) FIML
- (1397) FLOPS (floating-point operations per second)
- (1398) FM (frequency modulation)
- (1399) FM (frequency modulation) broadcasting
- (1400) FM (frequency modulation) detector
- (1401) FM (frequency modulation) discriminator
- (1402) FM (frequency modulation) dopler
- (1403) FM (frequency modulation) noise
- (1404) FM (frequency modulation) oscillator
- (1405) FM (frequency modulation) receiver
- (1406) FM (frequency modulation) wave
- (1407) FMP (Function Management Protocol)
- (1408) FOB
- (1409) FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator)
- (1410) FT-SE
- (1411) Fabry Perot axis
- (1412) Fabry Perot cavity
- (1413) Fabry Perot fringe
- (1414) Fabry Perot interferometer
- (1415) Fabry Perot mode
- (1416) Factor augmenting technical progress
- (1417) Factor endowment
- (1418) Factor incomes
- (1419) Factor intensity
- (1420) Factor proportion
- (1421) Factor reverals
- (1422) Factor substitution effect
- (1423) Factor utilization
- (1424) Factor-price equalization
- (1425) Factor-price frontier
- (1426) Factorial
- (1427) Factoring
- (1428) Factors of production
- (1429) Fair comparisons
- (1430) Fair rate of return
- (1431) Fair trade law
- (1432) Fair trading, Office of
- (1433) Fair wages
- (1434) Fallacy of composition
- (1435) False trading
- (1436) Family credit
- (1437) Family expenditure survey
- (1438) Family-unit agriculture
- (1439) Faraday constant
- (1440) Faradaýs law
- (1441) Farnsworth (image dissector) tube
- (1442) Feasibility study
- (1443) Featherbedding
- (1444) Fed., the
- (1445) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
- (1446) Federal Fund Market
- (1447) Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS)
- (1448) Federal Nation Mortgage Association (FNMA)
- (1449) Federal Open Market Committee
- (1450) Federal Reserve Note
- (1451) Federal Reserve System
- (1452) Federal Trade Commission Act
- (1453) Feedback
- (1454) Felici balance
- (1455) Fermi function
- (1456) Fermi level
- (1457) Feudalism
- (1458) Fiat (or token) money
- (1459) Fiat money
- (1460) Fiber Digital Data Interface (FDDI)
- (1461) Fibonacci sequence
- (1462) Fibonacci series
- (1463) Fiduciary issue
- (1464) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- (1465) Filter
- (1466) Filtering
- (1467) Final goods
- (1468) Final offer arbitration
- (1469) Final product
- (1470) Finance
- (1471) Finance Corporation for Industry
- (1472) Finance deepening
- (1473) Finance house
- (1474) Finance houses market
- (1475) Financial Capital
- (1476) Financial Times Actuaries Share Indices
- (1477) Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Index
- (1478) Financial displine
- (1479) Financial instrument
- (1480) Financial intermediary
- (1481) Financial price
- (1482) Financial rate of return
- (1483) Financial ratios
- (1484) Financial risk
- (1485) Financial statement
- (1486) Financial year
- (1487) Fine turning
- (1488) Finite horizon
- (1489) Finite memory
- (1490) Firm
- (1491) Firm, theory of the
- (1492) Firm-specific human capital
- (1493) First difference
- (1494) First order condition
- (1495) Fiscal decentralization
- (1496) Fiscal drag
- (1497) Fiscal federalism
- (1498) Fiscal illusion
- (1499) Fiscal multiplier
- (1500) Fiscal policy
- (1501) Fiscal walfare benefits
- (1502) Fisher equation
- (1503) Fisher open
- (1504) Fisher, Irving
- (1505) Fist-best and second-best efficiency
- (1506) Fixed
- (1507) Fixed asset
- (1508) Fixed coenfficients production function
- (1509) Fixed cost
- (1510) Fixed exchange rate
- (1511) Fixed factors
- (1512) Fixed labour costs
- (1513) Fixed proportions in production
- (1514) Fixed-price mdel
- (1515) Fixprice and flexprice
- (1516) Flat yield
- (1517) Flexible exchange rate
- (1518) Flexitime
- (1519) Flight from cash
- (1520) Float
- (1521) Floating capital
- (1522) Floating charge
- (1523) Floating debt
- (1524) Floating exchange rate
- (1525) Floating pound
- (1526) Floor
- (1527) Flotation
- (1528) Flow
- (1529) Flow of funds analysis
- (1530) Flow variable
- (1531) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
- (1532) Footloose industries
- (1533) Forced riders
- (1534) Forced saving
- (1535) Forecast error
- (1536) Forecasting
- (1537) Foreign aid
- (1538) Foreign balance
- (1539) Foreign exchange
- (1540) Foreign exchange market
- (1541) Foreign exchange reserve
- (1542) Foreign investment
- (1543) Foreign payments
- (1544) Foreign trade mutiplier
- (1545) Forth
- (1546) Forward and contingent market
- (1547) Forward contract
- (1548) Forward exchange market
- (1549) Forward intergration
- (1550) Forward linkage
- (1551) Forward market
- (1552) Forward markets and spots markets
- (1553) Forward rate
- (1554) Fosteer Seeley discriminator
- (1555) Foster Seeley detector
- (1556) Foucault current
- (1557) Foundation grant
- (1558) Fourier analysis
- (1559) Fourier series
- (1560) Fourier theorem
- (1561) Fourier transform
- (1562) Fourier's integral
- (1563) Fractional reserve banking
- (1564) Fractional reserve system
- (1565) Frame Relay
- (1566) Franked investment income
- (1567) Franklin antenna
- (1568) Fraunhofer (diffraction) hologram
- (1569) Fraunhofer diffraction
- (1570) Fraunhofer holography
- (1571) Free exchange rates
- (1572) Free market
- (1573) Free market economy
- (1574) Free on board
- (1575) Free reserves
- (1576) Free rider
- (1577) Free trade
- (1578) Free trade area
- (1579) Free-rider problem
- (1580) Freed good
- (1581) Freedom of entry
- (1582) Frequency distribution
- (1583) Fresnel diffraction
- (1584) Frictional and structural unemployment
- (1585) Frictional unemployment
- (1586) Friedman, Milton (1912-)
- (1587) Fringe benefit
- (1588) Frisch, Ragnar
- (1589) Fuctional costing
- (1590) Full bodied money
- (1591) Full cost
- (1592) Full cost pricing
- (1593) Full information maximum likehood (FIML)
- (1594) Full-employment budget
- (1595) Full-employment budget surplus
- (1596) Full-employment national income
- (1597) Full-employment unemployment rate
- (1598) Function
- (1599) Function income distribution
- (1600) Function of function rule
- (1601) Funded debt
- (1602) Funding
- (1603) Future value
- (1604) Futures contract
- (1605) Futures market
sửa- (1606) G-band
- (1607) G.Xem GROUP OF SEVEN
- (1608) G3 (Group 3 Facsimile standard)
- (1609) G3 (gadolinium gallium garnet)
- (1610) G4 (Group 4 Facsimile standard)
- (1611) GAN (Global Area Network)
- (1612) GATT
- (1613) GB code, Guobiao code
- (1614) GB, gigabyte
- (1615) GDP
- (1616) GDP and nation income
- (1617) GDP at factor cost
- (1618) GDP at market prices
- (1619) GDP deflator
- (1620) GI space
- (1621) GMT(Greenwich Mean Time)
- (1622) GNP
- (1623) GS (Group Separator)
- (1624) GT-cut crystal
- (1625) GaAs (gallium arsenide) diode
- (1626) GaAs (gallium arsenide) laser
- (1627) Gains from trade
- (1628) Galbraith, John Kenneth
- (1629) Galilean
- (1630) Galloping inflation
- (1631) Game theory
- (1632) Gantt chart
- (1633) Gauss pulse
- (1634) Gauss- Markov Theorem
- (1635) Gaussian
- (1636) Gaussian curve
- (1637) Gaussian distribution
- (1638) Gaussian envelope
- (1639) Gaussian function
- (1640) Gaussian noise
- (1641) Gaussian unit
- (1642) Gaussmeter
- (1643) Gearing
- (1644) Gearing ratio
- (1645) Geiger (Muller) counter
- (1646) Geissler tube
- (1647) General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
- (1648) General Agreement to Borrow
- (1649) General Arangement to borrow (GAB)
- (1650) General Classification of Economic Activities in t
- (1651) General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
- (1652) General equilibrium
- (1653) General grant
- (1654) General human capital
- (1655) General linear model (GLM)
- (1656) General price level
- (1657) General union
- (1658) Generalized Information System (GIS)
- (1659) Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
- (1660) Generalized Tamed Frequency Modulation (GTFM)
- (1661) Generalized least square (GLS)
- (1662) Geneva Conference
- (1663) Geneva Round
- (1664) Geographic frontier
- (1665) Geometric lag
- (1666) George, Joseph Stigler
- (1667) Giffen good
- (1668) Gifts tax
- (1669) Gilbrat's law of proportionate growth
- (1670) Gild-edged bonds
- (1671) Gilt- edged securities
- (1672) Gini coefficient
- (1673) Giro system
- (1674) Glejser test
- (1675) Golay code
- (1676) Gold bricking
- (1677) Gold certificate
- (1678) Gold exchange standard
- (1679) Gold export point
- (1680) Gold import point
- (1681) Gold market
- (1682) Gold points
- (1683) Gold reserve
- (1684) Gold standard
- (1685) Goldbugs
- (1686) Golden rule
- (1687) Golden rule of accumulation
- (1688) Goldfeld - Quandt
- (1689) Goodhart's law
- (1690) Goodness of fit
- (1691) Goods
- (1692) Goodwill
- (1693) Gopher
- (1694) Gosplan
- (1695) Government Nation Mortgage Association (GNMA)
- (1696) Government deficit
- (1697) Government expenditure
- (1698) Government regulation
- (1699) Government securities
- (1700) Government spending and net taxes
- (1701) Government spending on goods and services
- (1702) Gradualism
- (1703) Gradualist monetarist
- (1704) Graduate tax
- (1705) Gram-Schmidt Procedure
- (1706) Gramian
- (1707) Grand factor price frontier
- (1708) Grandfather clause
- (1709) Granger causality
- (1710) Grant
- (1711) Grant in aid
- (1712) Graphical Kernel System (GKS)
- (1713) Grassot fluxmeter
- (1714) Gratz connection
- (1715) Gratz rectifier
- (1716) Gravity model
- (1717) Great Leap Forward
- (1718) Green pound
- (1719) Green revolution
- (1720) Greenwich mean time (GMT)
- (1721) Gresham's Law
- (1722) Gross barter terms of trade
- (1723) Gross domestic fixed capital formation
- (1724) Gross domestic product (GDP)
- (1725) Gross domestic product deflator
- (1726) Gross investment
- (1727) Gross margin
- (1728) Gross national income
- (1729) Gross profit
- (1730) Gross trading profit
- (1731) Group of Nhóm 77.
- (1732) Group of Seven
- (1733) Group of Ten
- (1734) Growth path
- (1735) Growth rate
- (1736) Growth theories of the firm
- (1737) Growth theory
- (1738) Growth-gap unemployment
- (1739) Growth-profitability function
- (1740) Growth-stock paradox
- (1741) Growth-valuation function
- (1742) Guaranteed week
- (1743) Gudden-Pohl effect
- (1744) Guidelines
- (1745) Guidepost following behaviour
- (1746) Guideposts
- (1747) Guillemin effect
- (1748) Gunn (effect) diode
- (1749) Gunn (effect) oscillation
- (1750) Gunn frequency
sửa- (1751) Haavelmo, Trygve
- (1752) Haberler, Gottfried
- (1753) Habit-creating demand function
- (1754) Halesbury Committee
- (1755) Hammered
- (1756) Hard currency
- (1757) Hard-core unemployed
- (1758) Harmony of interests
- (1759) Harrod Neutral Technical Progress
- (1760) Harrod, Sir Roy, F.
- (1761) Harrod-Domar growth model
- (1762) Havana Charter
- (1763) Hayek, Friedrich A.Von
- (1764) Heckscher-Ohlin approach to international trade
- (1765) Hedgers
- (1766) Hedging
- (1767) Hedonic price
- (1768) Hedonism
- (1769) Herfindahl index
- (1770) Heterogeneity
- (1771) Heterogeneous capital
- (1772) Heterogeneous product
- (1773) Heteroscedasticity
- (1774) Hicks Neutral Technical Progress
- (1775) Hicks-Hansen diagram
- (1776) Hicks. Sir John R.
- (1777) Hidden unemployment
- (1778) High risk premia
- (1779) High-powered money
- (1780) Hiperbola
- (1781) Hiring rate
- (1782) Hiring standards
- (1783) Histogram
- (1784) Historical costs
- (1785) Historical model
- (1786) Historical school
- (1787) Historicism
- (1788) Hoarding
- (1789) Hoarding company
- (1790) Homogeneity
- (1791) Homogeneous functions
- (1792) Homogeneous product
- (1793) Homogeneous product functión
- (1794) Homoscedasticity
- (1795) Horizontal
- (1796) Horizontal equity
- (1797) Horizontal intergration
- (1798) Hot money
- (1799) Hotelling's Rule
- (1800) Housing benefit
- (1801) Human capital
- (1802) Human wealth
- (1803) Hume, David
- (1804) Hunt Commission
- (1805) Hunt Report
- (1806) Hyperinflation
- (1807) Hypothesis testing
- (1808) Hysteresis
sửa- (1809) IBBD
- (1810) ICFC
- (1811) ICOR
- (1812) IDA
- (1813) IMF
- (1814) IOU money
- (1815) IS and LM schedule
- (1816) IS curve
- (1817) IS- LM diagram
- (1818) ISIC
- (1819) ITO
- (1820) Identification problem
- (1821) Identity
- (1822) Identity matrix
- (1823) Idiosyncratic exchange
- (1824) Idle balances
- (1825) Illiquidity
- (1826) Ilo
- (1827) Imaginary number
- (1828) Imitative growth
- (1829) Immiserizing growth
- (1830) Impact analysis
- (1831) Impact multiplier
- (1832) Impact of taxation
- (1833) Imperfect competition
- (1834) Imperfect market
- (1835) Imperialism
- (1836) Implementation lag
- (1837) Implicit contracts
- (1838) Implicit cost
- (1839) Implicit function
- (1840) Implicit price deflator
- (1841) Implicit rental value
- (1842) Import
- (1843) Import duty
- (1844) Import quota
- (1845) Import restrictions
- (1846) Import substitution
- (1847) Import substitution industrialization
- (1848) Import tariff
- (1849) Impossibility Theorem
- (1850) Impure public good
- (1851) Imputed rent
- (1852) In the bank
- (1853) In-kind redistribution
- (1854) Inactive money
- (1855) Incentive payment systems
- (1856) Incidence of taxation
- (1857) Income
- (1858) Income - expenditure model
- (1859) Income and substitution effect
- (1860) Income approach
- (1861) Income consumption curve
- (1862) Income determination
- (1863) Income differentials
- (1864) Income distribution
- (1865) Income effect
- (1866) Income effect of wages
- (1867) Income elasticity of demand
- (1868) Income maintenance
- (1869) Income statement
- (1870) Income support
- (1871) Income tax
- (1872) Income terms of trade
- (1873) Income velocity of circulation
- (1874) Income, circular flow of
- (1875) Income-sales ratio
- (1876) Incomes policy
- (1877) Increasing returns to scale
- (1878) Incremental capital-output ratio
- (1879) Independent
- (1880) Independent variable
- (1881) Index number
- (1882) Index number problem
- (1883) Index of distortion
- (1884) Indexation
- (1885) Indexation of tax allowances and taxation.
- (1886) Indicative planning
- (1887) Indifference
- (1888) Indifference curve
- (1889) Indifference map
- (1890) Indirect least squares (ILS)
- (1891) Indirect taxes
- (1892) Indirect utility function
- (1893) Indivisibilities
- (1894) Induced expenditure
- (1895) Inductive reasoning
- (1896) Industrial Development Certificate
- (1897) Industrial Reorganization Corporation
- (1898) Industrial action
- (1899) Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation
- (1900) Industrial bank
- (1901) Industrial complex analysis
- (1902) Industrial concentration
- (1903) Industrial democracy
- (1904) Industrial dispute
- (1905) Industrial inertia
- (1906) Industrial organization
- (1907) Industrial policy
- (1908) Industrial relation
- (1909) Industrial unions
- (1910) Industrial wage differentials
- (1911) Industrial wage structure
- (1912) Industrialization
- (1913) Industry
- (1914) Industry-wide bargaining
- (1915) Inelastic
- (1916) Inelastic and unit elastic demand
- (1917) Inequality
- (1918) Infant industry
- (1919) Infant industry argument for protection
- (1920) Infant industry tariff argument
- (1921) Inference
- (1922) Inferior good
- (1923) Infinite memory
- (1924) Infinitely elastic
- (1925) Inflation
- (1926) Inflation accounting
- (1927) Inflation rate
- (1928) Inflation subsidy
- (1929) Inflation tax
- (1930) Inflation, suppressed
- (1931) Inflation-adjusted budget
- (1932) Inflationary gap
- (1933) Inflationary spiral
- (1934) Informal sector
- (1935) Information
- (1936) Information matrix
- (1937) Informative economy analysis
- (1938) Infra-marginal externality
- (1939) Infrastructure
- (1940) Inheritance tax
- (1941) Initial claims series
- (1942) Injections
- (1943) Inland bill
- (1944) Innocent entry barrier
- (1945) Innovations
- (1946) Input
- (1947) Input - output
- (1948) Input orientation
- (1949) Inside lag
- (1950) Inside money
- (1951) Insider - outsider
- (1952) Insider - outsider model
- (1953) Insolvency
- (1954) Instalment credit
- (1955) Institutional economics
- (1956) Institutional training
- (1957) Instrumental variables
- (1958) Instruments
- (1959) Insurance
- (1960) Insurance premium
- (1961) Intangible assets
- (1962) Intangible capital
- (1963) Integer
- (1964) Integerated economy
- (1965) Integerated time series
- (1966) Integration
- (1967) Intended inventory investment
- (1968) Intensive margin
- (1969) Inter-Bank Market
- (1970) Intercept
- (1971) Interdependent utility
- (1972) Interdistrict Settlement Account (or Fund)
- (1973) Interest
- (1974) Interest equalization tax
- (1975) Interest sensitivity
- (1976) Intergenerational equity
- (1977) Intergovernmental grants
- (1978) Interlocking directorates
- (1979) Intermediate Technology Development Group
- (1980) Intermediate areas
- (1981) Intermediate goods
- (1982) Intermediate lag
- (1983) Intermediate technology
- (1984) Intermediate variables
- (1985) Interna Rate of return
- (1986) Internal balance
- (1987) Internal convertibility of soft currencies
- (1988) Internal drain
- (1989) Internal finance
- (1990) Internal growth
- (1991) Internal rate of return
- (1992) Internal wage differentials
- (1993) Internalization
- (1994) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- (1995) International Development Association
- (1996) International Development Co-operation Agency (ID)
- (1997) International Finance Corporation
- (1998) International Labuor Office
- (1999) International Standard Industrial Classification
- (2000) International Trade Organization
- (2001) International Wheat Council
- (2002) International cartel
- (2003) International clearing unions
- (2004) International commodity agreements
- (2005) International debt crisis
- (2006) International division of labour
- (2007) International economics
- (2008) International liquidity
- (2009) International monetarism
- (2010) International monetary Fund
- (2011) International payments system
- (2012) International trade
- (2013) Interpersonal comparisons of utility
- (2014) Interquartile range
- (2015) Intersection
- (2016) Interstate Commerce Act
- (2017) Interval estimation
- (2018) Intra-industrial trade
- (2019) Invention and innovation
- (2020) Invention and official financing
- (2021) Inventories
- (2022) Inventory cycle
- (2023) Inventory investment
- (2024) Inverse function rule
- (2025) Inverse relation
- (2026) Investment
- (2027) Investment criteria
- (2028) Investment demand schedule
- (2029) Investment grants
- (2030) Investment trust
- (2031) Investors in Industry
- (2032) Invisible hand, the
- (2033) Invisibles
- (2034) Involuntary unemployment
- (2035) Iron law of wages
- (2036) Irredeemable loan stock
- (2037) Irredeemable preference shares
- (2038) Irreversibility
- (2039) Islamic Development Bank
- (2040) Iso-cost curve
- (2041) Iso-outlay line
- (2042) Iso-product curve
- (2043) Iso-profit curve
- (2044) Iso-revenue line (curve)
- (2045) Isoquant
- (2046) Issue department
- (2047) Issued capital
- (2048) Issuing House Association
- (2049) Issuing broker
- (2050) Issuing house
sửa- (2051) J - test
- (2052) J curve
- (2053) Jevon, W.Stanley
- (2054) Job acceptance schedule
- (2055) Job cluster
- (2056) Job competition theory
- (2057) Job creation
- (2058) Job dublication
- (2059) Job evaluation
- (2060) Job search
- (2061) Job search channels
- (2062) Job shopping
- (2063) Jobber
- (2064) Johnson, Harry Gordon
- (2065) Joint probability distributions
- (2066) Joint products
- (2067) Joint profit maximination
- (2068) Joint stock company
- (2069) Joint venture
- (2070) Joint venture in European Countries
- (2071) Juglar cycle
- (2072) Junk bonds
- (2073) Just price
- (2074) Justice as fairness
sửa- (2075) Kahn, Richard F.
- (2076) Kaldor - Hicks test
- (2077) Kaldor, Nicholas
- (2078) Kalecki, Micheal
- (2079) Kalman filtering
- (2080) Kantorovich, Leonid
- (2081) Kenedy Round
- (2082) Key bargain
- (2083) Key rates
- (2084) Keynes Plan
- (2085) Keynes effect
- (2086) Keynes, John Maynard
- (2087) Keynesian Growth Theory
- (2088) Keynesian cross
- (2089) Keynesian economics
- (2090) Kinked demand curve
- (2091) Klein Goldberger model
- (2092) Klein, Lawrence R.
- (2093) Knife edge
- (2094) Knight, Frank
- (2095) Kondratieff, Nicolai D.
- (2096) Koopmans, Tjalling
- (2097) Koych transformation
- (2098) Kuznets, Simon
sửa- (2099) LIBOR
- (2100) LM curve
- (2101) LUS
- (2102) Labour
- (2103) Labour - saving techniques
- (2104) Labour augmenting technical progress
- (2105) Labour economics
- (2106) Labour force
- (2107) Labour force participation rate
- (2108) Labour force schedule
- (2109) Labour hoarding
- (2110) Labour intensive
- (2111) Labour market
- (2112) Labour power
- (2113) Labour standard
- (2114) Labour supply
- (2115) Labour surplus economy
- (2116) Labour theory of value
- (2117) Labour turnover
- (2118) Labour's share
- (2119) Laffer curve
- (2120) Lagged relationship
- (2121) Lagrangean technique
- (2122) Laissez - faire
- (2123) Laissez - faire economy
- (2124) Land
- (2125) Land intensive
- (2126) Land reform and tenure
- (2127) Land tax
- (2128) Lange, Oscar
- (2129) Laspeyres price index
- (2130) Latin American Economic System
- (2131) Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA)
- (2132) Lausanne School
- (2133) Law of demand
- (2134) Law of diminishing marginal utility
- (2135) Law of diminishing returns
- (2136) Law of one price
- (2137) Law of variable proprerties
- (2138) Layfield Report
- (2139) Layoffs
- (2140) Le Chatelier principle
- (2141) Leading links principle
- (2142) Leading sector
- (2143) Leakages
- (2144) Leap - frogging
- (2145) Learning
- (2146) Lease
- (2147) Least cost method of production
- (2148) Least squares
- (2149) Leger tender
- (2150) Lender of last resort
- (2151) Leontief inverse
- (2152) Leontief paradox
- (2153) Leontief, Wassily W.
- (2154) Lerner case
- (2155) Lerner index
- (2156) Lerner, Abba P.
- (2157) Less devoloped countries (LDCs)
- (2158) Letter of credit
- (2159) Level field
- (2160) Level of significance
- (2161) Leverage
- (2162) Leveraged buy out (LBO)
- (2163) Leveraged financing
- (2164) Lewis - Fei - Ranis model
- (2165) Lewis, Sir W.Arthur
- (2166) Lexicographic preferences
- (2167) Liabilities
- (2168) Liberalism
- (2169) Licensed deposit takers
- (2170) Life-cycle hypothesis
- (2171) Life-cycle oriented expectation
- (2172) Lifeboat
- (2173) Likehood function
- (2174) Likehood ratio test (LD)
- (2175) Limit pricing
- (2176) Limited company
- (2177) Limited dependent variables
- (2178) Limited information (LI)
- (2179) Limited liability
- (2180) Lindahl model
- (2181) Linder thesis
- (2182) Linear combination
- (2183) Linear dependence
- (2184) Linear estimator
- (2185) Linear expenditure systems
- (2186) Linear function
- (2187) Linear nomogenous
- (2188) Linear probability model
- (2189) Linear programming
- (2190) Liquid asset
- (2191) Liquid assets ratio
- (2192) Liquidation
- (2193) Liquidity
- (2194) Liquidity preference
- (2195) Liquidity ratio
- (2196) Liquidity trap
- (2197) Liquility
- (2198) Listed securities
- (2199) Little - Mirrlees method
- (2200) Loan
- (2201) Loan capital
- (2202) Loan facility
- (2203) Loan stock
- (2204) Loanable funds
- (2205) Lobachevskian
- (2206) Local authorities' market
- (2207) Local finance
- (2208) Local labour market
- (2209) Local mutiplier
- (2210) Local public good
- (2211) Location quotient
- (2212) Location theory
- (2213) Locational integration
- (2214) Locational interdependence
- (2215) Locking - in effect
- (2216) Log-linear
- (2217) Logarithm
- (2218) Logistic function
- (2219) Logit analysis
- (2220) Logolling
- (2221) Lombard Street
- (2222) Lomé Convention
- (2223) Lon run total cost curve
- (2224) Long rate
- (2225) Long run
- (2226) Long run Phillips curve
- (2227) Long run adjustments
- (2228) Long run average cost (LAC)
- (2229) Long run competitive
- (2230) Long run comsumption function
- (2231) Long run marginal cost
- (2232) Long term capital
- (2233) Long-dated securities
- (2234) Long-haul economies
- (2235) Longitudinal data
- (2236) Lorenz curve
- (2237) Losch model
- (2238) Loss aversion
- (2239) Loss function
- (2240) Loss leader pricing
- (2241) Loss offsetting provisions
- (2242) Low - level equilibrium trap
- (2243) Low wage trade
- (2244) Lucas critique
- (2245) Lump - sum tax
- (2246) Luxury
- (2247) Luxury taxes
sửa- (2248) M-form enterprise
- (2249) M1 and MMức cung tiền M1 và M0.
- (2250) Macmillan Committee
- (2251) Macmillan gap
- (2252) Macroeconomics
- (2253) Macroeconomics demand schedule
- (2254) Majority rule
- (2255) Malleable capital
- (2256) Malthus's law of population
- (2257) Malthus, Rev. Thomas Robert
- (2258) Managed or dirty floating
- (2259) Management
- (2260) Management board
- (2261) Management buyout
- (2262) Management science
- (2263) Manager controlled firm
- (2264) Managerial capitalism
- (2265) Managerial discretion
- (2266) Managerial revolution
- (2267) Managerial slack
- (2268) Managerial theories of the firm
- (2269) Managerial utility function
- (2270) Managing director
- (2271) Manoilescu argument
- (2272) Manpower policy
- (2273) Manual workers
- (2274) Margin requirement
- (2275) Margin, at the
- (2276) Marginal
- (2277) Marginal analysis
- (2278) Marginal cost
- (2279) Marginal cost of funds schedule
- (2280) Marginal cost of labor
- (2281) Marginal cost pricing
- (2282) Marginal damage cost
- (2283) Marginal disutility
- (2284) Marginal efficiency of capital
- (2285) Marginal efficiency of capital schedule
- (2286) Marginal efficiency of investment
- (2287) Marginal efficiency of investment schedule
- (2288) Marginal firm
- (2289) Marginal income tax rate
- (2290) Marginal per capita reinvestment quotient criterio
- (2291) Marginal physical product
- (2292) Marginal principle
- (2293) Marginal product
- (2294) Marginal product of labors
- (2295) Marginal productivity doctrine
- (2296) Marginal propensity to comsume (MPC)
- (2297) Marginal propensity to import
- (2298) Marginal propensity to save (MPS)
- (2299) Marginal propensity to tax
- (2300) Marginal propensity to withdraw
- (2301) Marginal rate of substitution (MRS)
- (2302) Marginal rate of tax
- (2303) Marginal rate of technical substitution
- (2304) Marginal rate of transformation
- (2305) Marginal revenue
- (2306) Marginal revenue product
- (2307) Marginal revenue product of labor
- (2308) Marginal user cost
- (2309) Marginal utility
- (2310) Marginal utility of income
- (2311) Marginal utility of money
- (2312) Marginal value product of capital
- (2313) Marginal value product of labor
- (2314) Mark-up
- (2315) Market
- (2316) Market classification
- (2317) Market clearing
- (2318) Market demand curve
- (2319) Market demand curve for labour
- (2320) Market economy
- (2321) Market failure
- (2322) Market forces
- (2323) Market imperfection
- (2324) Market maker
- (2325) Market mechanism
- (2326) Market orientation
- (2327) Market oriented reform
- (2328) Market power
- (2329) Market premium rate
- (2330) Market share
- (2331) Market socialism
- (2332) Market structure
- (2333) Marketing
- (2334) Marketing boards.
- (2335) Markov process
- (2336) Markovian
- (2337) Markowitz, Harry
- (2338) Marshall - Lerner condition
- (2339) Marshall Aid
- (2340) Marshall plan
- (2341) Marshall, Alfred
- (2342) Marshallian demand curve
- (2343) Marx, Karl
- (2344) Marxian
- (2345) Material forces of production
- (2346) Materials balance principle
- (2347) Mathematical expectation
- (2348) Matrix
- (2349) Maturity
- (2350) Maximax
- (2351) Maximin
- (2352) Maximum
- (2353) Maximum likelihood
- (2354) Mc Guire Act
- (2355) Meade, James Edward
- (2356) Mean
- (2357) Mean-variance analysis
- (2358) Means tested benefits
- (2359) Measurement error
- (2360) Median
- (2361) Median Vote Theorem
- (2362) Median Voter
- (2363) Median location principle
- (2364) Mediation
- (2365) Medium of exchange
- (2366) Medium term financial strategy (MTFS)
- (2367) Menger, Carl
- (2368) Menu cost of inflation
- (2369) Mercantilism
- (2370) Merchant bank
- (2371) Merger
- (2372) Merit bad
- (2373) Merit goods
- (2374) Methodology
- (2375) Metzler case
- (2376) Microeconomics
- (2377) Microfoundations
- (2378) Miller - Tydings Act of Đạo luật Miller - Tydings năm 1937.
- (2379) Minimax regret
- (2380) Minimum
- (2381) Minimum efficient scale
- (2382) Minimum employment target
- (2383) Minimum lending rate (MLR)
- (2384) Minimum wage
- (2385) Minimum wage legislation
- (2386) Minkowskian
- (2387) Minority control
- (2388) Mint
- (2389) Mis-specification
- (2390) Mix of fiscal and money policy
- (2391) Mixed economy
- (2392) Mixed estimation
- (2393) Mixed good
- (2394) Mixed market economy
- (2395) Mobility of labor
- (2396) Mode
- (2397) Mode of production
- (2398) Model
- (2399) Modern quantity theory of money
- (2400) Modern sector
- (2401) Modigliani, Franco
- (2402) Modigliani-Miller theory of cost of capital
- (2403) Modulus
- (2404) Moments
- (2405) Monetarism
- (2406) Monetarists
- (2407) Monetary Union
- (2408) Monetary accommodation
- (2409) Monetary aggregate
- (2410) Monetary base
- (2411) Monetary overhang
- (2412) Monetary standard
- (2413) Monetized economy
- (2414) Money illusion
- (2415) Money market equilibrium
- (2416) Money multiplier
- (2417) Money price
- (2418) Money stock
- (2419) Money supply
- (2420) Money terms
- (2421) Monoculture
- (2422) Monopolies and Merger Act in1965.
- (2423) Monopolies and Merger Commission
- (2424) Monopolies and Restrictive Practices (Inquiry and
- (2425) Monopolistic Competition
- (2426) Monopoly
- (2427) Monopoly power
- (2428) Monopoly profit
- (2429) Monopsony
- (2430) Monte Carlo method
- (2431) Moonlighting
- (2432) Moral hazard
- (2433) Mortgage
- (2434) Most favoured nation clause
- (2435) Moving average
- (2436) Multi-Collinearity
- (2437) Multi-collinearity
- (2438) Multicollitnearity
- (2439) Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
- (2440) Multilateral aid
- (2441) Multilateral trade
- (2442) Multinational corporation
- (2443) Multiplant economies
- (2444) Multiplant operations
- (2445) Multiple correlation coefficient
- (2446) Multiple regression
- (2447) Multiplier
- (2448) Multiplier - accelerator interaction
- (2449) Multiplier - accelerator model
- (2450) Multiplier coefficient
- (2451) Multiproduct firm
- (2452) Multisector growth model
- (2453) Multivariate analysis
- (2454) Mundell - Fleming model
- (2455) Mutually exclusive
- (2456) Mutually exclusive projects
- (2457) Myrdal, Gunnar K.
sửa- (2458) NEDC
- (2459) NEDO
- (2460) Nagative correlation
- (2461) Naive accelerator
- (2462) Nash solution
- (2463) National Bureau for Economic Research
- (2464) National Economic Development Council (NEDC)
- (2465) National Enterprise Board (NEB)
- (2466) National Girobank
- (2467) National Income Identities
- (2468) National Institute for Economic and Social Research
- (2469) National Insurance Contributions
- (2470) National Insurance Fund
- (2471) National Labor Relation Act
- (2472) National Research Development Corporation
- (2473) National Saving Bank
- (2474) National accounts
- (2475) National bargaining
- (2476) National debt
- (2477) National income
- (2478) National income accounting
- (2479) National product
- (2480) Nationalized indentities
- (2481) Nationalized industry
- (2482) Natural law
- (2483) Natural logarithm
- (2484) Natural monopoly
- (2485) Natural price
- (2486) Natural rate of growth
- (2487) Natural rate of unemployment
- (2488) Natural resources
- (2489) Natural selection hypothesis
- (2490) Near money
- (2491) Necessity
- (2492) Neddy
- (2493) Need
- (2494) Negative income tax
- (2495) Neighborhood effects
- (2496) Neo-classical economics
- (2497) Neo-classical growth theory
- (2498) Neo-classical synthesis
- (2499) Neo-imperialism
- (2500) Neo-orthodoxy
- (2501) Nested hypotheses
- (2502) Net advantages, the equalisation of
- (2503) Net barter terms of trade
- (2504) Net book value
- (2505) Net economic welfare
- (2506) Net export
- (2507) Net investment
- (2508) Net material product (NMP)
- (2509) Net national income
- (2510) Net national product
- (2511) Net present value
- (2512) Net profit
- (2513) Net property income from abroad
- (2514) Neutrality of money
- (2515) Neutralizing monetary flows
- (2516) New Economic Policy (NEP)
- (2517) New York Stock Exchange
- (2518) New classical macroeconomics
- (2519) New industrial state
- (2520) New inflation
- (2521) New international economic order
- (2522) New issues market
- (2523) New microeconomics
- (2524) New protectionism
- (2525) New quantity theory of money
- (2526) New view of investment
- (2527) New view on money supply
- (2528) New-new microeconomics
- (2529) New-orthodoxy
- (2530) Newly industrilizing countries (NICs)
- (2531) Newtonian
- (2532) Nominal
- (2533) Nominal and exchange rate
- (2534) Nominal and real interest rates
- (2535) Nominal and real money balances
- (2536) Nominal balances
- (2537) Nominal value
- (2538) Nominal variables
- (2539) Nominal yield
- (2540) Non performings assets
- (2541) Non performings loans
- (2542) Non trade
- (2543) Non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment
- (2544) Non-bank financial intermediaries
- (2545) Non-competing groups
- (2546) Non-cumulative preference shares
- (2547) Non-excludability
- (2548) Non-labor income
- (2549) Non-linear
- (2550) Non-linear function
- (2551) Non-manual workers
- (2552) Non-market
- (2553) Non-nested hypotheses
- (2554) Non-pecuniary goals
- (2555) Non-price competition
- (2556) Non-profit institutions
- (2557) Non-renewable resource
- (2558) Non-rival consumption
- (2559) Non-symmetric
- (2560) Non-tariff barriers
- (2561) Non-uniqueness
- (2562) Non-wage attributes
- (2563) Non-wage labour costs
- (2564) Norm
- (2565) Norm following behaviour
- (2566) Normal cost pricing
- (2567) Normal distribution
- (2568) Normal equations
- (2569) Normal good
- (2570) Normal profits
- (2571) Normal unemployment
- (2572) Normal variable
- (2573) Normative costs of production
- (2574) Normative economics
- (2575) Notional demand
- (2576) Null hypothesis
- (2577) Numbers equivalent index
- (2578) Numeraire
sửa- (2579) OAPEC
- (2580) OECD
- (2581) OEEC
- (2582) OPEC
- (2583) Objective function
- (2584) Occupational licensing
- (2585) Occupational wages differentials
- (2586) Occupational wages structure
- (2587) Offer curve
- (2588) Offer for sale
- (2589) Offer price
- (2590) Office of Fair Trading
- (2591) Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
- (2592) Offshore investment centres
- (2593) Ohlin, Bertil
- (2594) Okun's 'law'
- (2595) Oligopolistic
- (2596) Oligopoly
- (2597) Oligopsony
- (2598) On-the-job training
- (2599) One sector growth model
- (2600) One tail tests
- (2601) Open access resource
- (2602) Open economy
- (2603) Open economy economics
- (2604) Open market operations
- (2605) Open unemployment
- (2606) Opening prices
- (2607) Operating gearing
- (2608) Operating income
- (2609) Operating profit
- (2610) Opportunity cost
- (2611) Opportunity cost approach to international trade
- (2612) Opportunity cost of capital
- (2613) Opportunity cost of money holding
- (2614) Opportunity wage
- (2615) Optimal
- (2616) Optimal capacity
- (2617) Optimal distribution
- (2618) Optimal level of pollution
- (2619) Optimum
- (2620) Optimum of optimorum
- (2621) Optimum plant size
- (2622) Optimum tariff
- (2623) Option
- (2624) Option value
- (2625) Ordering
- (2626) Ordinal utility
- (2627) Ordinalism
- (2628) Ordinary least square (OLS)
- (2629) Ordinary share
- (2630) Ordinate
- (2631) Organic composition of capital
- (2632) Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC)
- (2633) Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
- (2634) Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- (2635) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
- (2636) Organization slack
- (2637) Other thíng equal
- (2638) Outcome
- (2639) Outlier
- (2640) Output
- (2641) Output budgeting
- (2642) Outside lag
- (2643) Outside money
- (2644) Outstanding credit
- (2645) Over the counter market
- (2646) Overall fit of regression
- (2647) Overdraff
- (2648) Overfunding
- (2649) Overhead costs
- (2650) Overhead inputs
- (2651) Overidentification
- (2652) Overnight money
- (2653) Overpopulation
- (2654) Overshooting
- (2655) Overtime
- (2656) Overvalued currency
- (2657) Owner-controlled firms
sửa- (2658) PESC
- (2659) Paid-up capital
- (2660) Panel data
- (2661) Paper money
- (2662) Paper profit
- (2663) Par rate of exchange
- (2664) Par value
- (2665) Par value of gold
- (2666) Parabola
- (2667) Paradigm
- (2668) Paradox of thrift
- (2669) Paradox of value
- (2670) Paradox of voting
- (2671) Parallel market premium rate
- (2672) Parameter
- (2673) Paretian Liberal, Impossibility of
- (2674) Pareto conditions
- (2675) Pareto criterion
- (2676) Pareto efficiency of resource allocation
- (2677) Pareto improvement
- (2678) Pareto non-comparability
- (2679) Pareto optimum
- (2680) Pareto, Vilfredo
- (2681) Pareto-optional redistribution
- (2682) Pareto-relevant externality
- (2683) Paricipating preference shares
- (2684) Paricipation rate
- (2685) Paris Club
- (2686) Parity price system
- (2687) Partial adjustment
- (2688) Partial derivative
- (2689) Partial equilibrium
- (2690) Partly rational expectations
- (2691) Partnership
- (2692) Passche price index
- (2693) Patent of trade
- (2694) Patent rights
- (2695) Patents
- (2696) Path independence
- (2697) Path of government spending
- (2698) Pattern bargaining
- (2699) Paul Sweezy
- (2700) Pauper labour
- (2701) Pay ceiling
- (2702) Pay freeze
- (2703) Pay in kind
- (2704) Pay-off
- (2705) Payback period
- (2706) Payment - by - results
- (2707) Payments, balance of
- (2708) Payout ratio
- (2709) Peak period labour demand
- (2710) Peak-load pricing
- (2711) Pecuniary external economy
- (2712) Peg-neo
- (2713) Pendulum arbitration
- (2714) Pension
- (2715) Pension fund
- (2716) Per capita
- (2717) Per capita real GDP
- (2718) Perceived Wealth
- (2719) Percentage change
- (2720) Percetile
- (2721) Perestroika
- (2722) Perfect capital mobility
- (2723) Perfect competition
- (2724) Perfect information
- (2725) Perfect markets
- (2726) Performance
- (2727) Permanent comsumption
- (2728) Permanent income
- (2729) Permanent income hypothesis
- (2730) Perpetuity
- (2731) Personal income
- (2732) Personal income Hypothesis
- (2733) Personal income distribution
- (2734) Personal loan
- (2735) Personal rate of substitution
- (2736) Personal saving
- (2737) Perverse migration
- (2738) Petroleum revenue tax (PRI)
- (2739) Pfaffian
- (2740) Phillips curve
- (2741) Physical and financial capital
- (2742) Physiocrats
- (2743) Piece rates
- (2744) Piecework
- (2745) Pigou effect
- (2746) Pigou, Arthur Cecil
- (2747) Pigovian tax
- (2748) Pivot effect hypothesis
- (2749) Placing
- (2750) Planned economy
- (2751) Planning programming budgeting system (PPBS)
- (2752) Planometrics
- (2753) Plant bargaining
- (2754) Plato
- (2755) Plurality
- (2756) Point elasticity of demand
- (2757) Point estimation
- (2758) Point of inflexion
- (2759) Point utility possibility curve
- (2760) Point voting
- (2761) Policy - off
- (2762) Policy coordination
- (2763) Policy instruments
- (2764) Policy targets
- (2765) Political business cycle
- (2766) Political economy
- (2767) Poll tax
- (2768) Polluter pays principle
- (2769) Pollution
- (2770) Pollution rights
- (2771) Polynomial
- (2772) Polynomial lag
- (2773) Pooled data
- (2774) Pooled lending
- (2775) Population
- (2776) Population explosion
- (2777) Population policy
- (2778) Population trap
- (2779) Porfolio
- (2780) Porfolio balance approach
- (2781) Porfolio balance approach to the balance of payments
- (2782) Porfolio diversification
- (2783) Positional good
- (2784) Positive bais
- (2785) Positive correlation
- (2786) Positive economics
- (2787) Positivism
- (2788) Post-Keynesian economics
- (2789) Posterior distribution
- (2790) Postwar credits
- (2791) Potential Pareto improvement
- (2792) Potential entry
- (2793) Potential national income
- (2794) Potential output
- (2795) Poverty
- (2796) Poverty trap
- (2797) Power function
- (2798) Prais - Winsten
- (2799) Pre-commitment
- (2800) Pre-emption rights
- (2801) Prebisch thesis
- (2802) Precaution motives
- (2803) Precautionary motive
- (2804) Precautionary unemployment
- (2805) Predatory pricing
- (2806) Prediction
- (2807) Preference
- (2808) Preference revelation
- (2809) Preference shares
- (2810) Preferential hiring
- (2811) Preferred ordinary shares
- (2812) Premium
- (2813) Premium saving bonds
- (2814) Present value
- (2815) Price
- (2816) Price Commission
- (2817) Price consumption curve
- (2818) Price control
- (2819) Price discrimination
- (2820) Price effect
- (2821) Price elasticity of demand
- (2822) Price fixing
- (2823) Price fixing agreement
- (2824) Price index
- (2825) Price leadership
- (2826) Price mechanism
- (2827) Price revolution
- (2828) Price setter
- (2829) Price specie mechanism
- (2830) Price support
- (2831) Price support scheme
- (2832) Price taker
- (2833) Price theory
- (2834) Price volatility
- (2835) Price-cost margin
- (2836) Price-push
- (2837) Primary commodities
- (2838) Primary goods
- (2839) Primary market
- (2840) Primary money
- (2841) Primary of targeting
- (2842) Primary securities
- (2843) Primary workers
- (2844) Principal
- (2845) Principal-agent problem
- (2846) Principia
- (2847) Prior distribution
- (2848) Prisoner's dilemma
- (2849) Private and social cost of unemployment
- (2850) Private company
- (2851) Private good
- (2852) Private sector cash-deposite ratio
- (2853) Privatization
- (2854) Privatization in Eastern Europe
- (2855) Probability
- (2856) Probability density function
- (2857) Probability distribution
- (2858) Probit model
- (2859) Process
- (2860) Process innovation
- (2861) Producer's co-operatives
- (2862) Producer's surplus
- (2863) Product cycle
- (2864) Product differentiation
- (2865) Product innovation
- (2866) Product proliferation
- (2867) Product rule
- (2868) Production
- (2869) Production Possibility curve
- (2870) Production Possibility frontier
- (2871) Production externalities
- (2872) Production frontier
- (2873) Production function
- (2874) Production incentives
- (2875) Production smoothing
- (2876) Production sphere and budgetary sphere
- (2877) Productivity
- (2878) Productivity bargaining
- (2879) Profit centre
- (2880) Profit constraint
- (2881) Profit function
- (2882) Profit margin
- (2883) Profit maximization
- (2884) Profit motive
- (2885) Profit rate
- (2886) Profit, falling rate of
- (2887) Profits
- (2888) Profits-push inflation
- (2889) Programme budgeting
- (2890) Programming methods
- (2891) Progressive tax
- (2892) Project appraisal
- (2893) Property rights
- (2894) Proportional tax
- (2895) Propulsive industries
- (2896) Prospect theory
- (2897) Protection
- (2898) Proxy
- (2899) Proxy variable
- (2900) Pseudo-demand schedule
- (2901) Public Expediture
- (2902) Public Sector Borrowing Requirement (PSBR)
- (2903) Public Sector Debt Repayment (PSDR)
- (2904) Public choice
- (2905) Public company
- (2906) Public good
- (2907) Public issue
- (2908) Public ownership
- (2909) Public utility
- (2910) Public utility regulation
- (2911) Purchase tax
- (2912) Purchasing power of money
- (2913) Purchasing power parity
- (2914) Pure competition
- (2915) Pure inflation
- (2916) Pure profit
- (2917) Put option
- (2918) Putty-clay
- (2919) Putty-putty
- (2920) Pyramiding
- (2921) Pythagorean
sửa- (2922) Quadrant
- (2923) Quadratic equation
- (2924) Quadratic utility function
- (2925) Qualitative choice models
- (2926) Quantity theory of money
- (2927) Quartile
- (2928) Quasi-option value
- (2929) Quasi-rent
- (2930) Quasiliquid asset
- (2931) Quesnay, Francois
- (2932) Quick assets ratio
- (2933) Quick-disbursing fundss
- (2934) Quintile
- (2935) Quits
- (2936) Quota
- (2937) Quoted companies
- (2938) Quotient rule
sửa- (2939) R and D
- (2940) R,D and D
- (2941) RHệ số xác định.
- (2942) RPI
- (2943) Radcliffe Committee
- (2944) Radical economics
- (2945) Raider firm
- (2946) Ramdom events
- (2947) Ramsey pricing
- (2948) Random coefficient models
- (2949) Random sample
- (2950) Random variable
- (2951) Random walk
- (2952) Range
- (2953) Range (of a good)
- (2954) Range of values
- (2955) Rank correlation
- (2956) Rank of a matrix
- (2957) Rank-tournament compensation rule
- (2958) Ranking of projects
- (2959) Ratchet effect
- (2960) Rate capping
- (2961) Rate of commodity
- (2962) Rate of interest
- (2963) Rate of return
- (2964) Rate of return on investment
- (2965) Rate of time preference
- (2966) Rate support grant
- (2967) Rateable value
- (2968) Rates
- (2969) Rational expectations
- (2970) Rational lags
- (2971) Rationality
- (2972) Rationing
- (2973) Rawlsian justice
- (2974) Re-export
- (2975) Reaction functions
- (2976) Real
- (2977) Real balance effect
- (2978) Real cost approach to international trade
- (2979) Real interest rate.
- (2980) Real money balances
- (2981) Real national output
- (2982) Real prices and real income
- (2983) Real wages
- (2984) Receipt
- (2985) Receiver
- (2986) Recession
- (2987) Recessionary gap
- (2988) Reciprocal
- (2989) Reciprocal Trade Argreements Act of 1934 (RTA)
- (2990) Reciprocal demand
- (2991) Recognition lag
- (2992) Recontract
- (2993) Recursive model
- (2994) Recursive residuals
- (2995) Redeemable loan stock
- (2996) Redeemable securities
- (2997) Redemption yield
- (2998) Redistribution
- (2999) Reduced form (RF)
- (3000) Redundancies
- (3001) Redundancy payments
- (3002) Regional development grant
- (3003) Regional economics
- (3004) Regional emloyment premium
- (3005) Regional integration
- (3006) Regional multiplier
- (3007) Regional policy
- (3008) Regional wage differentials
- (3009) Regional wage structure
- (3010) Registered unemployed
- (3011) Regressand
- (3012) Regression
- (3013) Regressive expectations
- (3014) Regressive tax
- (3015) Regressor
- (3016) Regret matrix
- (3017) Regulation
- (3018) Regulation Q
- (3019) Regulatory capture
- (3020) Regulatory policy
- (3021) Reintermediation
- (3022) Relative deprivation
- (3023) Relative income hypothesis
- (3024) Relative price
- (3025) Relativities
- (3026) Renewable resource
- (3027) Rent
- (3028) Rent gradient
- (3029) Rent seeker
- (3030) Rent seeking
- (3031) Rental on capital
- (3032) Rentiers
- (3033) Replacement cost
- (3034) Replacement cost accounting
- (3035) Replacement investment
- (3036) Replacement ratio
- (3037) Representative firm
- (3038) Repressed inflation
- (3039) Required rate of return on capital
- (3040) Required real rate of return on capital
- (3041) Required reserve ratio
- (3042) Required reserves
- (3043) Resale Prices Act Đạo luật năm 1964 về Giá bán lẻ.
- (3044) Resale price mainternance
- (3045) Research and development (R&D)
- (3046) Reservation wage
- (3047) Reserve assets ratio
- (3048) Reserve base
- (3049) Reserve currency
- (3050) Reserve ratio
- (3051) Residual
- (3052) Resiliency
- (3053) Resource
- (3054) Restricted least squares (RLS)
- (3055) Restrictive Practices Court
- (3056) Restrictive Trade Practices Act Đạo luật năm 1956 về những Thông lệ thương mại hạn chế.
- (3057) Restrictive Trade Practices Act Đạo luật năm 1968 về những Thông lệ thương mại hạn chế.
- (3058) Reswitching
- (3059) Retail
- (3060) Retail banking
- (3061) Retail price index (RPI)
- (3062) Retained earnings
- (3063) Retention ratio
- (3064) Retentions
- (3065) Return on capital employed
- (3066) Returns to scale
- (3067) Revaluation
- (3068) Revealed preference
- (3069) Revenue
- (3070) Revenue maximization
- (3071) Reverse dumping
- (3072) Reverse yield gap
- (3073) Ricardian equivalence theorem
- (3074) Ricardo, David
- (3075) Right-to-work laws
- (3076) Rights issue
- (3077) Risk
- (3078) Risk Master
- (3079) Risk attitude
- (3080) Risk aversion
- (3081) Risk capital
- (3082) Risk character
- (3083) Risk premium
- (3084) Risk-diversification
- (3085) Risk-loving
- (3086) Risk-neutrality
- (3087) Risk-pool
- (3088) Risk-sharing
- (3089) Risk-spreading
- (3090) Rival
- (3091) Robbins, Lionel
- (3092) Robinson, Joan V.
- (3093) Robinson-Patman Act
- (3094) Robustness of an exchange rate regime
- (3095) Roman
- (3096) Roosa effect
- (3097) Roots
- (3098) Rostow model
- (3099) Roundaboutness
- (3100) Royalties
- (3101) Royalty
- (3102) Rule-of-thumb
- (3103) Run (a)
- (3104) Rybczcynski theorem
sửa- (3105) SDR
- (3106) SIC
- (3107) Sackings
- (3108) Salary
- (3109) Sales maximization hypothesis
- (3110) Sales tax
- (3111) Salvage
- (3112) Sample
- (3113) Sample space
- (3114) Samuelson test
- (3115) Samuelson, Paul
- (3116) Satiation
- (3117) Satisficing behaviour
- (3118) Savings
- (3119) Savings and loan associations
- (3120) Savings function
- (3121) Savings-investment approach to the balance of payments
- (3122) Say, Jean-Baptiste
- (3123) Scarce currency
- (3124) Scarcity
- (3125) Scatter
- (3126) Scatter diagram
- (3127) Scenario analysis
- (3128) Schooling functions
- (3129) Schultz, Theodore W.
- (3130) Schumpeter, Joseph A.
- (3131) Scientific tariff
- (3132) Scitovsky paradox
- (3133) Scitovsky reversal criterion
- (3134) Screening hypothesis
- (3135) Scrip issue
- (3136) Search costs
- (3137) Search unemployment
- (3138) Seasonal adjustment
- (3139) Seasonal unemployment
- (3140) Second order condition
- (3141) Second-best
- (3142) Secondary banks
- (3143) Secondary market
- (3144) Secondary worker
- (3145) Secular stagnation
- (3146) Secular supply curve
- (3147) Secular trend
- (3148) Secured
- (3149) Securities
- (3150) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- (3151) Securities and Invesment Board (SIB)
- (3152) Securitization
- (3153) Seignorage
- (3154) Self-financing
- (3155) Self-liquidating
- (3156) Self-liquidating advances
- (3157) Self-regulating organzations (SROs)
- (3158) Semi log
- (3159) Senior, Nassau W.
- (3160) Seniority practices
- (3161) Sensitivity analysis
- (3162) Separability of preferences
- (3163) Separation of ownership from control
- (3164) Serial correlation
- (3165) Service of debt
- (3166) Services
- (3167) Severance pay
- (3168) Shadow economy
- (3169) Shadow price
- (3170) Shadow wage rate
- (3171) Share
- (3172) Share economy
- (3173) Share price
- (3174) Shareholder
- (3175) Sharp gyration
- (3176) Sharpe, William F.
- (3177) Sherman Act
- (3178) Shift effect hypothesis
- (3179) Shift share analysis
- (3180) Shirking model
- (3181) Shock effect
- (3182) Shoe-leather cost of inflation
- (3183) Shop steward
- (3184) Short run
- (3185) Short run Phillíp curve
- (3186) Short run adjustments
- (3187) Short run aggregate suply schedule
- (3188) Short run average cost
- (3189) Short run average fixed cost (AFC)
- (3190) Short run consumption function
- (3191) Short run fixed cost (AFC)
- (3192) Short run marginal cost (SMC)
- (3193) Short run total cost (STC)
- (3194) Short run variable costs (SVC)
- (3195) Short-dated securities
- (3196) Short-time working
- (3197) Shut down price
- (3198) Side payments
- (3199) Sight deposits
- (3200) Signaling and screening
- (3201) Significance of coefficients
- (3202) Simon, Herbert A.
- (3203) Simplex alglorithm
- (3204) Simulation
- (3205) Simultaneous equation bias
- (3206) Simultaneous equations
- (3207) Single European Atc (SEA)
- (3208) Single market
- (3209) Single-peaked preferences
- (3210) Singular matrix
- (3211) Sinking fund
- (3212) Sismondi, Jean
- (3213) Situation utility possibility frontier
- (3214) Size distribution of firms
- (3215) Skewed distribution
- (3216) Skill differentials
- (3217) Slack plans
- (3218) Slump
- (3219) Slutsky equation
- (3220) Slutsky, Eugen
- (3221) Smith, Adam
- (3222) Snake
- (3223) Snob effect
- (3224) Social Contract
- (3225) Social Fund
- (3226) Social Marginal productivity criterion
- (3227) Social benefit
- (3228) Social choice
- (3229) Social cost
- (3230) Social cost of monopoly
- (3231) Social decision rule
- (3232) Social discount rate
- (3233) Social economics
- (3234) Social opportunity cost of capital
- (3235) Social optimum
- (3236) Social relations of production
- (3237) Social returns to education
- (3238) Social time preference rate
- (3239) Social welfare
- (3240) Social welfare function
- (3241) Socialism
- (3242) Socially necessary labour
- (3243) Soft currency
- (3244) Soft loan
- (3245) Sole trader
- (3246) Solow, Robert
- (3247) Solvent (= creditworthy)
- (3248) Spatial economics
- (3249) Spatial monopoly
- (3250) Spatial price discrimination
- (3251) Spearman's rank correlation
- (3252) Special Areas
- (3253) Special Development Areas
- (3254) Special deposits
- (3255) Special drawing rights (SDRs)
- (3256) Specialization
- (3257) Specialization, coefficient of
- (3258) Specie
- (3259) Specie flow mechanism
- (3260) Specie points
- (3261) Specification error
- (3262) Specifix tax
- (3263) Specifix training
- (3264) Spectral analysis
- (3265) Speculation
- (3266) Speculative balances
- (3267) Speculative boom
- (3268) Speculative bubbles
- (3269) Speculative demand for money
- (3270) Speculative motive for holding money
- (3271) Speculative unemployment
- (3272) Spillover
- (3273) Stability
- (3274) Stabilization
- (3275) Stag
- (3276) Stagflation
- (3277) Stationarity
- (3278) Statistic
- (3279) Stereotypes
- (3280) Sterilization
- (3281) Stochastic
- (3282) Stock
- (3283) Stockbroker
- (3284) Stocks
- (3285) Strategy
- (3286) Strikes
- (3287) Subsidy
- (3288) Subsistence
- (3289) Substitute
- (3290) Super-environment
- (3291) Super-neutrality
- (3292) Superconsistency
- (3293) Symmetric
sửa- (3294) T-distribution
- (3295) Take-off
- (3296) Takeover
- (3297) Targets
- (3298) Tariff
- (3299) Taste
- (3300) Tatonnement
- (3301) Tauberian
- (3302) Taxation
- (3303) Technology
- (3304) Technostructure
- (3305) Threshold
- (3306) Tradable
- (3307) Trade
- (3308) Trade-off
- (3309) Transaction
- (3310) Treasury
- (3311) Trend
- (3312) Trust
- (3313) Turnover
sửa- (3314) UNCTAD
- (3315) Uncertainty
- (3316) Underdevelopment
- (3317) Underemployment
- (3318) Underidentification
- (3319) Underwriter
- (3320) Unemployment
- (3321) Union
- (3322) Uniqueness
- (3323) Utilitarianism
- (3324) Utility
sửa- (3325) Vacancies
- (3326) Vacancy
- (3327) Variability
- (3328) Variable
- (3329) Variance
- (3330) Variation
- (3331) Vector
- (3332) Viability
- (3333) Volatility
- (3334) Voucher
sửa- (3335) Warrant
- (3336) Waste
- (3337) Weath
- (3338) Well-behaved
- (3339) Whipsawing
- (3340) Wholesale
- (3341) Withdrawals
sửa- (3342) X-efficiency
sửa- (3343) Y-efficiency
- (3344) Yeild
sửa- (3345) Z-score
- (3346) Zellner-Giesel
sửa- (3347) a
- (3348) a b c
- (3349) a b c - book
- (3350) a font
- (3351) a fortiori
- (3352) a la carte
- (3353) a la mode
- (3354) a posteriori
- (3355) a priori
- (3356) a-pac-thai
- (3357) a.d.c
- (3358) a.m
- (3359) aa
- (3360) aaa
- (3361) ab
- (3362) abac, abacus
- (3363) abbr
- (3364) abend (abnormal ending)
- (3365) ability
- (3366) able seaman
- (3367) abm
- (3368) abnormal end (ABEND)
- (3369) abode
- (3370) abominable snowman
- (3371) about...
- (3372) abscissa, abscissae
- (3373) absentee ballot
- (3374) absolute majority
- (3375) abstract noun
- (3376) ac (alternating component)
- (3377) ac (alternating current)
- (3378) ac (alternating current) Josephson effect
- (3379) ac (alternating current) bus
- (3380) ac (alternating current) charging
- (3381) ac (alternating current) circuit
- (3382) ac (alternating current) coupled flip-flop
- (3383) ac (alternating current) coupling
- (3384) ac (alternating current) distribution cabinet
- (3385) ac (alternating current) erasing
- (3386) ac (alternating current) erasing head
- (3387) ac (alternating current) generator
- (3388) ac (alternating current) motor
- (3389) ac (alternating current) oscillator
- (3390) ac (alternating current) oscillator source
- (3391) ac (alternating current) plate resistance
- (3392) ac (alternating current) power supply
- (3393) ac (alternating current) receiver
- (3394) ac (alternating current) resistance
- (3395) ac (alternating current) servo motor
- (3396) academy award
- (3397) acceder
- (3398) acceptable quality level (AQL)
- (3399) access arm
- (3400) access control device (ACD)
- (3401) access hole
- (3402) access rate = access speed
- (3403) accommodation address
- (3404) accommodation ladder
- (3405) accommodation train
- (3406) accommodation unit
- (3407) acetic acid
- (3408) achilles heel
- (3409) achilles' tendon
- (3410) acid rain
- (3411) acid test
- (3412) ack emma
- (3413) acknowledge (ACK)
- (3414) aclinic line = magnetic equator
- (3415) acned
- (3416) act of god
- (3417) actin
- (3418) action painting
- (3419) action replay
- (3420) acute accent
- (3421) ad absurdum
- (3422) ad hoc
- (3423) ad infinitum
- (3424) ad interim
- (3425) ad lib
- (3426) ad nauseam
- (3427) ad valorem
- (3428) ada
- (3429) adam's apple
- (3430) adb
- (3431) adc
- (3432) adder's tongue
- (3433) addison's disease
- (3434) additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)
- (3435) adi
- (3436) adjacent angles
- (3437) adjunct professor
- (3438) adjutant general
- (3439) adm
- (3440) admiral of the fleet
- (3441) adown
- (3442) adpcm
- (3443) adrenal gland
- (3444) adsl
- (3445) advanced credit
- (3446) advanced technology (AT)
- (3447) advantege
- (3448) adventure playground
- (3449) aerial gain = antenna gain
- (3450) aerotaxis
- (3451) afe
- (3452) affiliation order
- (3453) affine
- (3454) affirmative acknowledge = affirmative response
- (3455) afghan hound
- (3456) afore
- (3457) after effect
- (3458) age of consent
- (3459) ageist
- (3460) agent provocateur
- (3461) ager
- (3462) aggravative
- (3463) aggregeta
- (3464) agip prop
- (3465) agreed!
- (3466) agronomics
- (3467) aid man
- (3468) aid station
- (3469) aide-de-camp
- (3470) aides-de-camp
- (3471) aids
- (3472) air base
- (3473) air beacon
- (3474) air bladder
- (3475) air brake
- (3476) air brush
- (3477) air chief marshal
- (3478) air chief-marshal
- (3479) air commodore
- (3480) air conditioner
- (3481) air crew
- (3482) air force
- (3483) air hardening
- (3484) air hoist
- (3485) air hostess
- (3486) air letter
- (3487) air mail
- (3488) air map
- (3489) air marshal
- (3490) air pocket
- (3491) air post
- (3492) air power
- (3493) air pump
- (3494) air raid
- (3495) air scout
- (3496) air staff
- (3497) air terminal
- (3498) air traffic control
- (3499) air traffic controller
- (3500) air umbrella
- (3501) air vice-marshal
- (3502) air war
- (3503) air-sea rescue
- (3504) air-speed indicator
- (3505) air-speed meter
- (3506) air-to-air missile
- (3507) air-to-ground
- (3508) aircraft carrier
- (3509) airing cupboard
- (3510) airline reservation system (ARS)
- (3511) airn speed
- (3512) aix
- (3513) ajutage
- (3514) alarm clock
- (3515) albescent
- (3516) aleph, alef
- (3517) aleph-null, aleph-zero
- (3518) algebraic(al)
- (3519) algobrithm
- (3520) alined
- (3521) aliquot
- (3522) all clear
- (3523) all fools' day
- (3524) all right
- (3525) all saints' day
- (3526) all souls' day
- (3527) all-hail
- (3528) all-in-all
- (3529) all-in-wrestling
- (3530) all-or-none
- (3531) all-or-nothing
- (3532) allegedly
- (3533) alligator pear
- (3534) alma mater
- (3535) almacantar
- (3536) almond paste
- (3537) almond tree
- (3538) aloha
- (3539) alpha character = alphabetic character
- (3540) alpha code = alphabetic code
- (3541) alpha particles
- (3542) alpha radiation
- (3543) alpha rays
- (3544) alpha type = alphabetic type
- (3545) alpha value = alphabetic value
- (3546) alphabetical order = alphabetic order
- (3547) alphameric = alphanumeric
- (3548) alphameric character = alphanumeric character
- (3549) alphameric character set = alphanumeric character set
- (3550) alphameric code = alphanumeric code
- (3551) alphameric data = alphanumeric data
- (3552) alphameric data code = alphanumeric data code
- (3553) alphameric field = alphanumeric field
- (3554) alphameric keyboard = alphanumeric keyboard
- (3555) alphameric literal = alphanumeric literal
- (3556) alphameric optical reader = alphanumeric optical reader
- (3557) alter ego
- (3558) alternate angle
- (3559) alternate key = Alt key
- (3560) alternating current
- (3561) alternating current = ac, AC
- (3562) alternative current (AC) receptacle
- (3563) alternative current (AC) socket
- (3564) altho
- (3565) aluminum = aluminium
- (3566) alunite
- (3567) am
- (3568) ambassador-at-large
- (3569) ambo
- (3570) amd
- (3571) amen corner
- (3572) america online
- (3573) american indian
- (3574) american plan
- (3575) amino acid
- (3576) ammonium
- (3577) ammunition
- (3578) among-means
- (3579) amp
- (3580) amp (ampere)
- (3581) amperemeter = ammeter
- (3582) ampullar
- (3583) amusement arcade
- (3584) amusement park
- (3585) an
- (3586) an't
- (3587) analog (data) recorder
- (3588) analog compact cassette (ACC)
- (3589) analog, analogue
- (3590) analogue computer
- (3591) analogus
- (3592) analyser, analyzer
- (3593) analyzer = analyser
- (3594) anchor man
- (3595) ancien régime
- (3596) ancient history
- (3597) ancient lights
- (3598) anderson shelter
- (3599) angel cake
- (3600) angel fish
- (3601) angels-on-horseback
- (3602) angstrom unit
- (3603) animated cartoon
- (3604) anno domini
- (3605) anphabetic(al)
- (3606) answer phone
- (3607) antarctic circle
- (3608) ante meridiem
- (3609) anti-ballistic missile
- (3610) anti-red-tape
- (3611) antieries
- (3612) antiform
- (3613) antigenus
- (3614) antilog(arithm)
- (3615) antisine
- (3616) antitagent
- (3617) antithetic(al)
- (3618) antler
- (3619) apa graphic
- (3620) apartment block
- (3621) api
- (3622) apl
- (3623) apostolic succession
- (3624) apothecaries' weight
- (3625) apparatus criticus
- (3626) appletalk
- (3627) application blank
- (3628) application form
- (3629) appropriation-in-aid
- (3630) apr
- (3631) april fool
- (3632) april fools' day
- (3633) april-fool-day
- (3634) apse(apsis)
- (3635) aptitude test
- (3636) aqua regia
- (3637) arabic numerals
- (3638) arbor day
- (3639) arbuscle
- (3640) archdiocesan
- (3641) archduchess
- (3642) archival backup
- (3643) arcnet
- (3644) arctic circle
- (3645) are
- (3646) area code
- (3647) areca nut
- (3648) aren't
- (3649) arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)
- (3650) arithmetic(al)
- (3651) arl
- (3652) arll
- (3653) arm-in-arm
- (3654) arme blanche
- (3655) armistice day
- (3656) armoured = armored
- (3657) arms race
- (3658) around-the-clock
- (3659) art
- (3660) artesian well
- (3661) articulated vehicle
- (3662) artificial intelligence (AI)
- (3663) arts and crafts
- (3664) arty-and-crafty
- (3665) arum lily
- (3666) ascii
- (3667) ascogone
- (3668) ash blonde
- (3669) ash can
- (3670) ash plant
- (3671) ash removal
- (3672) ash remover
- (3673) ash wednesday
- (3674) asking price
- (3675) assembly line
- (3676) assembly shop
- (3677) astragalar
- (3678) astronautic(al)
- (3679) astronavigation = astronomical navigation
- (3680) astronomic(al)
- (3681) asymmetric(al)
- (3682) asymptotic(al)
- (3683) at-a-boy
- (3684) at-sign
- (3685) athlete's foot
- (3686) athlete's heart
- (3687) athwart
- (3688) atmometry
- (3689) atmospheric(al)
- (3690) atom bomb
- (3691) atomic bomb
- (3692) atomic energy
- (3693) atomic pile
- (3694) atomic(al)
- (3695) atoner
- (3696) attaché case
- (3697) au fait
- (3698) au fond
- (3699) au gratin
- (3700) au pair
- (3701) au revoir
- (3702) audio (frequency) device
- (3703) audio (frequency) effect
- (3704) audio frequency
- (3705) audio typist
- (3706) audio-visual method
- (3707) augmented
- (3708) auld lang syne
- (3709) aunt sally
- (3710) auto-da-fé
- (3711) auto-number-page
- (3712) autocad
- (3713) automanual (telephone) exchange
- (3714) automated office (AO)
- (3715) automatic data processing (ADP)
- (3716) automatic digital network (autodin)
- (3717) automatic programmed tool (APT)
- (3718) automatic sending receiving (ASR)
- (3719) automatic tracking = auto tracking
- (3720) automatic voice network (autovon)
- (3721) automatic(al)
- (3722) autorepeat key
- (3723) autostart routine
- (3724) aux
- (3725) av
- (3726) available time = available machine time
- (3727) average adjuster
- (3728) average statement
- (3729) away game
- (3730) away match
- (3731) axiomatic(al)
- (3732) axisymmetric(al)
- (3733) axle grease
sửa- (3734) b and b
- (3735) b eng
- (3736) b litt
- (3737) b mus
- (3738) b phil
- (3739) b-road
- (3740) b.b.c
- (3741) b.c
- (3742) baby buggy
- (3743) baby carriage
- (3744) baby grand
- (3745) baby talk
- (3746) baby tooth
- (3747) back bench
- (3748) back door
- (3749) back formation
- (3750) back number
- (3751) back of
- (3752) back seat
- (3753) back slang
- (3754) back space = backspace
- (3755) back ward
- (3756) back-and-forth
- (3757) back-seat driver
- (3758) back-to-back
- (3759) back-to-back diodes
- (3760) backbone LAN (Local Area Network)
- (3761) background task = background job
- (3762) backplane = motherboard = system board
- (3763) backroom boys
- (3764) backspace (BS)
- (3765) bad debt
- (3766) bad lands
- (3767) bad language
- (3768) baggage animal
- (3769) baggage car
- (3770) baggage train
- (3771) baiting place
- (3772) bald cypress
- (3773) bald eagle
- (3774) balker
- (3775) ball and socket
- (3776) ball game
- (3777) ball-point pen
- (3778) ballistic missile
- (3779) balloon barrage
- (3780) balloon tire
- (3781) balloon vine
- (3782) balloter
- (3783) ballroom dance
- (3784) ballroom dancing
- (3785) banana oil
- (3786) banana republic
- (3787) banian day
- (3788) bank account
- (3789) bank balance
- (3790) bank card
- (3791) bank draft
- (3792) bank holiday
- (3793) bank statement
- (3794) banner headline
- (3795) banzai
- (3796) bar billiards
- (3797) bar mitzvah
- (3798) barber's pole
- (3799) bare bones
- (3800) bargain counter
- (3801) bargain hunter
- (3802) bargraph
- (3803) barium meal
- (3804) barking iron
- (3805) barn dance
- (3806) barnacle goose
- (3807) barnacled
- (3808) barometry
- (3809) barrel organ
- (3810) barrenly
- (3811) barrister-at-law
- (3812) barristers-at-law
- (3813) bartizaned
- (3814) base frequency
- (3815) base hit
- (3816) base metal
- (3817) basic english
- (3818) basica
- (3819) basilican
- (3820) basket case
- (3821) basket dinner
- (3822) basket lunch
- (3823) basket picnic
- (3824) bastard file
- (3825) bastard slip
- (3826) bastioned
- (3827) bated
- (3828) bath chair
- (3829) bath mat
- (3830) bathing season
- (3831) bathing-cap
- (3832) battle cruiser
- (3833) battle cry
- (3834) bay leaf
- (3835) bay window
- (3836) bbc
- (3837) bbfc
- (3838) bbs
- (3839) bcd
- (3840) beach buggy
- (3841) beach umbrella
- (3842) beach-la-mar
- (3843) beacon fire
- (3844) beacon light
- (3845) bean pole
- (3846) bear's cub
- (3847) bear's foot
- (3848) bear's whelp
- (3849) beaten
- (3850) beau ideal
- (3851) beaufort scale
- (3852) beauty contest
- (3853) beauty queen
- (3854) beauty salon
- (3855) beauty spot
- (3856) bed-sitting-room
- (3857) beef cattle
- (3858) beef tea
- (3859) beft
- (3860) belisha beacon
- (3861) bell captain
- (3862) bellied
- (3863) bench dog
- (3864) bengal light
- (3865) benifit
- (3866) bent
- (3867) bernicle goose
- (3868) beryllium oxide (BeO)
- (3869) best
- (3870) best girl
- (3871) best looker
- (3872) best man
- (3873) best seller
- (3874) beta rays
- (3875) beta site
- (3876) beta software
- (3877) beta test
- (3878) betting
- (3879) between girl
- (3880) betwixt
- (3881) bevel gear
- (3882) bevel pinion
- (3883) bezier curve
- (3884) bi
- (3885) bi-CMOS
- (3886) biaffine
- (3887) bias binding
- (3888) biased
- (3889) bicarb
- (3890) bicompact
- (3891) bicompactum
- (3892) bicomplex
- (3893) bicylinder
- (3894) bifecnode
- (3895) big blue
- (3896) big brother
- (3897) big bug
- (3898) big business
- (3899) big dipper
- (3900) big end
- (3901) big game
- (3902) big gun
- (3903) big head
- (3904) big house
- (3905) big noises
- (3906) big shot
- (3907) big stick
- (3908) big top
- (3909) big tree
- (3910) big wheel
- (3911) bigenus
- (3912) bigin
- (3913) bigrade
- (3914) bilinear
- (3915) bill of fare
- (3916) bill of lading
- (3917) bill of rights
- (3918) bill of sale
- (3919) bimodule
- (3920) binariants
- (3921) binary star
- (3922) binode
- (3923) biological control
- (3924) bipart
- (3925) biquaternion
- (3926) bird of paradise
- (3927) bird of passage
- (3928) bird of prey
- (3929) bird sanctuary
- (3930) bird's-eye-view
- (3931) birectangular
- (3932) biregular
- (3933) bit
- (3934) bit part
- (3935) bit-by-bit
- (3936) bit-by-bit transfer
- (3937) bitangent
- (3938) bitnet
- (3939) bitten
- (3940) bituminise
- (3941) biunique
- (3942) bivalved
- (3943) bix
- (3944) blabby
- (3945) black and white
- (3946) black art
- (3947) black ball
- (3948) black book
- (3949) black cap
- (3950) black coffe
- (3951) black coffee
- (3952) black comedy
- (3953) black country
- (3954) black currant
- (3955) black death
- (3956) black dog
- (3957) black earth
- (3958) black economy
- (3959) black english
- (3960) black eye
- (3961) black face
- (3962) black flag
- (3963) black friar
- (3964) black head
- (3965) black hole
- (3966) black ice
- (3967) black list
- (3968) black magic
- (3969) black maria
- (3970) black mark
- (3971) black marketeer
- (3972) black mass
- (3973) black muslim
- (3974) black pepper
- (3975) black power
- (3976) black pudding
- (3977) black sash
- (3978) black sheep
- (3979) black spot
- (3980) black tea
- (3981) black tie
- (3982) black-marketeer
- (3983) black-marketer
- (3984) black-tie
- (3985) black-water fever
- (3986) blackbroad
- (3987) blacking brush
- (3988) bladed
- (3989) blank cartridge
- (3990) blaster
- (3991) bleaching powder
- (3992) bled
- (3993) blessedly
- (3994) blew
- (3995) blind alley
- (3996) blind coal
- (3997) blind date
- (3998) blind flying
- (3999) blind gut
- (4000) blind man's holiday
- (4001) blind pig
- (4002) blind sopt
- (4003) blind tiger
- (4004) blind-man's-buff
- (4005) blindfolded
- (4006) blindl-man's-buff
- (4007) blintze
- (4008) blister gas
- (4009) blister pack
- (4010) block and tackle
- (4011) block ignore character = block cancel character
- (4012) block letter
- (4013) block vote
- (4014) blondish
- (4015) blood bank
- (4016) blood bath
- (4017) blood brother
- (4018) blood count
- (4019) blood donation
- (4020) blood donor
- (4021) blood feud
- (4022) blood group
- (4023) blood money
- (4024) blood pressure
- (4025) blood sport
- (4026) blood sports
- (4027) blood stock
- (4028) blood test
- (4029) blood transfusion
- (4030) blood type
- (4031) bloomy
- (4032) blossomy
- (4033) blow-by-blow
- (4034) blow-dry
- (4035) blubberer
- (4036) blubbery
- (4037) bludgeoneer
- (4038) blue (electron) gun
- (4039) blue baby
- (4040) blue blood
- (4041) blue cheese
- (4042) blue devils
- (4043) blue disease
- (4044) blue ensign
- (4045) blue fear
- (4046) blue funk
- (4047) blue jeans
- (4048) blue murder
- (4049) blue peter
- (4050) blue print
- (4051) blue ribbon
- (4052) blue ruin
- (4053) blue tit
- (4054) blue vitriol
- (4055) blue water
- (4056) blue whale
- (4057) blue-ribbon
- (4058) blue-water school
- (4059) blues
- (4060) bluesman
- (4061) bluesy
- (4062) bluffer
- (4063) blurd
- (4064) blusterer
- (4065) bmp
- (4066) bnf
- (4067) boad
- (4068) boarding card
- (4069) boat people
- (4070) bobby pin
- (4071) bobtailed
- (4072) bode
- (4073) body odour
- (4074) body politic
- (4075) body stocking
- (4076) boiled sweet
- (4077) boiler suit
- (4078) boilling heat
- (4079) boilling hot
- (4080) bon mot
- (4081) bona fide
- (4082) bona fides
- (4083) bone china
- (4084) boneless
- (4085) bons mots
- (4086) booby gannet
- (4087) booby prize
- (4088) booby trap
- (4089) book ends
- (4090) book house
- (4091) book-keeping = bookkeeping
- (4092) booker
- (4093) bookseller's
- (4094) boot camp
- (4095) booted
- (4096) border line
- (4097) bore
- (4098) born
- (4099) borty
- (4100) botchy
- (4101) bottle bank
- (4102) bottler
- (4103) bottom drawer
- (4104) bottom line
- (4105) bottomer
- (4106) boucherizing = boucherization
- (4107) bound
- (4108) bounden
- (4109) bow window
- (4110) bowing
- (4111) bowler hat
- (4112) box bed
- (4113) box lunch
- (4114) box number
- (4115) box-tricycle
- (4116) boy scout
- (4117) boycotter
- (4118) bps
- (4119) bps (bits per second)
- (4120) brain fever
- (4121) brain sauce
- (4122) brains trust
- (4123) brake fluid
- (4124) brake light
- (4125) branch-and-bound algorithm
- (4126) brander
- (4127) brandy-snap
- (4128) branny
- (4129) brass band
- (4130) brass hat
- (4131) brass plate
- (4132) brass rags
- (4133) brattish
- (4134) brazen age
- (4135) breach of promise
- (4136) breach of the peace
- (4137) bread and butter
- (4138) bread-and-butter
- (4139) breath test
- (4140) breech birth
- (4141) bren carrier
- (4142) bren gun
- (4143) brevetcy
- (4144) bric-à-brac
- (4145) bridal night
- (4146) bridging in addittion
- (4147) bridging loan
- (4148) bridler
- (4149) briery
- (4150) bright's disease
- (4151) brine pit
- (4152) briner
- (4153) bring-and-buy sale
- (4154) bringer
- (4155) bristol board
- (4156) britain
- (4157) british isles
- (4158) britishism
- (4159) broad bean
- (4160) broad jump
- (4161) broadcast(ing) station
- (4162) broderie anglaise
- (4163) broke
- (4164) broken
- (4165) broken home
- (4166) broken reed
- (4167) broken wind
- (4168) bronx cheer
- (4169) bronzy
- (4170) broomy
- (4171) brother-in-law
- (4172) brothers-in-law
- (4173) brown bread
- (4174) brown coal
- (4175) brown study
- (4176) brown sugar
- (4177) brown ware
- (4178) brusher
- (4179) brushfire war
- (4180) brussels sprouts
- (4181) bsc
- (4182) btw
- (4183) bubble bath
- (4184) bubble gum
- (4185) bubble-and-squeak
- (4186) bubonic plague
- (4187) bucker
- (4188) bucket seat
- (4189) bucket shop
- (4190) budder
- (4191) budgeteer
- (4192) buffer state
- (4193) buffet car
- (4194) buffet luncheon
- (4195) bugger-all
- (4196) bugle call
- (4197) build-in
- (4198) building materials
- (4199) building site
- (4200) bulk buying
- (4201) bull ring
- (4202) bull session
- (4203) bull's eye
- (4204) bull-of-the-bog
- (4205) bulldog clip
- (4206) bulletin board system (BBS)
- (4207) bulletin-board
- (4208) bully beef
- (4209) bumper-to-bumper
- (4210) bunchy
- (4211) bunsen burner
- (4212) burier
- (4213) burlesquer
- (4214) burnt
- (4215) burton
- (4216) bus boy
- (4217) bus girl
- (4218) bus lane
- (4219) bus station
- (4220) busheler
- (4221) bushelman
- (4222) business address
- (4223) business card
- (4224) business hours
- (4225) business man
- (4226) business studies
- (4227) but
- (4228) butchery
- (4229) button mushroom
- (4230) buttoner
- (4231) butty gang
- (4232) by and by
sửa- (4233)
- (4234) c.o.d.
- (4235) caa
- (4236) cabaret show
- (4237) cabbagy
- (4238) cable stitch
- (4239) cable television
- (4240) cable television (CATV)
- (4241) cable-TV system
- (4242) cabler
- (4243) cackler
- (4244) cadd
- (4245) caesarian operation
- (4246) café au lait
- (4247) café noir
- (4248) cai
- (4249) cairned
- (4250) calculagraph
- (4251) calculated risk
- (4252) calculating machine
- (4253) calf love
- (4254) calf's teeth
- (4255) call girl
- (4256) call(ing) relay
- (4257) call(ing) signal
- (4258) callout
- (4259) calor gas
- (4260) cam-follower
- (4261) came
- (4262) camp bed
- (4263) camp follower
- (4264) camphor ball
- (4265) campy
- (4266) can't
- (4267) canalise
- (4268) candler
- (4269) cannot
- (4270) cantab
- (4271) cantaloup(e)
- (4272) canzonet
- (4273) cap-product
- (4274) cap-à-pie
- (4275) capacitanci
- (4276) capacitor storage = capacitor store
- (4277) caps = capitals
- (4278) capt
- (4279) captive balloon
- (4280) capture (of data) = data capturing
- (4281) car-boot sale
- (4282) carbamyl
- (4283) carbolic acid
- (4284) carbon black
- (4285) carbon copy
- (4286) carbon dating
- (4287) card holder
- (4288) card man
- (4289) carding machine
- (4290) career girl
- (4291) careers master
- (4292) caresser
- (4293) cariboo
- (4294) cariboo caribou
- (4295) carier
- (4296) carpet sweeper
- (4297) carrier-pigeon
- (4298) carte blanche
- (4299) cartoonish
- (4300) caruncular
- (4301) case grammar
- (4302) case history
- (4303) case-of-conscience
- (4304) casemated
- (4305) casemented
- (4306) cash crop
- (4307) cash desk
- (4308) cash dispenser
- (4309) cash register
- (4310) cash-flow
- (4311) casqued
- (4312) cassette tape recorder = cassette recorder
- (4313) cast iron
- (4314) casting out
- (4315) castor oil
- (4316) castor sugar
- (4317) castor-oil plant
- (4318) castrater
- (4319) casualty list
- (4320) casualty ward
- (4321) casus belli
- (4322) cat o'-mountain
- (4323) cat's cradle
- (4324) cat's eye
- (4325) cat-and-dog
- (4326) catalog
- (4327) catalog(ue)
- (4328) catch'em-alive-o
- (4329) catch-'em-alive-o
- (4330) catch-as-catch-can
- (4331) cathode ray
- (4332) cathode-ray tube
- (4333) cav
- (4334) cbt
- (4335) ccitt
- (4336) cd
- (4337) cd-i
- (4338) cd-rom
- (4339) cdev
- (4340) ceilinged
- (4341) celestial bodies
- (4342) cemtrum
- (4343) censorred
- (4344) census taker
- (4345) centare
- (4346) center (centre)
- (4347) centimetre-gram-second
- (4348) central processing unit (CPU)
- (4349) centre = center
- (4350) centre spread
- (4351) centric(al)
- (4352) centrifugarl
- (4353) centrode
- (4354) cephalopodan
- (4355) ceramet
- (4356) cerebellar
- (4357) cered
- (4358) cern
- (4359) cert ed
- (4360) cga
- (4361) cgm
- (4362) cha-cha-cha
- (4363) chafing dish
- (4364) chain broadcasting
- (4365) chain coupling
- (4366) chain letter
- (4367) chain reaction
- (4368) chair car
- (4369) chair warmer
- (4370) chaise
- (4371) chaise longue
- (4372) chalk line
- (4373) chalk talk
- (4374) chamber concert
- (4375) chamber counsel
- (4376) chamber music
- (4377) chamber of horrors
- (4378) chamber orchestra
- (4379) chamber pot
- (4380) change of life
- (4381) channeler
- (4382) chanty
- (4383) chap book
- (4384) chap fallen
- (4385) chapleted
- (4386) chappy
- (4387) char-à-banc
- (4388) char-à-bancs
- (4389) character crowding = character packing
- (4390) charge coupled device (CCD)
- (4391) charge sheet
- (4392) chargé d'affaires
- (4393) charles's wain
- (4394) charter flight
- (4395) chat show
- (4396) cheap jack
- (4397) check up
- (4398) checkbook
- (4399) checker
- (4400) cheerer
- (4401) cheers!
- (4402) chequers
- (4403) cheshire cat
- (4404) chest of drawers
- (4405) chested
- (4406) chewing gum
- (4407) chicaner
- (4408) chicken pox
- (4409) chicken shit
- (4410) chiclet keyboard
- (4411) chief executive
- (4412) chilblained
- (4413) child benefit
- (4414) child's play
- (4415) chilly con carne
- (4416) chimer
- (4417) chimney breast
- (4418) chimney sweep
- (4419) chimney-pot-hat
- (4420) chinese lantern
- (4421) chock-a-block
- (4422) chocolate soldier
- (4423) choir school
- (4424) chorographer
- (4425) chow mein
- (4426) christmas tree
- (4427) chrome yellow
- (4428) chromoscope = chromatron
- (4429) chucklesome
- (4430) chunkily
- (4431) church service
- (4432) chute-the-chute
- (4433) ci
- (4434) cinder track
- (4435) cinq(ue)
- (4436) circler
- (4437) circuit breaker
- (4438) circuit training
- (4439) circulating decimal
- (4440) circulating library
- (4441) circulating medium
- (4442) circum
- (4443) circumcentre
- (4444) circumcirele
- (4445) circumsphere
- (4446) circusy
- (4447) cirele
- (4448) cisc
- (4449) cither(n)
- (4450) citizen's arrest
- (4451) citizens band
- (4452) citric acid
- (4453) city editor
- (4454) city hall
- (4455) civil marriage
- (4456) civil rights
- (4457) civil servant
- (4458) civil service
- (4459) civil war
- (4460) civil-law
- (4461) clambering plant
- (4462) clammer
- (4463) clanky
- (4464) clasp knife
- (4465) class consciousness
- (4466) class struggle
- (4467) class war
- (4468) class warfare
- (4469) clawed
- (4470) cleaning rod
- (4471) cleaning woman
- (4472) clearer
- (4473) clearing station
- (4474) cleft
- (4475) clepe
- (4476) clicksee
- (4477) climbing frame
- (4478) climbing irons
- (4479) climbing-frame
- (4480) cling film
- (4481) clinger
- (4482) clinical thermometer
- (4483) clinometry
- (4484) clip-on
- (4485) clipart
- (4486) cloak-and-dagger
- (4487) clock tower
- (4488) clocker
- (4489) close call
- (4490) close shave
- (4491) closed book
- (4492) closer
- (4493) closing price
- (4494) cloud chamber
- (4495) cloud-cuckoo-land
- (4496) cloud-cuckoo-town
- (4497) clove
- (4498) clove hitch
- (4499) clover-leaf
- (4500) cloze test
- (4501) club car
- (4502) club sandwich
- (4503) clucking hen
- (4504) clumpy
- (4505) clv
- (4506) cm
- (4507) cmdr
- (4508) cmos
- (4509) cnoidal(way)
- (4510) co
- (4511) coach-and-four
- (4512) coadjutrix
- (4513) coal tar
- (4514) coalescent
- (4515) coarse fish
- (4516) coarse fishing
- (4517) cochlear
- (4518) cock-a-doodle-doo
- (4519) cock-a-hoop
- (4520) cock-and-bull
- (4521) cockaded
- (4522) cocked hat
- (4523) coconut shy
- (4524) cod-liver oil
- (4525) coddler
- (4526) codec (coder-decoder)
- (4527) coded
- (4528) coelacanthine
- (4529) coffee break
- (4530) coffee mill
- (4531) coffee shop
- (4532) coffee table
- (4533) coffee tree
- (4534) coffee-table book
- (4535) cofibre
- (4536) cogged
- (4537) cognet
- (4538) cohomotopy
- (4539) cokernel
- (4540) cold chisel
- (4541) cold cream
- (4542) cold cuts
- (4543) cold feet
- (4544) cold frame
- (4545) cold pig
- (4546) cold shoulder
- (4547) cold snap
- (4548) cold sore
- (4549) cold storage
- (4550) cold sweat
- (4551) cold war
- (4552) cold without
- (4553) cold-fish
- (4554) cold-type
- (4555) coldness
- (4556) colimit
- (4557) collar-button
- (4558) collared
- (4559) collective farm
- (4560) collective noun
- (4561) cologarithm
- (4562) colonic
- (4563) color, colour
- (4564) colour code
- (4565) colour film
- (4566) colour scheme
- (4567) column-vecto
- (4568) com
- (4569) combat car
- (4570) combat fatigue
- (4571) combination laws
- (4572) combination lock
- (4573) combinatorial explosion
- (4574) combined
- (4575) combining form
- (4576) come-and-go
- (4577) come-at-able
- (4578) come-by-chance
- (4579) comedy of manners
- (4580) comel
- (4581) comfort station
- (4582) comic strip
- (4583) command car
- (4584) commander-in-chief
- (4585) common decency
- (4586) common ground
- (4587) common land
- (4588) common law
- (4589) common noun
- (4590) common room
- (4591) common time
- (4592) commonwealth of nations
- (4593) communication control unit = communication controller
- (4594) communist international
- (4595) communistic international
- (4596) community chest
- (4597) community home
- (4598) commutation ticket
- (4599) compact disc
- (4600) compact disk (CD)
- (4601) compact disk-interactive
- (4602) compact disk-read only memory (CD-ROM)
- (4603) compactifi
- (4604) compactum
- (4605) companion-in-arms
- (4606) companionate marriage
- (4607) company network
- (4608) compaq
- (4609) compararison
- (4610) comparer
- (4611) comparison operator
- (4612) complanar
- (4613) complemented
- (4614) completed
- (4615) compos mentis
- (4616) composite external symbol dictionary (CESD)
- (4617) composites
- (4618) compound sentence
- (4619) compounder
- (4620) compuserve
- (4621) compusex
- (4622) computational model = computation model
- (4623) computed GO TO
- (4624) computer base(d) education (CBE)
- (4625) computer base(d) learning (CBL)
- (4626) computer hardware description language (CHDL)
- (4627) computer integrated manufacturing (CIM)
- (4628) computer numerical control (CNC)
- (4629) computer of averaged transients (CAT)
- (4630) computer output microfilm (COM)
- (4631) computer output microfilm (COM) recorder
- (4632) computer performance evaluation (CPE)
- (4633) computer solution(s)
- (4634) computer tomography (CT)
- (4635) computer typesetting system (CTS)
- (4636) computer virus(es)
- (4637) computer-aided design (CAD)
- (4638) computer-aided design and drafting (CADD)
- (4639) computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)
- (4640) computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
- (4641) computer-augmented learning (CAL)
- (4642) computer-managed instruction (CMI)
- (4643) computer-managed instruction (CMI) = computer-assisted instruction
- (4644) computer-on-a-chip
- (4645) computing fundamental(s)
- (4646) computing machinery = computing machine
- (4647) computor = computer
- (4648) compuword = computer word
- (4649) comrade-in-arms
- (4650) comsat = communications satellite
- (4651) con man
- (4652) concert grand
- (4653) concexo-convex
- (4654) concirlular
- (4655) concrescent
- (4656) concrete music
- (4657) concussion grenade
- (4658) condemner
- (4659) condensed milk
- (4660) condolent
- (4661) conductimeter = conductivity meter
- (4662) conductivity meter = conductimeter
- (4663) conet
- (4664) confidence game
- (4665) confidence trick
- (4666) confiner
- (4667) confines
- (4668) confounder
- (4669) conicograp
- (4670) conjugecy
- (4671) conjunction gate = OR-gate
- (4672) connecting rod
- (4673) connectted
- (4674) connexion = connection
- (4675) conniver
- (4676) connivery
- (4677) conponemt
- (4678) conscience money
- (4679) conscientious objector
- (4680) consenter
- (4681) conservative party
- (4682) consist (of)
- (4683) consistnet
- (4684) constituter
- (4685) consulter
- (4686) consumer goods
- (4687) cont
- (4688) contact lens
- (4689) contact lenses
- (4690) contact man
- (4691) contact print
- (4692) contd
- (4693) contigent
- (4694) continental breakfast
- (4695) continental drift
- (4696) continu um
- (4697) continuos
- (4698) contour map
- (4699) contracdict
- (4700) contract bridge
- (4701) contracted
- (4702) contragradient
- (4703) contravaid
- (4704) control tower
- (4705) controlled
- (4706) controlling interest
- (4707) conversazioni
- (4708) conveyor belt
- (4709) cooer
- (4710) cooking range
- (4711) coordinate geometry (COGO)
- (4712) coordinatograp
- (4713) copper (oxide) rectifier
- (4714) coprime
- (4715) copular
- (4716) copy desk
- (4717) copyrighter
- (4718) cor anglais
- (4719) coral reef
- (4720) cordon bleu
- (4721) cordon blue
- (4722) corect
- (4723) corn laws
- (4724) corn pone
- (4725) corollarry
- (4726) corrected
- (4727) correlatograph
- (4728) corrupter
- (4729) corymbose
- (4730) cosiness
- (4731) cosmiic(al)
- (4732) cost accountant
- (4733) cost benefit
- (4734) cost price
- (4735) cost-benefit
- (4736) cotagent
- (4737) cottage cheese
- (4738) cottage industry
- (4739) cotter-pin
- (4740) cotton waste
- (4741) cotton wool
- (4742) couch grass
- (4743) couldn't
- (4744) count modulo N
- (4745) countenancer
- (4746) counter-compact
- (4747) counter-controller
- (4748) counterweighted
- (4749) counting house
- (4750) country club
- (4751) country cousin
- (4752) country dance
- (4753) country gentleman
- (4754) country gentlemant
- (4755) country house
- (4756) country party
- (4757) country-and-western
- (4758) countryfield
- (4759) coup d'oeil
- (4760) coup d'état
- (4761) coup de grâce
- (4762) coup de main
- (4763) coup de theâtre
- (4764) court martial
- (4765) court order
- (4766) court plaster
- (4767) court shoe
- (4768) courts martial
- (4769) cover girl
- (4770) coverer
- (4771) cowy
- (4772) coûte que coûte
- (4773) cp.
- (4774) cpi
- (4775) cpm
- (4776) cpu
- (4777) crab apple
- (4778) cradler
- (4779) craftsmanlike
- (4780) crash barrier
- (4781) crasher
- (4782) crashing bore
- (4783) crater lake
- (4784) crazy bone
- (4785) crc
- (4786) cream cheese
- (4787) cream separator
- (4788) cream-laid paper
- (4789) cream-wove paper
- (4790) creaseproof
- (4791) credit note
- (4792) credit rating
- (4793) crem-de-menthe
- (4794) creme de menthe
- (4795) crepuscle
- (4796) creviced
- (4797) crew
- (4798) crew neck
- (4799) cribrellum
- (4800) cricketeer
- (4801) criminally
- (4802) crinolined
- (4803) croaky
- (4804) crop dusting
- (4805) crop-dust
- (4806) cross check(ing)
- (4807) cross purposes
- (4808) cross question
- (4809) cross reference
- (4810) cross-cap
- (4811) cross-fertile
- (4812) cross-purposes
- (4813) cross-term
- (4814) crossed
- (4815) crossword puzzle
- (4816) crotched
- (4817) croupous
- (4818) crowder
- (4819) crown colony
- (4820) crown prince
- (4821) crown princess
- (4822) crt
- (4823) crude iron
- (4824) cruise missile
- (4825) crunode
- (4826) crush barrier
- (4827) crushproof
- (4828) cryctron
- (4829) crystal ball
- (4830) crystal clear
- (4831) crystal set
- (4832) crystallographer
- (4833) crystallometry
- (4834) csma
- (4835) ctrl
- (4836) cua
- (4837) cubic(al)
- (4838) cuckoo clock
- (4839) cul-de-sac
- (4840) cultish
- (4841) culture shock
- (4842) culture vulture
- (4843) cup and ball
- (4844) curmudgeonry
- (4845) curser
- (4846) curtain call
- (4847) curtain lecture
- (4848) cusk
- (4849) custardy
- (4850) custom (product) integrated circuit
- (4851) custom IC
- (4852) custom software = custom-made software
- (4853) customhouse
- (4854) customs union
- (4855) cut glass
- (4856) cut sugar
- (4857) cut-and-come-again
- (4858) cut-and-paste
- (4859) cut-and-try approach
- (4860) cuticular
- (4861) cw (continuous wave) magnetron
- (4862) cw (continuous wave) mode
- (4863) cwt
- (4864) cyberphober
- (4865) cybersex
- (4866) cyclic check byte (CCB)
- (4867) cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
- (4868) cyclic(al)
- (4869) cyclide
- (4870) cyclometry
- (4871) cyclosymmetry
- (4872) cylinder block
- (4873) cylinder head
- (4874) cylindric(al)
- (4875) cymbaleer
- (4876) cyrix
sửa- (4877) d'ye
- (4878) dB (decibel) loss
- (4879) dB (decibel) meter
- (4880) daddyish
- (4881) dady-long-legs
- (4882) daguerreotypy
- (4883) dail eireann
- (4884) dairy cattle
- (4885) dairy produce
- (4886) daisywell printer
- (4887) dale
- (4888) damage control
- (4889) damask rose
- (4890) damnedest
- (4891) damped
- (4892) dandler
- (4893) dandruffy
- (4894) darer
- (4895) dark glasses
- (4896) dark horse
- (4897) darkener
- (4898) dasd
- (4899) dash-board
- (4900) data access arrangement (DAA)
- (4901) data base = database
- (4902) data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE)
- (4903) data definition language (ĐL)
- (4904) data link layer (OSI model)
- (4905) data set label (DSL)
- (4906) data terminal equipment (DTE)
- (4907) data-in
- (4908) data-uot
- (4909) databank
- (4910) database management system (DBMS)
- (4911) datatron
- (4912) daubery
- (4913) daughter-in-law
- (4914) daughters-in-law
- (4915) david
- (4916) davy jones's locker
- (4917) davy lamp
- (4918) day care
- (4919) day nursery
- (4920) day off
- (4921) day return
- (4922) day ticket
- (4923) daydream
- (4924) dazzler
- (4925) dbms
- (4926) dc (direct-current) Josephson current
- (4927) dc (direct-current) Josephson effect
- (4928) dc (direct-current) coupling
- (4929) dc (direct-current) erasing head
- (4930) dc (direct-current) measurement
- (4931) dc (direct-current) receiver
- (4932) dc (direct-current) reinsertion
- (4933) dc (direct-current) resistance
- (4934) dc (direct-current) restoration
- (4935) dc (direct-current) ringer
- (4936) dc (direct-current) ringing
- (4937) dc (direct-current) selection
- (4938) dc (direct-current) signaling
- (4939) dc (direct-current) telegraphy = direct current telegraphy
- (4940) dc (direct-current) transformer
- (4941) dc (direct-current) transmission
- (4942) dc (direct-current) tube neon lamp
- (4943) dc (direct-current) voltage
- (4944) dde
- (4945) de facto
- (4946) de jure
- (4947) de luxe
- (4948) de rigueur
- (4949) de trop
- (4950) dead center
- (4951) dead centre
- (4952) dead colour
- (4953) dead duck
- (4954) dead end
- (4955) dead fence
- (4956) dead ground
- (4957) dead hand
- (4958) dead heat
- (4959) dead lift
- (4960) dead load
- (4961) dead man's fingers
- (4962) dead march
- (4963) dead pull
- (4964) dead reckoning
- (4965) dead shot
- (4966) dead spot
- (4967) dead wall
- (4968) deadly nightshade
- (4969) deadwood
- (4970) deaf mute
- (4971) deaf-and-dumb
- (4972) deafeningly
- (4973) death house
- (4974) death mask
- (4975) death rate
- (4976) death row
- (4977) debentura
- (4978) debussing point
- (4979) decalog
- (4980) decamter
- (4981) decatron
- (4982) decayer
- (4983) decemviri
- (4984) deceptively
- (4985) decigram(me)
- (4986) decimal-to-binary conversion
- (4987) decimal-to-hexadecimal conversion
- (4988) decimal-to-octal conversion
- (4989) deck alighting
- (4990) deck landing
- (4991) deck-house
- (4992) declarer
- (4993) decoded
- (4994) decompile
- (4995) dedicated connection = dedicated line
- (4996) deep south
- (4997) deep space
- (4998) defernt
- (4999) defervesce
- (5000) defervescent
- (5001) definiens
- (5002) definite article
- (5003) defragmenter
- (5004) deg
- (5005) deja vu
- (5006) del
- (5007) delayed-action mine
- (5008) delete [DEL character]
- (5009) delete [Del key]
- (5010) deleted
- (5011) delimite
- (5012) delirium tremens
- (5013) deliverable
- (5014) delivery note
- (5015) delivery truck
- (5016) delivery van
- (5017) delphi
- (5018) delta wing aircraft
- (5019) delurk
- (5020) dem
- (5021) demand loan
- (5022) demand note
- (5023) demander
- (5024) demilune
- (5025) demo = demonstration
- (5026) democratic party
- (5027) democratic-republican party
- (5028) democratically
- (5029) denatured alcohol
- (5030) denotata
- (5031) dental hygienist
- (5032) dep
- (5033) department store
- (5034) dependend worksheet
- (5035) depletion FET (Field Effect Transistor)
- (5036) dervived
- (5037) desired
- (5038) desk-top
- (5039) desk-top publishing
- (5040) desktop publishing (DTP)
- (5041) det
- (5042) detonation (vật lí)
- (5043) detoxification center
- (5044) device assignment = device allocation
- (5045) devil's bones
- (5046) devil's books
- (5047) devil's darning-needle
- (5048) devil's tattoo
- (5049) diacid
- (5050) diagramamatic(al)
- (5051) dialectical materialism
- (5052) dialectican
- (5053) diametric(al)
- (5054) diamond anniversary
- (5055) diamond cement
- (5056) diamond jubilee
- (5057) diamond wave coil = honey-comb coil
- (5058) diamond wedding
- (5059) diatomaceous earth
- (5060) dictagraph
- (5061) did
- (5062) did you ever
- (5063) diddums
- (5064) didn't
- (5065) didst
- (5066) die away
- (5067) die down
- (5068) die off
- (5069) die out
- (5070) dies irace
- (5071) dies non
- (5072) dietary law
- (5073) dif
- (5074) differential PCM (pulse code modulation)
- (5075) differential calculus
- (5076) differential equation
- (5077) differential gear
- (5078) differential wage
- (5079) digamma
- (5080) digestive system
- (5081) digital VTR (video tape recorder)
- (5082) digital optical disk (DOD)
- (5083) digital signal processing (DSP)
- (5084) digital signal processor (DSP)
- (5085) digital video disk (DVD)
- (5086) digital watch
- (5087) dignity ball
- (5088) diktat
- (5089) dime store
- (5090) dimenisons
- (5091) diminutive
- (5092) ding-an-sich
- (5093) dingbats
- (5094) dining room
- (5095) dinitro
- (5096) dinner jacket
- (5097) diode transistor logic (DTL) gate
- (5098) diode-transistor logic (DTL)
- (5099) dip ed
- (5100) diphtheric
- (5101) diplomatic corps
- (5102) diplomatic immunity
- (5103) direct access memory (DAM)
- (5104) direct access storage device (DASD) = direct access storage
- (5105) direct action
- (5106) direct current (DC, dc)
- (5107) direct dial
- (5108) direct method
- (5109) direct object
- (5110) direct speech
- (5111) direct tax
- (5112) direct-current (dc) restorer
- (5113) direction board
- (5114) direction finder
- (5115) direction post
- (5116) direction sign
- (5117) dirt farmer
- (5118) dirt road
- (5119) dirt-farmer
- (5120) dis-
- (5121) disarmingly
- (5122) disaster area
- (5123) disc brake
- (5124) disc jockey
- (5125) discentangle
- (5126) discontinuos
- (5127) discoruse
- (5128) discriminator(máy tính)
- (5129) disjecta membra
- (5130) disk operating system (DOS)
- (5131) disorderly house
- (5132) disparagingly
- (5133) displace person
- (5134) displaced person
- (5135) display type
- (5136) dissenting vote
- (5137) dissert
- (5138) distaff side
- (5139) distributed Bragg reflector laser
- (5140) distributed feedback (DFB) laser
- (5141) district
- (5142) district attorney
- (5143) ditto markes
- (5144) dive bomber
- (5145) divining rod
- (5146) division lobby
- (5147) division sign
- (5148) dixie land
- (5149) dixieland
- (5150) dixies land
- (5151) dm
- (5152) dma
- (5153) do-it-yourself
- (5154) do-or-die
- (5155) doch-an-doris
- (5156) doch-an-dorris
- (5157) dodeccagon
- (5158) does
- (5159) dog biscuit
- (5160) dog collar
- (5161) dog days
- (5162) dog's ear
- (5163) dog's eared
- (5164) dog's letter
- (5165) dog's nose
- (5166) dog-in-a-blanket
- (5167) dog-tree
- (5168) dogleg
- (5169) dogmatically
- (5170) doll's house
- (5171) doll's-house
- (5172) domesday book
- (5173) domiciled
- (5174) don juan
- (5175) don quixote
- (5176) don't
- (5177) done
- (5178) donkey work
- (5179) donkey's years
- (5180) donkey-work
- (5181) donnybrook fair
- (5182) door's man
- (5183) doorframe
- (5184) dope addict
- (5185) dorothy bag
- (5186) dos
- (5187) doss house
- (5188) dost
- (5189) dot printer
- (5190) dot prompt
- (5191) dot-and-dash
- (5192) dot-and-go-one
- (5193) dot-matrix
- (5194) dot-matrix printer
- (5195) doth
- (5196) doub'e entendre
- (5197) double agent
- (5198) double bar
- (5199) double bass
- (5200) double bed
- (5201) double bill
- (5202) double bind
- (5203) double bluff
- (5204) double chin
- (5205) double cream
- (5206) double date
- (5207) double density double sided disk (ĐDS)
- (5208) double dutch
- (5209) double entendre
- (5210) double entry
- (5211) double enty
- (5212) double figures
- (5213) double first
- (5214) double glazing
- (5215) double handed
- (5216) double harness
- (5217) double meaning
- (5218) double pneumonia
- (5219) double standard
- (5220) double stop
- (5221) double take
- (5222) double talk
- (5223) double time
- (5224) double(-length) register
- (5225) double-barreled
- (5226) double-length number = double word
- (5227) doubting thomas
- (5228) dough mixer
- (5229) dove's foot
- (5230) down payment
- (5231) down syndrome
- (5232) down's syndrome
- (5233) downing street
- (5234) downloadalbe
- (5235) dowse
- (5236) doyley
- (5237) doz
- (5238) drachmae
- (5239) draft horse
- (5240) drag net
- (5241) drag race
- (5242) dragon's blood
- (5243) dragon's teeth
- (5244) drainage basin
- (5245) dramatic irony
- (5246) dramatis personae
- (5247) draw string
- (5248) drawing board
- (5249) drawing card
- (5250) drawing pin
- (5251) drawing room
- (5252) drawing scale
- (5253) drawn-out
- (5254) dray horse
- (5255) dream book
- (5256) dreamland
- (5257) dreamworld
- (5258) dredger pump
- (5259) dress circle
- (5260) dress rehearsal
- (5261) dress shirt
- (5262) dress uniform
- (5263) dressing down
- (5264) dressing room
- (5265) dressing table
- (5266) dressing-down
- (5267) drinking fountain
- (5268) drinking song
- (5269) driver configuration file (DCF)
- (5270) driving force
- (5271) driving-band
- (5272) droopy
- (5273) dropouts
- (5274) drove
- (5275) drug addict
- (5276) drug addiction
- (5277) drug dealer
- (5278) drug habit
- (5279) drugmaker
- (5280) drugpusher
- (5281) drum brake
- (5282) drum major
- (5283) drum majorette
- (5284) drumhead court-martial
- (5285) drunk
- (5286) drunken
- (5287) dry battery
- (5288) dry cleaner
- (5289) dry cleaning
- (5290) dry dock
- (5291) dry eye
- (5292) dry farming
- (5293) dry goods
- (5294) dry ice
- (5295) dry land
- (5296) dry lodging
- (5297) dry measure
- (5298) dry milk
- (5299) dry nurse
- (5300) dry rot
- (5301) dry run
- (5302) dry wall
- (5303) dry wash
- (5304) dry-land
- (5305) dtp
- (5306) dual carriageway
- (5307) dual gate FET
- (5308) dual standard TV receiver
- (5309) dual tone multifrequency (DTMF)
- (5310) dual-in-line package (DIP)
- (5311) duchesse
- (5312) duck's egg
- (5313) duck's meat
- (5314) ducks and drakes
- (5315) duffel coat
- (5316) duffle coat
- (5317) dug
- (5318) dumb piano
- (5319) dumb show
- (5320) dumbbell
- (5321) dunce's cap
- (5322) dung
- (5323) duodecagon
- (5324) duodecahedron
- (5325) duplet
- (5326) duplex apartment
- (5327) duplex house
- (5328) duplicated
- (5329) dura mater
- (5330) dursn't
- (5331) dust bowl
- (5332) dust cover
- (5333) dust jacket
- (5334) dutch auction
- (5335) dutch courage
- (5336) dutch oven
- (5337) dutch treat
- (5338) duty-bound
- (5339) dyadic Boolean operator
- (5340) dye vat
- (5341) dye-in-the-wood
- (5342) dyer's weed
- (5343) dynamic allocation interface routine (DAIR)
- (5344) dynamic data exchange (ĐE)
- (5345) dynamic link library (DLL)
- (5346) dynamic storage = dynamic memory
- (5347) dynamic storage allocation = dynamic memory allocation
- (5348) dynamic(al)
sửa- (5349) e number
- (5350) e qualizer
- (5351) e quate
- (5352) e-business
- (5353) e-mail, email = electronic mail
- (5354) ea
- (5355) eachother
- (5356) eager beaver
- (5357) eagle
- (5358) eagle eye
- (5359) early bird
- (5360) early closing
- (5361) early warning
- (5362) earmuff
- (5363) earphones
- (5364) earpieces
- (5365) earplugs
- (5366) earth science
- (5367) east end
- (5368) east side
- (5369) east-northeast
- (5370) easter egg
- (5371) eastsoutheast
- (5372) easy chair
- (5373) easy street
- (5374) eating club
- (5375) eating hall
- (5376) eating house
- (5377) eau-de-cologne
- (5378) ebb tide
- (5379) ecce homo
- (5380) ecdysone
- (5381) echo Doppler indicator
- (5382) echo canceller burst mode (ECBM)
- (5383) echoey
- (5384) echoplex
- (5385) edge-emitting LED (ELED)
- (5386) edged stone
- (5387) edged tool
- (5388) edi
- (5389) editing VTR (video tape recorder)
- (5390) editor-in-chief
- (5391) editors-in-chief
- (5392) eems
- (5393) eff
- (5394) effecter
- (5395) ega
- (5396) egg-and-spon race
- (5397) egg-and-spoon race
- (5398) egg-shape
- (5399) eggshell paint
- (5400) eigenvectow
- (5401) eightieth
- (5402) einartig
- (5403) einstufig
- (5404) eis wool
- (5405) eisa
- (5406) either-or
- (5407) ejaculation
- (5408) el dorado
- (5409) electric arc
- (5410) electric blanket
- (5411) electric chair
- (5412) electric eel
- (5413) electric eye
- (5414) electric field
- (5415) electric furnace
- (5416) electric guitar
- (5417) electric needle
- (5418) electric razor
- (5419) electric steel
- (5420) electric storm
- (5421) electric(al)
- (5422) electrically
- (5423) electrically alterable read-only memory (EAROM)
- (5424) electrically erasable and programmable ROM (EEPROM)
- (5425) electro
- (5426) electrocutaneous feedback
- (5427) electrode AC resistance
- (5428) electroencephalogram (EEG)
- (5429) electroencephalograph (EEG)
- (5430) electromagnetic interference (EMI)
- (5431) electromagnetics, electromagnetism
- (5432) electromechanic(al)
- (5433) electron charge-to-mass ratio
- (5434) electron microprobe (EMP)
- (5435) electron microscope
- (5436) electron optics
- (5437) electron recording (ER) tube
- (5438) electron switch = electronic switch
- (5439) electron tube
- (5440) electron-optical cross-section
- (5441) electronic TV recording equipment
- (5442) electronic brain
- (5443) electronic charge = electron charge
- (5444) electronic magazine (E-MAG, ezine)
- (5445) electronic mail (E-mail, e-mail)
- (5446) electronic oscillator = electron oscillator
- (5447) electronic recording tube (ER tube)
- (5448) electronic scanning = electron scanning
- (5449) electronic wave = electron wave
- (5450) electronically
- (5451) electrooptic Q-switch
- (5452) electrooptic(al)
- (5453) electrostatic unit (esu)
- (5454) elite
- (5455) elliptic(al)
- (5456) ellipticty
- (5457) elysian
- (5458) em dash
- (5459) em fraction
- (5460) email = e-mail = electronic mail
- (5461) ember days
- (5462) embosser
- (5463) embrasured
- (5464) embrittle
- (5465) embroidering machine
- (5466) emergency door
- (5467) emergency exit
- (5468) emfasy
- (5469) eminence grise
- (5470) eminently
- (5471) emission theory
- (5472) emm
- (5473) emotionally
- (5474) empiric(al)
- (5475) en bloc
- (5476) en clair
- (5477) en dash
- (5478) en fraction
- (5479) en masse
- (5480) en passant
- (5481) en rgle
- (5482) en route
- (5483) en règle
- (5484) en suite
- (5485) en-tout-cas
- (5486) enacting clauses
- (5487) encapsulation (in object-oriented programming)
- (5488) enchyma
- (5489) encoded file (ENC)
- (5490) end-of-block (EOB)
- (5491) end-of-file (EOF)
- (5492) end-of-job (EOJ)
- (5493) end-of-message (EOM)
- (5494) end-of-text (ETX)
- (5495) end-of-text character
- (5496) end-of-transmission (EOT)
- (5497) end-of-transmission block character
- (5498) end-of-transmission character
- (5499) end-to-end
- (5500) end-to-end protocol
- (5501) endnote
- (5502) endogeny
- (5503) endomorphy
- (5504) endorsor
- (5505) endothermy
- (5506) energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)
- (5507) enfant terrible
- (5508) engagement ring
- (5509) engrosser
- (5510) enlisted man
- (5511) enquiry = inquiry
- (5512) enquiry character (EC) = inquiry character
- (5513) enrollee
- (5514) ensilation
- (5515) entrainer
- (5516) entrance fee
- (5517) entrenching tool
- (5518) enumerble
- (5519) envolop
- (5520) eof
- (5521) eol
- (5522) eozotic
- (5523) epitaxial SCR
- (5524) eprom
- (5525) eps
- (5526) epsom salts
- (5527) epxonent
- (5528) equalized
- (5529) equalizer Least Mean Square (LMS)
- (5530) equi continuous
- (5531) equiaffine
- (5532) equicenter
- (5533) equiconvergent
- (5534) equifrom
- (5535) equimuliple
- (5536) equivalence, (cy)
- (5537) erasable ROM = erasable programmable ROM
- (5538) erasable programmable ROM (EPROM)
- (5539) erased
- (5540) error recovery procedure (ERP)
- (5541) esc
- (5542) escalader
- (5543) escape (Esc) key
- (5544) escape character (ESC)
- (5545) escape clause
- (5546) escape literature
- (5547) escape velocity
- (5548) escapement wheel
- (5549) escaper
- (5550) escribe
- (5551) escutcheoned
- (5552) esdi
- (5553) esprit de corps
- (5554) esprit fort
- (5555) estate car
- (5556) estimated
- (5557) esu (electrostatic unit)
- (5558) et al
- (5559) et cetera
- (5560) et ceteras
- (5561) et seq
- (5562) etc
- (5563) ethertalk
- (5564) ethnarchy
- (5565) eton collar
- (5566) eton crop
- (5567) eton jacket
- (5568) etx
- (5569) eucalyptus oil
- (5570) eustachian tube
- (5571) evener
- (5572) evening dress
- (5573) evening meal
- (5574) evening paper
- (5575) evening primrose
- (5576) evening star
- (5577) every time
- (5578) every way
- (5579) evictee
- (5580) evolvent
- (5581) eworld
- (5582) ex animo
- (5583) ex officio
- (5584) ex parte
- (5585) excenter
- (5586) excepting
- (5587) excircle
- (5588) exclaimer
- (5589) exclamation mark
- (5590) exclusively
- (5591) excrutiatingly
- (5592) excursion train
- (5593) excuser
- (5594) exe
- (5595) exempli gratia
- (5596) expanded memory specifications (EMS)
- (5597) expanded metal
- (5598) experience table
- (5599) expresser
- (5600) exradius
- (5601) ext
- (5602) extended binary-coded decimal interchange code (EBCDIC)
- (5603) extended control (EC) mode
- (5604) extended memory specifications (XMS)
- (5605) extensed
- (5606) external (device) address
- (5607) extra large scale integration (ELSI)
- (5608) extremely high frequency (EHF)
- (5609) eye-catcher
- (5610) eye-shot
sửa- (5611) f.o.
- (5612) fabricated house
- (5613) face value
- (5614) faced
- (5615) facient
- (5616) facsimile = fax
- (5617) factory-built
- (5618) fair and square
- (5619) fair copy
- (5620) fairly and squarely
- (5621) fairy godmother
- (5622) fairy lamps
- (5623) fairy lights
- (5624) fait accompli
- (5625) falling star
- (5626) false bottom
- (5627) false step
- (5628) falsi
- (5629) falt tire
- (5630) faltung
- (5631) family allowance
- (5632) family bible
- (5633) family butcher
- (5634) family circle
- (5635) family doctor
- (5636) family likeness
- (5637) family man
- (5638) family name
- (5639) family planning
- (5640) family tree
- (5641) fan mail
- (5642) fan tracery
- (5643) fan vaulting
- (5644) fancy man
- (5645) fancy woman
- (5646) fancy!
- (5647) faq
- (5648) fast Fourier transformation (FFT)
- (5649) fat lime
- (5650) father-in-law
- (5651) fathers-in-law
- (5652) fatigue clothes
- (5653) faux pas
- (5654) favorless
- (5655) fax (v)
- (5656) fax = facsimile
- (5657) fcc certification
- (5658) fdhd
- (5659) feather merchant
- (5660) febricula
- (5661) fecder
- (5662) fecundated
- (5663) fed
- (5664) fed up
- (5665) fee-faw-fum
- (5666) feed bag
- (5667) feeder line
- (5668) feeder railway
- (5669) feeding crop
- (5670) feeding storm
- (5671) fell
- (5672) fellow-my-leader
- (5673) felo de se
- (5674) felones de se
- (5675) felos de se
- (5676) felt
- (5677) feme covert
- (5678) feme sole
- (5679) femme de chambre
- (5680) femme fatale
- (5681) fer de lance
- (5682) ferae nature
- (5683) ferris wheel
- (5684) ferry pilot
- (5685) feu de joie
- (5686) feuilletonism
- (5687) feuilletonist
- (5688) fianna fail
- (5689) fianna fall
- (5690) fiblre
- (5691) fictionise
- (5692) fiddle-de-dee
- (5693) field alterable control element (FACE)
- (5694) field court martial
- (5695) field dressing
- (5696) field events
- (5697) field hospital
- (5698) field house
- (5699) field marshal
- (5700) field of force
- (5701) field of honour
- (5702) field programmable gate array (FPGA)
- (5703) field telegraph
- (5704) field-effect modified transistor (FEMT)
- (5705) field-effect transistor (FET)
- (5706) fifteeth
- (5707) fifting chance
- (5708) fighter bomber
- (5709) fighter pilot
- (5710) fighting plane
- (5711) figurante
- (5712) figure-of speech
- (5713) figure-of-eight
- (5714) figurehead
- (5715) filamentose
- (5716) file allocation table (FAT)
- (5717) filespec
- (5718) filing clerk
- (5719) filing machine
- (5720) filling station
- (5721) film optical sensing device for input to computers (FOSDIC)
- (5722) film star
- (5723) film test
- (5724) film-store
- (5725) filming
- (5726) filtered
- (5727) fine arts
- (5728) fine champagne
- (5729) fine-drawn
- (5730) fine-toothed comb
- (5731) finger reading
- (5732) finishing shool
- (5733) finite difference method (FDM)
- (5734) finite element method (FEM)
- (5735) finite impulse response (FIR)
- (5736) fionet
- (5737) fire department
- (5738) fire house
- (5739) fire sale
- (5740) fire station
- (5741) fire-bag
- (5742) firing ground
- (5743) first base
- (5744) first degree
- (5745) first finger
- (5746) first floor
- (5747) first lady
- (5748) first name
- (5749) first night
- (5750) first officer
- (5751) first refusal
- (5752) first-in first-out (FIFO)
- (5753) fish and chips
- (5754) fish bowl
- (5755) fish cake
- (5756) fish finger
- (5757) fish preserve
- (5758) fish-eye lens
- (5759) fisk
- (5760) fistulous
- (5761) five-day-week
- (5762) five-finger excercise
- (5763) five-o'clock shadow
- (5764) five-o'clock tea
- (5765) five-per-cents
- (5766) fixedpoint
- (5767) fkey
- (5768) flag day
- (5769) flag of truce
- (5770) flash card
- (5771) flast
- (5772) flat TV tube
- (5773) flat boat
- (5774) flat race
- (5775) flat rate
- (5776) flat tire
- (5777) flat-head
- (5778) flatbed
- (5779) flavonol
- (5780) flea market
- (5781) flecnode
- (5782) fled
- (5783) fleet street
- (5784) fleur-de-lis
- (5785) fleur-de-luce
- (5786) fleurs-de-lis
- (5787) flexble
- (5788) flexible (printed) circuit
- (5789) flexible disk = floppy disk
- (5790) flexowriter
- (5791) flight formation
- (5792) flight lieutenant
- (5793) flight path
- (5794) flint corn
- (5795) floating bridge
- (5796) floating light
- (5797) floating rates
- (5798) floating-gate PROM
- (5799) floating-gate avalanche-injection MOS
- (5800) floating-point
- (5801) floor show
- (5802) floppy disk drive (FDD)
- (5803) florspar
- (5804) flow chart
- (5805) flower children
- (5806) flower-de-luce
- (5807) flown
- (5808) fluorimetry
- (5809) fluorspar
- (5810) fly whisk
- (5811) fly-over bridge
- (5812) fly-over viaduct
- (5813) flying bedstead
- (5814) flying boat
- (5815) flying bomb
- (5816) flying buttress
- (5817) flying colours
- (5818) flying column
- (5819) flying doctor
- (5820) flying fish
- (5821) flying fortress
- (5822) flying fox
- (5823) flying jump
- (5824) flying picket
- (5825) flying saucer
- (5826) flying squadron
- (5827) flying squirrel
- (5828) flying start
- (5829) flying tackle
- (5830) foam rubber
- (5831) folding doors
- (5832) foliage plant
- (5833) follow-my-leader
- (5834) fonticulus
- (5835) food poisoning
- (5836) food processor
- (5837) fool's errand
- (5838) foot-and-mouth disease
- (5839) foot-pound-second
- (5840) football pools
- (5841) footgear
- (5842) footloose
- (5843) for-lift truck
- (5844) fora
- (5845) forasmuch as
- (5846) forbiedden
- (5847) forby
- (5848) forbye
- (5849) force majeure
- (5850) forced labour
- (5851) forced march
- (5852) fordone
- (5853) foreface
- (5854) foregone
- (5855) foreign letter-paper
- (5856) forelimb
- (5857) foreran
- (5858) forget-me-not
- (5859) forlorn hope
- (5860) form letter
- (5861) form-feed (FF) character
- (5862) formalise
- (5863) formate
- (5864) formulation (of equation)
- (5865) forrecast
- (5866) fortune cookie
- (5867) forty-five
- (5868) forwarding address
- (5869) forwarding agent
- (5870) foul play
- (5871) found
- (5872) foundation course
- (5873) foundation garment
- (5874) founded
- (5875) founding father
- (5876) foundling hospital
- (5877) four by two
- (5878) four-foot way
- (5879) four-group
- (5880) four-horse(d)
- (5881) four-letter word
- (5882) fours
- (5883) fourth normal form (FNF
- (5884) fowl pest
- (5885) fractile
- (5886) frag bomb
- (5887) fragmentation bomb
- (5888) franc tireur
- (5889) francs tireurs
- (5890) freak out
- (5891) free agent
- (5892) free association
- (5893) free church
- (5894) free enterprise
- (5895) free fall
- (5896) free house
- (5897) free kick
- (5898) free labour
- (5899) free lance
- (5900) free liver
- (5901) free living
- (5902) free love
- (5903) free pass
- (5904) free port
- (5905) free quarters
- (5906) free range
- (5907) free soil
- (5908) free vote
- (5909) free will
- (5910) free-and-easy
- (5911) freecode
- (5912) freedom fighter
- (5913) freedom ride
- (5914) freenet
- (5915) freeza
- (5916) freight car
- (5917) freight house
- (5918) freight train
- (5919) french bean
- (5920) french bread
- (5921) french chalk
- (5922) french dressing
- (5923) french letter
- (5924) french polish
- (5925) french polisher
- (5926) french seam
- (5927) french window
- (5928) frequency division multiplexing (FDM)
- (5929) frequency hopped (FH) spread spectrum signals
- (5930) frequency modulation
- (5931) frequency shift keying (FSK)
- (5932) frequency-division multiplex(ing)
- (5933) frequency-to-number converter
- (5934) freshman
- (5935) frigging
- (5936) frog-in-the-throat
- (5937) front bench
- (5938) front money
- (5939) front page
- (5940) front-end processor (FEP)
- (5941) front-of-house
- (5942) frontways
- (5943) fruit clipper
- (5944) fruit salad
- (5945) frÃulein
- (5946) ftp
- (5947) fuelling station
- (5948) fugal
- (5949) full age
- (5950) full board
- (5951) full face
- (5952) full general
- (5953) full hand
- (5954) full house
- (5955) full marks
- (5956) full page
- (5957) full pay
- (5958) full stop
- (5959) full time
- (5960) full-sphere
- (5961) fully-fashioned
- (5962) function management protocol (FMP)
- (5963) functional analysis
- (5964) functional disease
- (5965) functional group
- (5966) functional illiterate
- (5967) fundamental particle
- (5968) funeral parlour
- (5969) fur
- (5970) fur farm
- (5971) fur farming
- (5972) furan
- (5973) furthest, farthest
- (5974) fusel oil
- (5975) fyi
sửa- (5976) gage, gauge
- (5977) galanty show
- (5978) galban
- (5979) gallium arsenide (GaAs)
- (5980) gallows humour
- (5981) gallup poll
- (5982) gama
- (5983) game bird
- (5984) game reserve
- (5985) gamma globulin
- (5986) gamma radiation
- (5987) gamma rays
- (5988) gan
- (5989) gang-rape
- (5990) gangliac
- (5991) gangliform
- (5992) gaolbird
- (5993) garand rifle
- (5994) garbage in, garbage out (GIGO)
- (5995) garden centre
- (5996) garden city
- (5997) garden of eden
- (5998) garden seat
- (5999) garden suburb
- (6000) garden truck
- (6001) gas board
- (6002) gas bracket
- (6003) gas cylinder
- (6004) gas defence
- (6005) gas poker
- (6006) gas tap
- (6007) gate-to-drain impedance
- (6008) gate-to-source impedance
- (6009) gauge, gage
- (6010) geek (computer)
- (6011) geiger counter
- (6012) general assembly
- (6013) general post office
- (6014) general practice
- (6015) general staff
- (6016) general-purpose systems simulator (GPSS)
- (6017) generalized e.
- (6018) generalized trace facility (GTF)
- (6019) generation data group (GDG)
- (6020) genetic(al)
- (6021) genii
- (6022) gentian violet
- (6023) gentleman-at-arms
- (6024) geodesic
- (6025) geodetic, geodesic
- (6026) geodetics, geodesy
- (6027) geographic information system (GIS)
- (6028) geomatry
- (6029) geometric(al)
- (6030) georaphic(al)
- (6031) german measles
- (6032) german shepherd
- (6033) get about
- (6034) get abroad
- (6035) get across
- (6036) get ahead
- (6037) get along
- (6038) get at
- (6039) get away
- (6040) get behind
- (6041) get by
- (6042) get down
- (6043) get-at-able
- (6044) get-up-and-go
- (6045) ghetto blaster
- (6046) ghost story
- (6047) ghost town
- (6048) giant cement
- (6049) giddy-go-round
- (6050) gift box
- (6051) gift shop
- (6052) gift token
- (6053) gigabit (Gb)
- (6054) gigabyte (GB)
- (6055) gigahertz (GHz)
- (6056) gigo
- (6057) gilled
- (6058) gilt
- (6059) gin rummy
- (6060) ginger ale
- (6061) ginger beer
- (6062) ginger group
- (6063) girl friday
- (6064) gismo, gizmo
- (6065) given
- (6066) glam
- (6067) glandular fever
- (6068) glass cloth
- (6069) glass fibre
- (6070) glauber's salt
- (6071) glauber'ssalts
- (6072) gleaming
- (6073) global area network (GAN)
- (6074) global descriptor table (GDT)
- (6075) global information system (GIS)
- (6076) global positioning system (GPS)
- (6077) global telecom(munication)
- (6078) globate
- (6079) globe artichoke
- (6080) glove compartment
- (6081) glove puppet
- (6082) glued
- (6083) gnp
- (6084) go about
- (6085) go abroad
- (6086) go across
- (6087) go after
- (6088) go against
- (6089) go ahead
- (6090) go along
- (6091) go among
- (6092) go at
- (6093) go away
- (6094) go away with something
- (6095) go back
- (6096) go before
- (6097) go behind
- (6098) go between
- (6099) go by
- (6100) go down
- (6101) go for
- (6102) go forward
- (6103) go in
- (6104) go off
- (6105) go on
- (6106) go out
- (6107) go over
- (6108) go round
- (6109) go through
- (6110) go together
- (6111) go under
- (6112) go up
- (6113) go with
- (6114) go without
- (6115) go-as-you-please
- (6116) go-easy
- (6117) go-thic-ize
- (6118) go-to-meeting
- (6119) goat's wool
- (6120) god's acre
- (6121) going over
- (6122) gold bloc
- (6123) gold brick
- (6124) gold jubilee
- (6125) gold medallist
- (6126) gold plate
- (6127) golden eagle
- (6128) golden syrup
- (6129) golden wedding
- (6130) golf ball
- (6131) golf club
- (6132) gone
- (6133) gonna
- (6134) gonoblastid
- (6135) good breeding
- (6136) good faith
- (6137) good friday
- (6138) good humour
- (6139) good looks
- (6140) good nature
- (6141) good sense
- (6142) good-for-nought
- (6143) gooseberry fool
- (6144) gordian knot
- (6145) got
- (6146) gotham
- (6147) gotten
- (6148) government house
- (6149) government issue
- (6150) government issue jane
- (6151) grade pupil
- (6152) grade school
- (6153) grade teacher
- (6154) grade-schooler
- (6155) graduated pension
- (6156) graet
- (6157) grain binder
- (6158) grain cleaner
- (6159) grain dryer
- (6160) grain elevator
- (6161) gram molecule
- (6162) gramercy
- (6163) grand duke
- (6164) grand finale
- (6165) grand jury
- (6166) grand master
- (6167) grand national
- (6168) grand piano
- (6169) grand prix
- (6170) grand slam
- (6171) grand total
- (6172) grand tour
- (6173) granny flat
- (6174) granny knot
- (6175) granter
- (6176) graphic access method (GAM)
- (6177) graphic(al)
- (6178) graphical user interface (GUI) = graphical interface
- (6179) graphostatis
- (6180) grass snake
- (6181) graven
- (6182) graven image
- (6183) graves's disease
- (6184) graving dock
- (6185) gravy train
- (6186) grease monkey
- (6187) greaseproof
- (6188) great bear
- (6189) great britain
- (6190) great circle
- (6191) great go
- (6192) great lakes
- (6193) great war
- (6194) greeking
- (6195) green belt
- (6196) green fingers
- (6197) green fodder
- (6198) green food
- (6199) green forage
- (6200) green goods
- (6201) green light
- (6202) green linnet
- (6203) green manure
- (6204) green meat
- (6205) green salad
- (6206) green stall
- (6207) green tea
- (6208) greenhouse effect
- (6209) greenland
- (6210) greenwich mean time
- (6211) gregorian calendar
- (6212) gregorian chant
- (6213) grey eminence
- (6214) grey matter
- (6215) gridded
- (6216) griddle cake
- (6217) grievous bodily harm
- (6218) griller
- (6219) groaner
- (6220) grosser
- (6221) ground
- (6222) ground (GND)
- (6223) ground control
- (6224) ground crew
- (6225) ground floor
- (6226) ground forces
- (6227) ground game
- (6228) ground glass
- (6229) ground landlord
- (6230) ground plan
- (6231) ground plot
- (6232) ground rule
- (6233) ground speed
- (6234) ground staff
- (6235) ground swell
- (6236) ground torpedo
- (6237) ground-to-air communication
- (6238) group captain
- (6239) group practice
- (6240) group separator (GS)
- (6241) group therapy
- (6242) group-like
- (6243) grouped
- (6244) groupware
- (6245) groupware (software for workgroups)
- (6246) grown
- (6247) guard's van
- (6248) guelder rose
- (6249) guesser
- (6250) guggle
- (6251) gui
- (6252) guided missile
- (6253) gulf stream
- (6254) gum arabic
- (6255) gum elastic
- (6256) gumshoe
- (6257) gun crew
- (6258) gun dog
- (6259) gun moll
- (6260) gunpowder works
- (6261) gutty
- (6262) guve
- (6263) gymnospermy
- (6264) gyoscopie
- (6265) gyro - compass
sửa- (6266) ha ha
- (6267) habeas corpus
- (6268) hackbuteer
- (6269) hacking cough
- (6270) hadn't
- (6271) hadst
- (6272) haeremai
- (6273) hafd
- (6274) hail-fellow-well-met
- (6275) hair shirt
- (6276) hair's breadth
- (6277) hairsbreadth
- (6278) haitian
- (6279) half hitch
- (6280) half holiday
- (6281) half hose
- (6282) half measure
- (6283) half moon
- (6284) half mourning
- (6285) half tide
- (6286) half-a-crown
- (6287) half-adder
- (6288) half-and-half
- (6289) half-cyele
- (6290) half-group
- (6291) half-module
- (6292) half-plane
- (6293) half-seas-over
- (6294) half-space
- (6295) halftone
- (6296) halophilic
- (6297) hammock chair
- (6298) han't
- (6299) hand-me-down
- (6300) hand-me-own
- (6301) hand-to-hand
- (6302) handbook man
- (6303) handy man
- (6304) harbor
- (6305) hard sauce
- (6306) hard ball
- (6307) hard board
- (6308) hard cash
- (6309) hard coal
- (6310) hard copy
- (6311) hard core
- (6312) hard court
- (6313) hard cover
- (6314) hard disk
- (6315) hard drug
- (6316) hard labour
- (6317) hard porn
- (6318) hard shoulder
- (6319) hard tack
- (6320) hard water
- (6321) hard-to-reach
- (6322) hardy annual
- (6323) haricot bean
- (6324) harvest festival
- (6325) harvest home
- (6326) harvest moon
- (6327) hash house
- (6328) hasn't
- (6329) hast
- (6330) hat tree
- (6331) hat trick
- (6332) hatchet job
- (6333) hatchet man
- (6334) hath
- (6335) haute couture
- (6336) haute cuisine
- (6337) hay fever
- (6338) hay harvest
- (6339) hay haverst
- (6340) hay time
- (6341) he'd
- (6342) he'll
- (6343) he's
- (6344) head cheese
- (6345) head of state
- (6346) head stone
- (6347) head wind
- (6348) health centre
- (6349) health farm
- (6350) health food
- (6351) health service
- (6352) health visitor
- (6353) hearsay
- (6354) heart attack
- (6355) heart failure
- (6356) heart's ease
- (6357) heart-lung machine
- (6358) heat barrier
- (6359) heat capacity
- (6360) heat rash
- (6361) heat shield
- (6362) heath robinson
- (6363) heating value
- (6364) heavier-than-air
- (6365) heaviside layer
- (6366) heavy hydrogen
- (6367) heavy industry
- (6368) heavy water
- (6369) hedge defense
- (6370) heel tendon
- (6371) heir apparent
- (6372) heir presumptive
- (6373) heir-at-law
- (6374) heir-at-low
- (6375) helio
- (6376) hell-for-leather
- (6377) helter-skelter
- (6378) helvetica
- (6379) hemicompact
- (6380) hemigroup
- (6381) hemipteroid
- (6382) hemipteron
- (6383) hemispherric (al)
- (6384) hen-and-chickens
- (6385) hence!
- (6386) herbaceous border
- (6387) here's
- (6388) heroic verse
- (6389) herpes simplex
- (6390) herpes zoster
- (6391) herpolhode
- (6392) hers
- (6393) herself
- (6394) hertzian wave
- (6395) hessian boots
- (6396) heterotypic(al)
- (6397) hexachloroethane
- (6398) hexadic
- (6399) hexehedron
- (6400) hi-fi
- (6401) hid
- (6402) high altar
- (6403) high chair
- (6404) high church
- (6405) high colour
- (6406) high commission
- (6407) high commissioner
- (6408) high court
- (6409) high explosive
- (6410) high farming
- (6411) high fidelity
- (6412) high german
- (6413) high hat
- (6414) high jump
- (6415) high life
- (6416) high pressure
- (6417) high priest
- (6418) high priori road
- (6419) high road
- (6420) high school
- (6421) high seas
- (6422) high season
- (6423) high spot
- (6424) high street
- (6425) high table
- (6426) high tea
- (6427) high technology
- (6428) high tide
- (6429) high treason
- (6430) high-water mark
- (6431) high-water-mark
- (6432) higher animals
- (6433) higher education
- (6434) highland fling
- (6435) himself
- (6436) hippopotami
- (6437) hire system
- (6438) hired girl
- (6439) hired man
- (6440) his
- (6441) historic present
- (6442) hit list
- (6443) hit man
- (6444) hit parade
- (6445) hit-or-mis
- (6446) ho-ho
- (6447) hobson's choice
- (6448) hobson's choise
- (6449) hockey stick
- (6450) hodograph
- (6451) hog cholera
- (6452) hog mane
- (6453) hog wild
- (6454) hog's pudding
- (6455) hoi polloi
- (6456) holden
- (6457) holding company
- (6458) holdup man
- (6459) hole-and-corner
- (6460) holiday camp
- (6461) holla
- (6462) holomorph
- (6463) holonomy
- (6464) holp
- (6465) holpen
- (6466) holy city
- (6467) holy father
- (6468) holy grail
- (6469) holy land
- (6470) holy of holied
- (6471) holy of holies
- (6472) holy see
- (6473) holy spirit
- (6474) holy week
- (6475) home economics
- (6476) home farm
- (6477) home front
- (6478) home guard
- (6479) home help
- (6480) home rule
- (6481) home run
- (6482) home secretary
- (6483) home straight
- (6484) home thrust
- (6485) homeomorphissn
- (6486) homeostat
- (6487) homing device
- (6488) homing pigeon
- (6489) homogeneus
- (6490) homogroup
- (6491) homologous to
- (6492) homomorph
- (6493) homomorphy
- (6494) homotopy
- (6495) hon. sec
- (6496) honest-to-goodness
- (6497) honey eater
- (6498) honey locust
- (6499) honey sucker
- (6500) honey-tongued
- (6501) honeydew melon
- (6502) honours list
- (6503) hons
- (6504) hook nose
- (6505) hook's joint
- (6506) hooroo
- (6507) hop, step and jump
- (6508) hopeful
- (6509) horespower
- (6510) horizontal bar
- (6511) horocycle
- (6512) horosphere
- (6513) hors de combat
- (6514) horse latitudes
- (6515) horse opera
- (6516) horse sense
- (6517) horse-and-buggy
- (6518) hot air
- (6519) hot blast
- (6520) hot cake
- (6521) hot cockles
- (6522) hot cross bun
- (6523) hot dog
- (6524) hot favourite
- (6525) hot gospeller
- (6526) hot line
- (6527) hot rod
- (6528) hot seat
- (6529) hot spring
- (6530) hot stuff
- (6531) hot war
- (6532) hot water
- (6533) hot well
- (6534) hot-air balloon
- (6535) hot-water bottle
- (6536) house arrest
- (6537) house lights
- (6538) housing association
- (6539) housing estate
- (6540) how much
- (6541) how-d'ye-do
- (6542) hppcl
- (6543) human interest
- (6544) human nature
- (6545) human race
- (6546) human rights
- (6547) humane killer
- (6548) humble plant
- (6549) humpback bridge
- (6550) hundred-per-center
- (6551) hung parliament
- (6552) hunt ball
- (6553) hydraulic ram
- (6554) hydrib
- (6555) hydrodynamic (al)
- (6556) hydrogen bomb
- (6557) hymnbook
- (6558) hypercard
- (6559) hypercomplex
- (6560) hypercone
- (6561) hypercylineder
- (6562) hypergeometry
- (6563) hypergroup
- (6564) hypermatrix
- (6565) hyperparallels
- (6566) hyperplane
- (6567) hypertalk
- (6568) hyperterxt
- (6569) hypertorus
- (6570) hypervolume
- (6571) hypocompact
- (6572) hypomanic
- (6573) hypostoma
- (6574) hypothermia treatment
- (6575) hypothetic (al)
- (6576) hypsographic(al)
sửa- (6577) i'll
- (6578) i'm
- (6579) i've
- (6580) i.e.
- (6581) iac
- (6582) ibexes
- (6583) ibm
- (6584) ice cube
- (6585) ice dancing
- (6586) ice lolly
- (6587) ice water
- (6588) ice-cream cone
- (6589) ichneumon fly
- (6590) icing sugar
- (6591) id est
- (6592) idea man
- (6593) ideal point
- (6594) idealzed
- (6595) identical twins
- (6596) identification disk
- (6597) identification parade
- (6598) identification tag
- (6599) identity card
- (6600) identity disk
- (6601) idiot board
- (6602) idiot card
- (6603) idle pulley
- (6604) idle wheel
- (6605) idée fixe
- (6606) ieee
- (6607) ifip
- (6608) ignis fatuus
- (6609) ill blood
- (6610) ill breeding
- (6611) ill feeling
- (6612) ill humour
- (6613) ill nature
- (6614) ill natured
- (6615) ill temper
- (6616) ill turn
- (6617) ill will
- (6618) ill-at-ease
- (6619) ill-conditinned
- (6620) imaginary c. at infinity
- (6621) imbalanced
- (6622) imbedded
- (6623) immediate annuity
- (6624) immersion heater
- (6625) immigration control
- (6626) immortal hand
- (6627) immune body
- (6628) immune serum
- (6629) imno
- (6630) imperfect fungus
- (6631) impinger
- (6632) impluse
- (6633) importuner
- (6634) improper fraction
- (6635) impulse buying
- (6636) in absentia
- (6637) in behalf
- (6638) in extremis
- (6639) in lieu of
- (6640) in loco parentis
- (6641) in memoriam
- (6642) in situ
- (6643) in toto
- (6644) in vitro
- (6645) in vivo
- (6646) in-and-in
- (6647) in-and-outer
- (6648) inappetent
- (6649) inasmuch as
- (6650) inauguration day
- (6651) incenter
- (6652) incentive wage
- (6653) incidental music
- (6654) incirele
- (6655) inclined plane
- (6656) income account
- (6657) indecent exposure
- (6658) indefinableness
- (6659) indentured labour
- (6660) independence day
- (6661) independent means
- (6662) index card
- (6663) index finger
- (6664) india civilian
- (6665) india ink
- (6666) india paper
- (6667) indian civilian
- (6668) indian club
- (6669) indian corn
- (6670) indian file
- (6671) indian giver
- (6672) indian hemp
- (6673) indian ink
- (6674) indian meal
- (6675) indian summer
- (6676) indian weed
- (6677) indian wrestling
- (6678) indicatrix
- (6679) indictee
- (6680) indignation meeting
- (6681) indigo blue
- (6682) indirect labour
- (6683) indirect lighting
- (6684) indirect object
- (6685) indirect primary
- (6686) indirect question
- (6687) indirect speech
- (6688) indirect tax
- (6689) indisciplined
- (6690) induction motor
- (6691) industrial accident
- (6692) industrial alcohol
- (6693) industrial arts
- (6694) industrial design
- (6695) industrial designer
- (6696) industrial disease
- (6697) industrial estate
- (6698) industrial life insurance
- (6699) industrial relations
- (6700) industrial revolution
- (6701) industrial school
- (6702) inert gas
- (6703) inertia reel
- (6704) inertia seat-belt
- (6705) inertia selling
- (6706) inexaxtitude
- (6707) infant prodigy
- (6708) infantile paralysis
- (6709) infarcted
- (6710) infernal machine
- (6711) infighter
- (6712) infinite series
- (6713) inflection point
- (6714) inflection, inflexion
- (6715) inflectional, inflexional
- (6716) inflorescent
- (6717) information science
- (6718) informing gun
- (6719) infra dig
- (6720) infuriatingly
- (6721) ingot iron
- (6722) ingradient
- (6723) inherited
- (6724) init
- (6725) injury time
- (6726) ink-horn term
- (6727) inkjet
- (6728) inky cap
- (6729) inland revenue
- (6730) inn of court
- (6731) inner circle
- (6732) inner city
- (6733) inner multiplication
- (6734) inner point
- (6735) inner product
- (6736) inner tube
- (6737) innit
- (6738) innominate bone
- (6739) input circuit
- (6740) input device
- (6741) inqiury
- (6742) inquiry agent
- (6743) insane asylum
- (6744) inseribed
- (6745) inside lane
- (6746) inside left
- (6747) inside right
- (6748) inside track
- (6749) insider dealing
- (6750) insphere
- (6751) instituter
- (6752) insulating tape
- (6753) insuner
- (6754) insurance broker
- (6755) insurance policy
- (6756) insuring clause
- (6757) integraaph
- (6758) integral calculus
- (6759) integrated
- (6760) integrated circuit
- (6761) integrated software
- (6762) intel
- (6763) intelligence bureau
- (6764) intelligence department
- (6765) intelligence office
- (6766) intelligence quotient
- (6767) intelligence test
- (6768) intensive care
- (6769) inter alia
- (6770) intercollegiate
- (6771) intercommunication system
- (6772) interdependnece
- (6773) interior decoration
- (6774) interior decorator
- (6775) interior design
- (6776) interior designer
- (6777) interior drainage
- (6778) interlocking directorate
- (6779) intermittent fever
- (6780) intermountain
- (6781) internal combustion
- (6782) internal medicine
- (6783) internal revenue
- (6784) interperter
- (6785) interplanetarry
- (6786) interpretative dance
- (6787) interprocess
- (6788) interract
- (6789) interwine
- (6790) intestinal fortitude
- (6791) intra-uterine device
- (6792) intrablock
- (6793) intraclass
- (6794) intransigeancy
- (6795) intrinsic(al)
- (6796) inverted
- (6797) inverted commas
- (6798) inverted snob
- (6799) inverted snobbery
- (6800) inverted sugar
- (6801) invisible ink
- (6802) invisible mending
- (6803) invitation
- (6804) invulnerableness
- (6805) ipc
- (6806) ipso facto
- (6807) irish bull
- (6808) irish coffee
- (6809) irish setter
- (6810) irish stew
- (6811) iron age
- (6812) iron cross
- (6813) iron curtain
- (6814) iron foundry
- (6815) iron hand
- (6816) iron horse
- (6817) iron law
- (6818) iron lung
- (6819) iron man
- (6820) iron rations
- (6821) ironhanded
- (6822) irq
- (6823) is
- (6824) isn't
- (6825) iso
- (6826) isogeny
- (6827) isograh
- (6828) isolation ward
- (6829) isomorphy
- (6830) isoperimetric(al)
- (6831) isotone (order-preserving)
- (6832) isotype
- (6833) it'd
- (6834) it'll
- (6835) it's
- (6836) iterated
- (6837) its
- (6838) itself
- (6839) itt
- (6840) iump
- (6841) ivory black
- (6842) ivy league
- (6843) ivy vine
sửa- (6844) j pen
- (6845) jack frost
- (6846) jack ketch
- (6847) jack light
- (6848) jack pudding
- (6849) jack rabbit
- (6850) jack sprat
- (6851) jack tar
- (6852) jack-a-dandy
- (6853) jack-in-office
- (6854) jacker
- (6855) jacketed
- (6856) jacob's ladder
- (6857) jacob's staff
- (6858) jacquard loom
- (6859) jail-bird
- (6860) jailer
- (6861) jam session
- (6862) jap
- (6863) japery
- (6864) jargoneer
- (6865) jazz band
- (6866) jazzer
- (6867) jazzish
- (6868) je ne sais quoi
- (6869) jekyll and hyde
- (6870) jelly baby
- (6871) jenny wren
- (6872) jet propulsion
- (6873) jet set
- (6874) jet-set
- (6875) jew's pitch
- (6876) jib door
- (6877) jibba(h)
- (6878) jibe
- (6879) jim crow
- (6880) jingoish
- (6881) jingoist
- (6882) jinn
- (6883) jivey
- (6884) jivy
- (6885) job description
- (6886) job lot
- (6887) job printer
- (6888) job printing
- (6889) job satisfaction
- (6890) job sharing
- (6891) joe miller
- (6892) john bull
- (6893) john dory
- (6894) johnny-come-lately
- (6895) johnny-on-the-spot
- (6896) joie de vivre
- (6897) joint staff
- (6898) jonny raw
- (6899) jot
- (6900) judgement creditor
- (6901) judgement debt
- (6902) judgement debtor
- (6903) judgment creditor
- (6904) judgment debt
- (6905) judgment debtor
- (6906) jump ball
- (6907) jumping-off place
- (6908) junction box
- (6909) jungle fever
- (6910) juridically
- (6911) jurisdictional
- (6912) jurisdictionally
- (6913) jurisprudentially
- (6914) just click'n'see
sửa- (6915) karyologic(al)
- (6916) kb
- (6917) keener
- (6918) kennel ration
- (6919) kenotron
- (6920) kerb drill
- (6921) kerb market
- (6922) kermes oak
- (6923) kermit
- (6924) kerneled
- (6925) key money
- (6926) kibitzer
- (6927) kid glove
- (6928) kidney bean
- (6929) kidney machine
- (6930) killer whale
- (6931) kilo
- (6932) kinematic(al)
- (6933) kinetic art
- (6934) king's evil
- (6935) king's peg
- (6936) king's ransom
- (6937) kiss of death
- (6938) kiss-in-the-ring
- (6939) kiss-me-quick
- (6940) kissing kind
- (6941) kit bag
- (6942) kitchen garden
- (6943) kitchen midden
- (6944) kitchen physic
- (6945) kitchen police
- (6946) kitchen sink drama
- (6947) kitchen ware
- (6948) kitschify
- (6949) kkk
- (6950) km
- (6951) kn
- (6952) kneading machine
- (6953) knee breeches
- (6954) kneeling position
- (6955) knifer
- (6956) knitting needle
- (6957) knobbed
- (6958) knock-for-knock
- (6959) knower
- (6960) ko
- (6961) koh-i-noor
- (6962) kt
- (6963) ku klux klan
- (6964) ku-klux-klan
- (6965) ku-klux-klaner
- (6966) ku-kluxer
- (6967) kung fu
- (6968) kw
sửa- (6969) labor day
- (6970) laboratory school
- (6971) labour exchange
- (6972) labour leader
- (6973) labour movement
- (6974) labour of love
- (6975) labour party
- (6976) labour relations
- (6977) lackaday
- (6978) lactic acid
- (6979) lacunar(y)
- (6980) ladder company
- (6981) ladder man
- (6982) laden
- (6983) ladies' man
- (6984) ladies' room
- (6985) ladies-in-waiting
- (6986) lady bountiful
- (6987) lady chapel
- (6988) lady day
- (6989) lady's man
- (6990) lady-in-waiting
- (6991) laid
- (6992) lain
- (6993) lake district
- (6994) lake poets
- (6995) lame-duck
- (6996) lamebrain(ed)
- (6997) lamp wick
- (6998) lan
- (6999) lancastrian
- (7000) land mass
- (7001) land office
- (7002) land poor
- (7003) land power
- (7004) land waiter
- (7005) landing craft
- (7006) landing field
- (7007) landing force
- (7008) landing gear
- (7009) landing ground
- (7010) landing net
- (7011) landing strip
- (7012) landing troops
- (7013) landscape architect
- (7014) landscape architecture
- (7015) landscape gardening
- (7016) language arts
- (7017) language laboratory
- (7018) lanner
- (7019) lantern jaws
- (7020) lantern slide
- (7021) laotian
- (7022) lap link
- (7023) lapis lazuli
- (7024) lapse rate
- (7025) lares and penates
- (7026) large scale
- (7027) larger-than-life
- (7028) last mile
- (7029) last name
- (7030) last post
- (7031) last rites
- (7032) last sleep
- (7033) last supper
- (7034) latency period
- (7035) latent heat
- (7036) latent image
- (7037) latent period
- (7038) later
- (7039) lateral thinking
- (7040) latin church
- (7041) latin cross
- (7042) latvian
- (7043) laudator temporis acti
- (7044) laughing gas
- (7045) launch pad
- (7046) launching pad
- (7047) launching ramp
- (7048) launching site
- (7049) law lord
- (7050) law office
- (7051) lawn mower
- (7052) lawn tennis
- (7053) lay
- (7054) lay figure
- (7055) lay reader
- (7056) layer cake
- (7057) lazy susan
- (7058) lead comb
- (7059) lead pencil
- (7060) lead story
- (7061) leading article
- (7062) leading case
- (7063) leading edge
- (7064) leading lady
- (7065) leading light
- (7066) leading man
- (7067) leading question
- (7068) leap year
- (7069) led
- (7070) lee shore
- (7071) left
- (7072) left bank
- (7073) left wing
- (7074) left-luggage office
- (7075) leg art
- (7076) leg work
- (7077) leg-of-mutton
- (7078) legal aid
- (7079) legal proceedings
- (7080) legal tender
- (7081) leisure centre
- (7082) lemon curd
- (7083) lemon sole
- (7084) len lity
- (7085) lend-lease act
- (7086) lengthened
- (7087) lent
- (7088) lent lily
- (7089) lent term
- (7090) leper house
- (7091) let him eff off
- (7092) let's
- (7093) letter bomb
- (7094) letter box
- (7095) letter of advice
- (7096) letter of exchange
- (7097) letter of introduction
- (7098) letter of marque
- (7099) letters patent
- (7100) levant morocco
- (7101) level crossing
- (7102) lewis gun
- (7103) lexcography
- (7104) lexical meaning
- (7105) lexicographic(al)
- (7106) leyden jar
- (7107) liberal arts
- (7108) liberal party
- (7109) library science
- (7110) library steps
- (7111) libyan
- (7112) license plate
- (7113) licorice stick
- (7114) lie detector
- (7115) lieut
- (7116) lieutenant junior grade
- (7117) life assurance
- (7118) life belt
- (7119) life buoy
- (7120) life cycle
- (7121) life estate
- (7122) life expectancy
- (7123) life guards
- (7124) life history
- (7125) life insurance
- (7126) life peer
- (7127) life raft
- (7128) life sciences
- (7129) life span
- (7130) life story
- (7131) life style
- (7132) life-and-death
- (7133) life-or-death
- (7134) light bulb
- (7135) light cell
- (7136) light displacement
- (7137) light draft
- (7138) light engine
- (7139) light industry
- (7140) light meter
- (7141) light pen
- (7142) light-of-love
- (7143) lighter-than-air
- (7144) lighting-up time
- (7145) lights out
- (7146) lily of the valley
- (7147) lim ems
- (7148) lima bean
- (7149) limacon
- (7150) limbec(k)
- (7151) lineal, linear
- (7152) lineaments
- (7153) lingua franca
- (7154) linseed oil
- (7155) lips
- (7156) lisle thread
- (7157) list price
- (7158) listed building
- (7159) listening post
- (7160) lit
- (7161) lit up
- (7162) lite
- (7163) litmus paper
- (7164) litttle
- (7165) liver extract
- (7166) liver sausage
- (7167) livery company
- (7168) loaf sugar
- (7169) loath-to-depart
- (7170) loblolly man
- (7171) loc cit
- (7172) loca
- (7173) localized
- (7174) lock hospital
- (7175) lock step
- (7176) loco citato
- (7177) loculose
- (7178) locum tenens
- (7179) locus classicus
- (7180) log off
- (7181) log on
- (7182) logarthm
- (7183) logit
- (7184) logon file
- (7185) loll around
- (7186) loll of
- (7187) lollipop man
- (7188) lone hand
- (7189) lonely hearts
- (7190) long division
- (7191) long drink
- (7192) long ears
- (7193) long greens
- (7194) long hair
- (7195) long hop
- (7196) long johns
- (7197) long jump
- (7198) long odds
- (7199) long pig
- (7200) long pull
- (7201) long suit
- (7202) long tom
- (7203) long ton
- (7204) long wave
- (7205) long weekend
- (7206) long-wave
- (7207) longe
- (7208) longprimer
- (7209) look-up
- (7210) loop
- (7211) loose covers
- (7212) lor
- (7213) lord's day
- (7214) lord's prayer
- (7215) lord-in-waiting
- (7216) lords spiritual
- (7217) lords temporal
- (7218) lost cause
- (7219) lost property
- (7220) loud speaker
- (7221) lounge suit
- (7222) love-hate relationship
- (7223) low church
- (7224) low season
- (7225) low tide
- (7226) low-level language
- (7227) low-water mark
- (7228) lower case
- (7229) lower chamber
- (7230) lower deck
- (7231) lower house
- (7232) lowercase
- (7233) loxodromic(al)
- (7234) lpt
- (7235) lsi
- (7236) luces
- (7237) luggage van
- (7238) lulu
- (7239) lumbar puncture
- (7240) lumme
- (7241) lummy
- (7242) lumped
- (7243) lunar caustic
- (7244) lunar module
- (7245) lunatic asylum
- (7246) luncheon meat
- (7247) luncheon voucher
- (7248) lung fever
- (7249) lurking suspicion
- (7250) lying in
- (7251) lying-in-state
- (7252) lynch law
sửa- (7253) m.a
- (7254) m.d
- (7255) m.d.
- (7256) mach number
- (7257) mackerel sky
- (7258) macrobiotic
- (7259) macronuclei
- (7260) made
- (7261) made-to-measure
- (7262) made-to-order
- (7263) madonna lily
- (7264) mae west
- (7265) mafiosi
- (7266) magdalene
- (7267) magic lantern
- (7268) magna carta
- (7269) magna charta
- (7270) magnetic tape
- (7271) magnifying glass
- (7272) magnum bonum
- (7273) maharanee
- (7274) maid-in-waiting
- (7275) maid-of-all-work
- (7276) maid-of-honour
- (7277) mail order
- (7278) mail-oder house
- (7279) mail-order firm
- (7280) mailbag
- (7281) mailed fist
- (7282) main clause
- (7283) main line
- (7284) mainbrace
- (7285) maintainance, maintenance
- (7286) maisonnette
- (7287) maitre d'hôtel
- (7288) majorized
- (7289) malarky
- (7290) man on horseback
- (7291) man-o'-war
- (7292) man-of-war
- (7293) managing editor
- (7294) mangan
- (7295) mangano
- (7296) mangel-wurzel
- (7297) mangold-wurzel
- (7298) manichaean
- (7299) manichean
- (7300) manifest desting
- (7301) manitu
- (7302) manufactures
- (7303) many-valued
- (7304) mapi
- (7305) mapreader
- (7306) marcher
- (7307) mare's nest
- (7308) marlinespike
- (7309) marlinspike
- (7310) marquesses
- (7311) marquises
- (7312) marriage portion
- (7313) marsh fever
- (7314) marsh fire
- (7315) marsh gas
- (7316) marsh mallow
- (7317) martial law
- (7318) mason bee
- (7319) masorah
- (7320) mass media
- (7321) mass meeting
- (7322) mass movement
- (7323) mass observation
- (7324) mass of manoeuvre
- (7325) mastabah
- (7326) master's
- (7327) master-at-arms
- (7328) mastersinger
- (7329) mastoid bone
- (7330) matelotte
- (7331) maternity hospital
- (7332) maternity leave
- (7333) maternity robe
- (7334) math
- (7335) matri
- (7336) matter of course
- (7337) matter of fact
- (7338) matter-of-factness
- (7339) maturite
- (7340) mavournin
- (7341) max
- (7342) maxis
- (7343) may day
- (7344) may-beetle
- (7345) mayn't
- (7346) mazourka
- (7347) mb
- (7348) mbe
- (7349) mc carthyism
- (7350) mc carthyite
- (7351) mca
- (7352) mcga
- (7353) mci
- (7354) md
- (7355) mda
- (7356) mdt
- (7357) meals-on-wheels
- (7358) mechan
- (7359) mechano
- (7360) med
- (7361) medically
- (7362) medicine bag
- (7363) medicine ball
- (7364) medicine chest
- (7365) medii
- (7366) medullae
- (7367) meg
- (7368) mega
- (7369) melano
- (7370) men's room
- (7371) men-of-war
- (7372) menfolks
- (7373) meningi
- (7374) meningiomata
- (7375) meningo
- (7376) meningococci
- (7377) menisci
- (7378) meno
- (7379) menservants
- (7380) mensheviki
- (7381) mental home
- (7382) mental hospital
- (7383) mercantilist
- (7384) mercy killing
- (7385) mercy stroke
- (7386) merry andrew
- (7387) merry dancers
- (7388) merry-go-round
- (7389) mes
- (7390) mescalin
- (7391) mess gear
- (7392) mess hall
- (7393) mess kit
- (7394) messieurs
- (7395) messrs
- (7396) meta
- (7397) metacarpi
- (7398) metacnetre
- (7399) metacomplete
- (7400) metasystem
- (7401) methodic(al)
- (7402) methylene blue
- (7403) mfm
- (7404) mhz
- (7405) mibf
- (7406) micellae
- (7407) mickey
- (7408) micra
- (7409) microrelay
- (7410) microsoft
- (7411) microsope
- (7412) mid-coefficient
- (7413) mid-value
- (7414) middle watch
- (7415) middle-of-the-road
- (7416) middle-of-the-roader
- (7417) midi
- (7418) midperpendicular
- (7419) midpoint
- (7420) midsequent
- (7421) midsummer day
- (7422) midsummer madness
- (7423) might
- (7424) mightn't
- (7425) mikron
- (7426) mili
- (7427) milieux
- (7428) military government
- (7429) military intelligence
- (7430) military law
- (7431) military police
- (7432) military science
- (7433) milk and honey
- (7434) milk and water
- (7435) milky way
- (7436) mill construction
- (7437) min
- (7438) mincing machine
- (7439) mind reading
- (7440) mind's eye
- (7441) mineral water
- (7442) minimax
- (7443) mioses
- (7444) mips
- (7445) miracle drug
- (7446) mis
- (7447) misc
- (7448) misdid
- (7449) misdone
- (7450) misknew
- (7451) missel-bird
- (7452) missing link
- (7453) missionary salesman
- (7454) mistaken
- (7455) mistakes
- (7456) mitoses
- (7457) mitral stenosis
- (7458) mitral valve
- (7459) mitten money
- (7460) mixed blessing
- (7461) mixed marriage
- (7462) miz(z)en
- (7463) mobile unit
- (7464) mock-turtle soup
- (7465) modi
- (7466) mods
- (7467) modula-2
- (7468) modulateb
- (7469) modulated
- (7470) modulatorb
- (7471) modulo
- (7472) modus operandi
- (7473) modus vivendi
- (7474) moisture-free
- (7475) molotov coctail
- (7476) moment of truth
- (7477) momentum m.
- (7478) monies
- (7479) monish
- (7480) monkey business
- (7481) monoclinal, monoclinic
- (7482) monodromy
- (7483) monography
- (7484) monorhyme
- (7485) monospace
- (7486) monstg
- (7487) montessori method
- (7488) morceau
- (7489) morning after
- (7490) morning coat
- (7491) morning draught
- (7492) morning dress
- (7493) morning sickness
- (7494) morning star
- (7495) morning watch
- (7496) mortagee
- (7497) mos
- (7498) mosquito boat
- (7499) mother country
- (7500) mother earth
- (7501) mother of pearl
- (7502) mother of vinegar
- (7503) mother wit
- (7504) mother's boy
- (7505) mother's day
- (7506) mother's helper
- (7507) mother-in-law
- (7508) mother-to-be
- (7509) motion picture
- (7510) motion study
- (7511) motor road
- (7512) motor torpedo-boat
- (7513) motor-coach
- (7514) motorola
- (7515) mountain ash
- (7516) mountain chain
- (7517) mountain dew
- (7518) mountain goat
- (7519) mountain people
- (7520) mountain range
- (7521) mountain sickness
- (7522) mountain warfare
- (7523) mouse-sight
- (7524) mousetrap cheese
- (7525) mouth-to-mouth
- (7526) mouthed
- (7527) movie house
- (7528) moving picture
- (7529) moving staircase
- (7530) mown
- (7531) mpc
- (7532) mpg
- (7533) mphil
- (7534) mrbm
- (7535) ms
- (7536) ms-dos
- (7537) msc
- (7538) mst
- (7539) mu ltiplicative
- (7540) mud flat
- (7541) muggish
- (7542) multi ector
- (7543) multiaddress
- (7544) multiangular
- (7545) multichannel
- (7546) multicircuit
- (7547) multicircular
- (7548) multidigit
- (7549) multigrade
- (7550) multigroup
- (7551) multiharmonigraph
- (7552) multihomotopy
- (7553) multilattice
- (7554) multilever
- (7555) multilinear
- (7556) multiloop
- (7557) multimedia
- (7558) multipede
- (7559) multiperfect
- (7560) multiplace
- (7561) multiple-valued
- (7562) multiplex
- (7563) multiplication table
- (7564) multipole
- (7565) multiprocessor
- (7566) multiscaler
- (7567) multisync
- (7568) multiuser
- (7569) multivalnet
- (7570) multiway
- (7571) multofoil
- (7572) mumbo jumbo
- (7573) munitioneer
- (7574) munnion
- (7575) muslim
- (7576) mustn't
- (7577) mutatis mutandis
- (7578) mutton chop
- (7579) mutual-aid team
- (7580) mycoses
- (7581) myelitides
- (7582) myself
- (7583) mystery-play
- (7584) mythologer
- (7585) myxidema
- (7586) mésalliance
sửa- (7587) n - zero
- (7588) n-fold
- (7589) n-pole
- (7590) n0n-analytic
- (7591) nail drawer
- (7592) nail-varnish
- (7593) name's-day
- (7594) nand(o)u
- (7595) nano
- (7596) naphthalin
- (7597) nascence,-cy
- (7598) natice grasses
- (7599) national assistance
- (7600) national guard
- (7601) national health service
- (7602) national insurance
- (7603) national park
- (7604) national service
- (7605) national trust
- (7606) native grasses
- (7607) native speaker
- (7608) native sugar
- (7609) nativity play
- (7610) natural childbirth
- (7611) natural gas
- (7612) natural history
- (7613) nature study
- (7614) nature trail
- (7615) nautical mile
- (7616) navel orange
- (7617) navy blue
- (7618) navy list
- (7619) nc-17
- (7620) near miss
- (7621) necessarian
- (7622) necking-party
- (7623) necropoleis
- (7624) necrotomy
- (7625) needle game
- (7626) needle match
- (7627) needs
- (7628) negotiating table
- (7629) neighbor
- (7630) neighboring
- (7631) neighbourhood-finite
- (7632) neither
- (7633) nem con
- (7634) nested
- (7635) netbios
- (7636) netnews
- (7637) netpolice
- (7638) netware
- (7639) neuritides
- (7640) neutrice
- (7641) never-to-be-forgotten
- (7642) new look
- (7643) new moon
- (7644) new testament
- (7645) new town
- (7646) new world
- (7647) new year
- (7648) news cameraman
- (7649) news conference
- (7650) news story
- (7651) news-camera-man
- (7652) newshawk
- (7653) newsie
- (7654) newspaper man
- (7655) newsreader
- (7656) nhanh
- (7657) nickel nurser
- (7658) nictating membrance
- (7659) nictating membrane
- (7660) night porter
- (7661) night safe
- (7662) night spot
- (7663) night stick
- (7664) nigrify
- (7665) nil-series
- (7666) nilpotent
- (7667) nineteeth
- (7668) ninety-day wonder
- (7669) nipt
- (7670) no go
- (7671) no one
- (7672) no(-)go
- (7673) no-claims bonus
- (7674) noah's ark
- (7675) nobel prize
- (7676) node-locus
- (7677) nolens volens
- (7678) nom de plume
- (7679) nomography
- (7680) non
- (7681) non compos mentis
- (7682) non sequitur
- (7683) non- existence
- (7684) non-Euclidian
- (7685) non-aggression pact
- (7686) non-commissioned officer
- (7687) non-contact
- (7688) non-dense
- (7689) non-planar
- (7690) non-recurrent
- (7691) non-smoking
- (7692) nor'easter
- (7693) north country
- (7694) north pole
- (7695) nos
- (7696) nosed
- (7697) notch wheel
- (7698) note magnifier
- (7699) nouveau riche
- (7700) nouveaux riches
- (7701) nozzie
- (7702) nsfnet
- (7703) ntsc
- (7704) nu
- (7705) nubus
- (7706) nucelli
- (7707) nuclear disarmament
- (7708) nuclear family
- (7709) nuclear power
- (7710) nuclear war
- (7711) nuclear winter
- (7712) nucleic acid
- (7713) nucleon(e)
- (7714) nudist camp
- (7715) nuke
- (7716) numeric coprocessor
- (7717) numeroscopenumer
- (7718) numlock
- (7719) nursery garden
- (7720) nursery nurse
- (7721) nursery rhymes
- (7722) nursery school
- (7723) nursery slope
- (7724) nursery stakes
- (7725) nursing bottle
- (7726) nursing home
- (7727) nutationnumer
- (7728) nyctalops
- (7729) nymphea
sửa- (7730) o yes
- (7731) oak-plum
- (7732) oak-potato
- (7733) oak-spangle
- (7734) oak-wart
- (7735) oap
- (7736) ob.
- (7737) obiter dictum
- (7738) objet d'art
- (7739) oblique angle
- (7740) obliquely
- (7741) observation car
- (7742) observation post
- (7743) obtuse angle
- (7744) occasional table
- (7745) occulting light
- (7746) occupational hazard
- (7747) occupational therapy
- (7748) ocean greyhound
- (7749) ocean lane
- (7750) ocean liner
- (7751) ocean tramp
- (7752) oceanariums
- (7753) oceano graphy
- (7754) ochone
- (7755) ock
- (7756) ocr
- (7757) octa
- (7758) octane number
- (7759) octoped
- (7760) octopede
- (7761) octoploid
- (7762) ocul
- (7763) oculo
- (7764) odd job man
- (7765) odd jobs
- (7766) odd looking
- (7767) odd-come-short
- (7768) odd-come-shortly
- (7769) odd-even
- (7770) oecd
- (7771) oedipus complex
- (7772) oem
- (7773) off limits
- (7774) off year
- (7775) off-shore purchases
- (7776) off-the-cuff
- (7777) off-the-peg
- (7778) off-year
- (7779) offhanded
- (7780) office hours
- (7781) office seeker
- (7782) official family
- (7783) offset printing
- (7784) oh yes
- (7785) oil bearing
- (7786) oil cake
- (7787) oil cloth
- (7788) oil plant
- (7789) oil tree
- (7790) ok
- (7791) okay
- (7792) old age
- (7793) old boy
- (7794) old english
- (7795) old fashioned
- (7796) old folks'home
- (7797) old girl
- (7798) old glory
- (7799) old gold
- (7800) old harry
- (7801) old hat
- (7802) old lady
- (7803) old master
- (7804) old moon
- (7805) old nick
- (7806) old salt
- (7807) old-man's beard
- (7808) old-school tie
- (7809) old-wives' tale
- (7810) olefin(e)
- (7811) oleose
- (7812) olive crown
- (7813) olive drab
- (7814) olive oil
- (7815) olla podrida
- (7816) omikron
- (7817) omitted
- (7818) omnibus book
- (7819) omnium gatherum
- (7820) on behalf
- (7821) on dit
- (7822) on-line
- (7823) on-off
- (7824) once-over-lightly
- (7825) one - address
- (7826) one - dimensional
- (7827) one - one
- (7828) one - parameter
- (7829) one - place
- (7830) one p
- (7831) one shot
- (7832) one-armed bandit
- (7833) one-man band
- (7834) one-man show
- (7835) one-night stand
- (7836) one-pair-back
- (7837) one-pair-front
- (7838) one-to-one
- (7839) one-valued
- (7840) one-way street
- (7841) oneself
- (7842) onion twitch
- (7843) op art
- (7844) op cit
- (7845) op-
- (7846) open book
- (7847) open chain
- (7848) open city
- (7849) open door
- (7850) open end
- (7851) open shop
- (7852) open sight
- (7853) open verdict
- (7854) open vowel
- (7855) open-and-shut
- (7856) open-book-examination
- (7857) open-hearted surgery
- (7858) open-market
- (7859) opening night
- (7860) opening time
- (7861) opera
- (7862) operated
- (7863) operation-research
- (7864) operations research
- (7865) operations room
- (7866) opinion poll
- (7867) opium den
- (7868) opium joint
- (7869) opposite number
- (7870) optic disk
- (7871) optic(al)
- (7872) optical art
- (7873) optical illusion
- (7874) or
- (7875) orache
- (7876) orang-outan
- (7877) orange lily
- (7878) orchestral pit
- (7879) orchestral stalls
- (7880) orcin
- (7881) orcinol
- (7882) order-type
- (7883) orderly bin
- (7884) ordinance datum
- (7885) ordinance survey
- (7886) ordinary level
- (7887) ordinary seaman
- (7888) ordnance survey
- (7889) organic chemistry
- (7890) orianted
- (7891) oricycle
- (7892) oriental stitch
- (7893) original sin
- (7894) orthognathic
- (7895) orthographical projection
- (7896) orthopnea
- (7897) orthopole
- (7898) osteocope
- (7899) ostracean
- (7900) other than
- (7901) other world
- (7902) others
- (7903) othman
- (7904) otitis media
- (7905) ottava rima
- (7906) ounce
- (7907) ours
- (7908) ourself
- (7909) ourselves
- (7910) out of bounds
- (7911) out of date
- (7912) out of doors
- (7913) out of pocket
- (7914) out-at-elbows
- (7915) out-of-doors
- (7916) out-of-fashion
- (7917) out-of-print
- (7918) out-of-truth
- (7919) out-of-work
- (7920) outboard motor
- (7921) outdrank
- (7922) outdream
- (7923) outdreamt
- (7924) outdrink
- (7925) outdrunk
- (7926) outdrunken
- (7927) outdwell
- (7928) outdwelt
- (7929) outfought
- (7930) outlain
- (7931) outlaw strike
- (7932) outleap
- (7933) outleapt
- (7934) outlearnt
- (7935) outlie
- (7936) outluster
- (7937) outside broadcast
- (7938) outside lane
- (7939) outside left
- (7940) outside line
- (7941) outside right
- (7942) outspent
- (7943) outspoken
- (7944) outtrigger
- (7945) outworn
- (7946) ovaliform
- (7947) over-the-counter
- (7948) overbade
- (7949) overblown
- (7950) overfield
- (7951) overfly
- (7952) overgone
- (7953) overlade
- (7954) overlaid
- (7955) overlay
- (7956) overleapt
- (7957) overread
- (7958) overshot
- (7959) overstrike
- (7960) overtype
- (7961) overwent
- (7962) overwound
- (7963) owing to
- (7964) own brand
- (7965) own goal
- (7966) oxford bags
- (7967) oxford blue
- (7968) oxygen mask
- (7969) oxygen tent
- (7970) oyster fork
- (7971) ozone layer
sửa- (7972) p and o
- (7973) p and p
- (7974) package deal
- (7975) packing-box
- (7976) padde cell
- (7977) padder
- (7978) paddle board
- (7979) paddling pool
- (7980) pailletted
- (7981) painted lady
- (7982) painter's colic
- (7983) pairing
- (7984) palace car
- (7985) palace revolution
- (7986) pale-hearted
- (7987) paleocranium
- (7988) paleoencephalon
- (7989) paleogeography
- (7990) paleolith
- (7991) palm sunday
- (7992) palma christi
- (7993) paludine
- (7994) pamperer
- (7995) pampiniform
- (7996) panacean
- (7997) pancake day
- (7998) pancake landing
- (7999) panda car
- (8000) pandemoniac
- (8001) panel doctor
- (8002) panel truck
- (8003) panhellenium
- (8004) panicled
- (8005) panniered
- (8006) panocha
- (8007) pantiled
- (8008) paper-bag cookery
- (8009) paper-insulated
- (8010) paperbacked
- (8011) paperer
- (8012) papier mâché
- (8013) par avion
- (8014) par excellence
- (8015) parabolic(al)
- (8016) parachute flare
- (8017) parachute jump
- (8018) parachute mine
- (8019) parachute troops
- (8020) paracompact
- (8021) paraconvex
- (8022) parader
- (8023) paraffin oil
- (8024) parallel bars
- (8025) paralleleped
- (8026) parallelepipedon
- (8027) parallelotope
- (8028) parametrix
- (8029) paraplegic
- (8030) parasoled
- (8031) paratroop
- (8032) parcel bomb
- (8033) parcel post
- (8034) pardi
- (8035) pardie
- (8036) pardy
- (8037) parent company
- (8038) parent-teacher association
- (8039) parer
- (8040) paris doll
- (8041) parish clerk
- (8042) parish council
- (8043) parish lantern
- (8044) parish register
- (8045) parity of exchange
- (8046) parkinson's disease
- (8047) parkinson's law
- (8048) parmesan cheese
- (8049) parotidean
- (8050) parson's nose
- (8051) part of speech
- (8052) parthian shot
- (8053) parti pris
- (8054) particilar
- (8055) particolored
- (8056) partitioner
- (8057) party girl
- (8058) party line
- (8059) party political
- (8060) party politics
- (8061) party spirit
- (8062) party wall
- (8063) party wire
- (8064) passage boat
- (8065) passion sunday
- (8066) passion week
- (8067) passive resistance
- (8068) passkey man
- (8069) past master
- (8070) past perfect
- (8071) paste up
- (8072) pasticcio
- (8073) patcher
- (8074) patent leather
- (8075) patent medicine
- (8076) patent office
- (8077) patented
- (8078) pathetic fallacy
- (8079) patinae
- (8080) patinas
- (8081) patrol wagon
- (8082) patrol-dog
- (8083) patron saint
- (8084) paul pry
- (8085) paving stone
- (8086) pay dirt
- (8087) pay load
- (8088) pay phone
- (8089) pay-as-you-earn
- (8090) pay-as-you-enter
- (8091) paying capacity
- (8092) paying guest
- (8093) paymaster general
- (8094) pc
- (8095) pcm
- (8096) pcx
- (8097) pda
- (8098) pdl
- (8099) pdn
- (8100) pea coal
- (8101) pea green
- (8102) pea soup
- (8103) peace corps
- (8104) peace offering
- (8105) peach melba
- (8106) peachs and cream
- (8107) peacock blue
- (8108) peacock-blue
- (8109) peacockish
- (8110) peacocky
- (8111) peanut butter
- (8112) peanut oil
- (8113) pearl button
- (8114) pearlised
- (8115) pearlized
- (8116) pearly king
- (8117) pearly queen
- (8118) peatbed
- (8119) pectoriloquy
- (8120) pedagogic(al)
- (8121) pedagoguish
- (8122) pedal bin
- (8123) pedestal table
- (8124) pedestrian crossing
- (8125) pedestrian precinct
- (8126) pedestrician
- (8127) pedicellar
- (8128) pedimented
- (8129) peek-a-boo
- (8130) peeping tom
- (8131) peer group
- (8132) peer of the realm
- (8133) peking duck
- (8134) pel
- (8135) pembroke table
- (8136) pen and ink
- (8137) pen friend
- (8138) pen-and-ink
- (8139) penal code
- (8140) penal servitude
- (8141) penalty area
- (8142) penalty clause
- (8143) penalty kick
- (8144) pencil sharpener
- (8145) pencilled
- (8146) pengo
- (8147) pengos
- (8148) penicilli
- (8149) pennoned
- (8150) penny farthing
- (8151) penny pincher
- (8152) penny pinching
- (8153) penny post
- (8154) penny whistle
- (8155) penny wise
- (8156) penny-a-line
- (8157) penny-a-liner
- (8158) penny-in-the-slot
- (8159) penny-in-the-slot machine
- (8160) pent up
- (8161) pentium
- (8162) pep pill
- (8163) pep talk
- (8164) peplus
- (8165) per cent
- (8166) per pro
- (8167) percentile
- (8168) percorn rent
- (8169) percussion cap
- (8170) percussion instrument
- (8171) percussion section
- (8172) peregrine falcon
- (8173) peremptory writ
- (8174) perfect pitch
- (8175) perfecter
- (8176) perfored
- (8177) performing arts
- (8178) periastron
- (8179) perimater
- (8180) period piece
- (8181) periodic table
- (8182) peripheral device
- (8183) peristylar
- (8184) permanent wave
- (8185) permanent way
- (8186) permittee
- (8187) pernicious anaemia
- (8188) perpetual motion
- (8189) persecutee
- (8190) persecution complex
- (8191) persian carpet
- (8192) persian cat
- (8193) persian lamb
- (8194) persistence(cy)
- (8195) person-to-person call
- (8196) persona grata
- (8197) persona non grata
- (8198) personal assistant
- (8199) personal column
- (8200) personal pronoun
- (8201) personal property
- (8202) personality cult
- (8203) perturbeb
- (8204) pest control
- (8205) pet name
- (8206) pet shop
- (8207) pet subject
- (8208) petit bourgeois
- (8209) petit-bourgeois
- (8210) petrol bomb
- (8211) petrol station
- (8212) petrol tank
- (8213) petroleum jelly
- (8214) petter
- (8215) petticoated
- (8216) petty cash
- (8217) petty larceny
- (8218) petty officer
- (8219) pewit gull
- (8220) pgdn
- (8221) pgup
- (8222) phagedeana
- (8223) phagedena
- (8224) phialaeform
- (8225) phialiform
- (8226) philosopher's stone
- (8227) philosophers'stone
- (8228) phizog
- (8229) phlegmy
- (8230) phone book
- (8231) phone booth
- (8232) phone in
- (8233) phone-in
- (8234) phono plug
- (8235) photo electronics
- (8236) photo finish
- (8237) photoelectric cell
- (8238) phyllopodan
- (8239) phylloxeran
- (8240) physiqued
- (8241) phytogeographer
- (8242) pia mater
- (8243) piano organ
- (8244) piano-accordion
- (8245) pick-a-back
- (8246) pick-me-up
- (8247) pick-up truck
- (8248) picketer
- (8249) picnicky
- (8250) picosec
- (8251) picric acid
- (8252) pict
- (8253) picture poscard
- (8254) picture show
- (8255) pidgin english
- (8256) pie chart
- (8257) pied à terre
- (8258) piezometry
- (8259) pig's wash
- (8260) pigeon english
- (8261) pigeon's milk
- (8262) pigtailed
- (8263) pilot scheme
- (8264) pilotless aircraft
- (8265) pilotless plane
- (8266) pim
- (8267) pinafore dress
- (8268) pincer attack
- (8269) pincer movement
- (8270) pincers attack
- (8271) pincers movement
- (8272) pineal gland
- (8273) pink gin
- (8274) pink tea
- (8275) pinking shears
- (8276) pinkster flower
- (8277) pinnular
- (8278) pins and needles
- (8279) pip emma
- (8280) pipe dream
- (8281) piperazine
- (8282) pipistrelle
- (8283) pis aller
- (8284) piscean
- (8285) pistachio green
- (8286) pistachio nut
- (8287) piston ring
- (8288) pit pony
- (8289) pitch-and-toss
- (8290) pitched battle
- (8291) pith hat
- (8292) pith helmet
- (8293) pitot tube
- (8294) pitta bread
- (8295) pituitary gland
- (8296) pivol
- (8297) placeman
- (8298) plaguer
- (8299) plain cards
- (8300) plain clothes
- (8301) plain dealing
- (8302) plain flour
- (8303) plain sailing
- (8304) plain-clothes man
- (8305) plainsong
- (8306) plane chart
- (8307) plane geometry
- (8308) plank bed
- (8309) planning permission
- (8310) plaster cast
- (8311) plastery
- (8312) plastic bomb
- (8313) plastic clay
- (8314) plastic explosive
- (8315) plastic money
- (8316) plastic surgery
- (8317) platinum black
- (8318) platinum blonde
- (8319) platinum foil
- (8320) platinum metal
- (8321) play-by-play
- (8322) pleaser
- (8323) pleximetry
- (8324) plimsoll line
- (8325) plotomat
- (8326) plotting paper
- (8327) ploughman's lunch
- (8328) plower
- (8329) plucker
- (8330) plugboard
- (8331) plugger
- (8332) plum cake
- (8333) plum duff
- (8334) plumaged
- (8335) plumpish
- (8336) plunging fire
- (8337) plunging neckline
- (8338) plunky
- (8339) plurigenus
- (8340) pmji
- (8341) pms
- (8342) pneumatic dispatch
- (8343) pneumatometry
- (8344) pnp
- (8345) poached egg
- (8346) pocket battleship
- (8347) pocket expenses
- (8348) pocket veto
- (8349) pocket-veto
- (8350) poet laureate
- (8351) poet's corner
- (8352) poetic justice
- (8353) poetic licence
- (8354) pogo stick
- (8355) poimted
- (8356) point d'appui
- (8357) point-to-point
- (8358) point-to-pointer
- (8359) poison gas
- (8360) poison ivy
- (8361) poison pen
- (8362) poison-pen letter
- (8363) polar bear
- (8364) polar beaver
- (8365) polar circle
- (8366) polar lights
- (8367) polarimetry
- (8368) polaroid camera
- (8369) polhode
- (8370) police constable
- (8371) police dog
- (8372) police force
- (8373) police state
- (8374) police station
- (8375) police woman
- (8376) political asylum
- (8377) political geography
- (8378) political prisoner
- (8379) political science
- (8380) polka dots
- (8381) pollen count
- (8382) polo mallet
- (8383) polo neck
- (8384) polony sausage
- (8385) polycarpy
- (8386) polycylinder
- (8387) polyglotted
- (8388) polyline
- (8389) polylogarithm
- (8390) pompler ladder
- (8391) pont levis
- (8392) pooped out
- (8393) pop art
- (8394) pop festival
- (8395) pop group
- (8396) popular front
- (8397) porcelain clay
- (8398) pork pie
- (8399) pork-pie hat
- (8400) porny
- (8401) porridgy
- (8402) port of call
- (8403) port wine
- (8404) portal vein
- (8405) porter's knot
- (8406) porter's lodge
- (8407) porterhouse steak
- (8408) porticoed
- (8409) portland cement
- (8410) portland stone
- (8411) portmanteau word
- (8412) portrait painter
- (8413) positive pole
- (8414) post captain
- (8415) post exchange
- (8416) post meridiem
- (8417) post mortem
- (8418) post-office box
- (8419) postage stamp
- (8420) postal code
- (8421) postal order
- (8422) poste restante
- (8423) poster colour
- (8424) poster paint
- (8425) postfox notation
- (8426) postmaster general
- (8427) postoffice
- (8428) postprandial
- (8429) postprocessor
- (8430) pot hat
- (8431) pot luck
- (8432) pot paper
- (8433) pot plant
- (8434) pot valour
- (8435) potter's clay
- (8436) potter's kiln
- (8437) potter's lathe
- (8438) potter's wheel
- (8439) pouffy
- (8440) poultry farm
- (8441) poultry yard
- (8442) pourer
- (8443) pouty
- (8444) poverty line
- (8445) powder blue
- (8446) powder keg
- (8447) powderer
- (8448) power house
- (8449) power plant
- (8450) power play
- (8451) power politics
- (8452) powerpc
- (8453) ppm
- (8454) practical joke
- (8455) practical joker
- (8456) prayer-rug
- (8457) pre
- (8458) pre-raphaelite
- (8459) preassigned
- (8460) prebind
- (8461) precentress
- (8462) precentrix
- (8463) precheck
- (8464) precious stone
- (8465) precompact
- (8466) predefine
- (8467) predesigned
- (8468) predetermined
- (8469) predicative adjective
- (8470) preempy
- (8471) preference share
- (8472) preference stock
- (8473) preferred share
- (8474) preferred stock
- (8475) preinstall
- (8476) premenstrual tension
- (8477) premium bond
- (8478) prenasal
- (8479) prep school
- (8480) preparatory school
- (8481) prepositional phrase
- (8482) present participle
- (8483) present tense
- (8484) presentation copy
- (8485) preset
- (8486) president elect
- (8487) press agency
- (8488) press agent
- (8489) press baron
- (8490) press campaign
- (8491) press conference
- (8492) press cutting
- (8493) press officer
- (8494) press photographer
- (8495) press proof
- (8496) press release
- (8497) press run
- (8498) press-button warfare
- (8499) pressure group
- (8500) pressurized-water reactor
- (8501) preventive detention
- (8502) previsor
- (8503) price current
- (8504) price level
- (8505) price war
- (8506) price-cutter
- (8507) pricer
- (8508) prick-eared
- (8509) pricker
- (8510) prickly heat
- (8511) prickly pear
- (8512) priestling
- (8513) prima ballerina
- (8514) prima donna
- (8515) prima facie
- (8516) primary colour
- (8517) primary education
- (8518) primary school
- (8519) primate
- (8520) prime cost
- (8521) prime meridian
- (8522) prime minister
- (8523) prime mover
- (8524) prime number
- (8525) prime time
- (8526) prime-time
- (8527) prince consort
- (8528) princess royal
- (8529) principal boy
- (8530) principal parts
- (8531) principled
- (8532) print
- (8533) print hand
- (8534) print letter
- (8535) printed circuit
- (8536) printed matter
- (8537) prison camp
- (8538) private enterprise
- (8539) private eye
- (8540) private member
- (8541) private parts
- (8542) privy council
- (8543) privy councillor
- (8544) privy counsellor
- (8545) privy purse
- (8546) privy seal
- (8547) prize day
- (8548) prize fellow
- (8549) prize fellowship
- (8550) prize-giving day
- (8551) pro and con
- (8552) pro forma
- (8553) pro forma invoice
- (8554) pro rata
- (8555) pro tem
- (8556) pro tempore
- (8557) probation officer
- (8558) prober
- (8559) probit (probability unit)
- (8560) problem
- (8561) problem child
- (8562) proceeder
- (8563) proctoscopy
- (8564) procurator fiscal
- (8565) producer gas
- (8566) production line
- (8567) productivity agreement
- (8568) professional foul
- (8569) profiler
- (8570) program picture
- (8571) program(me)
- (8572) programme music
- (8573) programme note
- (8574) programmed course
- (8575) programmed learning
- (8576) programming
- (8577) progressive tense
- (8578) projection room
- (8579) prolog
- (8580) promenade concert
- (8581) promenade deck
- (8582) promissory note
- (8583) prompt side
- (8584) pronuclear
- (8585) proof spirit
- (8586) proofer
- (8587) prop-jet
- (8588) propeller turbin
- (8589) propelling pencil
- (8590) proper fraction
- (8591) proper name
- (8592) pros and cons
- (8593) proscenium arch
- (8594) prosecuting attorney
- (8595) prost
- (8596) prostate gland
- (8597) protective custody
- (8598) protocolar
- (8599) protrudent
- (8600) proud-stomached
- (8601) [ proven�al]
- (8602) provenÀal
- (8603) provided that
- (8604) providing that
- (8605) provost marshal
- (8606) provost sergeant
- (8607) prowl car
- (8608) proximity fuse
- (8609) prtsc
- (8610) prussian blue
- (8611) prussic acid
- (8612) pseudo-cirele
- (8613) pseudo-convergent
- (8614) pseudo-order
- (8615) pseudo-sphere
- (8616) pseudo-tractrix
- (8617) pseudocomplex
- (8618) pseudodonorm
- (8619) pseudomanifold
- (8620) pseudoprime
- (8621) pseudoscalar
- (8622) pseudotangent
- (8623) pseudottensor
- (8624) psychological warfare
- (8625) pt boat
- (8626) pteropodan
- (8627) ptomaine poisoning
- (8628) pub crawl
- (8629) public bar
- (8630) public convenience
- (8631) public enemy
- (8632) public health
- (8633) public house
- (8634) public lending right
- (8635) public life
- (8636) public limited company
- (8637) public nuisance
- (8638) public opinion
- (8639) public opinion poll
- (8640) public prosecutor
- (8641) public record office
- (8642) public relations
- (8643) public relations officer
- (8644) public school
- (8645) public spirit
- (8646) public transport
- (8647) public-address system
- (8648) public-opinion
- (8649) publicity agent
- (8650) publisher's reader
- (8651) publishing house
- (8652) puddling furnace
- (8653) puerto rican
- (8654) puff paste
- (8655) puff pastry
- (8656) pullman car
- (8657) pumice stone
- (8658) punch card
- (8659) punch press
- (8660) punch-card
- (8661) punched card
- (8662) punching ball
- (8663) punctated
- (8664) punctuation mark
- (8665) punctured
- (8666) punk rock
- (8667) punk rocker
- (8668) punrchase
- (8669) pup tent
- (8670) pupilar
- (8671) pupillize
- (8672) puppy love
- (8673) pur sang
- (8674) puramid
- (8675) purchase price
- (8676) purchasing power
- (8677) purl stitch
- (8678) purple heart
- (8679) purple patch
- (8680) purselike
- (8681) pursuit plane
- (8682) push-button war
- (8683) push-cart man
- (8684) pussy cat
- (8685) put-up job
- (8686) putty knife
- (8687) pyramid selling
- (8688) pyrogenic
- (8689) pyrograph
- (8690) pyromantic
- (8691) pyrrhic victory
sửa- (8692) q.e.d (quod erat demonstradum)
- (8693) qemm
- (8694) qu
- (8695) qu.
- (8696) quad (quadrangle)
- (8697) quadragesima sunday
- (8698) quai d'orsay
- (8699) quaker
- (8700) quaker's meeting
- (8701) quand même
- (8702) quanternion
- (8703) quantile
- (8704) quantity surveyor
- (8705) quantum leap
- (8706) quantum theory
- (8707) quarantine flag
- (8708) quarter binding
- (8709) quarter hour
- (8710) quarter sessions
- (8711) quarter-note
- (8712) quartzose
- (8713) quasi-asymptote
- (8714) quasi-divisor
- (8715) quasi-field
- (8716) quasi-group
- (8717) quasi-inverse
- (8718) quasi-open
- (8719) quasi-periodic(al)
- (8720) quasi-plane
- (8721) quasi-syntax
- (8722) quater
- (8723) queen bee
- (8724) queen consort
- (8725) queen dowager
- (8726) queen mother
- (8727) queen's weather
- (8728) question time
- (8729) question!
- (8730) qui vive
- (8731) quick break
- (8732) quick march
- (8733) quick step
- (8734) quickdraw
- (8735) quicktime
- (8736) quid pro quo
- (8737) quill feather
- (8738) quill pen
- (8739) quinquagesima sunday
- (8740) quintiple
- (8741) quonset hut
sửa- (8742) rabbit punch
- (8743) rabble rouser
- (8744) race relations
- (8745) race riot
- (8746) radar trap
- (8747) radiac
- (8748) radial-ply tyre
- (8749) radiation sickness
- (8750) radio aerial
- (8751) radio altimeter
- (8752) radio amplifier
- (8753) radio beacon
- (8754) radio cab
- (8755) radio car
- (8756) radio net
- (8757) radio net work
- (8758) radio set
- (8759) radio station
- (8760) radio telescope
- (8761) radio-valve
- (8762) rag fair
- (8763) rag paper
- (8764) rag-and-bone man
- (8765) rag-and-bone-man
- (8766) ragged school
- (8767) rags-to-riches
- (8768) rain forest
- (8769) rainbow trout
- (8770) raison d'être
- (8771) ram-jet engine
- (8772) rambutan tree
- (8773) ramified
- (8774) ran
- (8775) random access
- (8776) random access memory
- (8777) rang
- (8778) rapid transit
- (8779) rare earth
- (8780) rat-a-tat
- (8781) rat-a-tat-tat
- (8782) rat-tat
- (8783) ratchet-and-fawl
- (8784) ratio-test
- (8785) rationalty
- (8786) rattletrap
- (8787) razzle
- (8788) rdbms
- (8789) re-
- (8790) read
- (8791) ready reckoner
- (8792) ready-for-service
- (8793) ready-to-cook
- (8794) ready-to-serve
- (8795) ready-to-wear
- (8796) rear-view mirror
- (8797) reboot
- (8798) rebound
- (8799) rec room
- (8800) reciprocal pronoun
- (8801) reciprocating engine
- (8802) record film
- (8803) recorded delivery
- (8804) recovery room
- (8805) recreation ground
- (8806) recreation room
- (8807) rectifi
- (8808) recurring decimal
- (8809) red army
- (8810) red bloodcell
- (8811) red box
- (8812) red brass
- (8813) red cabbage
- (8814) red card
- (8815) red carpet
- (8816) red cent
- (8817) red corpuscle
- (8818) red crescent
- (8819) red cross
- (8820) red deer
- (8821) red ensign
- (8822) red flag
- (8823) red giant
- (8824) red hardness
- (8825) red herring
- (8826) red indian
- (8827) red lamp
- (8828) red lane
- (8829) red lead
- (8830) red man
- (8831) red meat
- (8832) red mullet
- (8833) red pepper
- (8834) red rag
- (8835) red setter
- (8836) red soil
- (8837) red tape
- (8838) red wine
- (8839) red-letter day
- (8840) red-light district
- (8841) red-tapery
- (8842) red-tapism
- (8843) redraw
- (8844) redrawn
- (8845) redrew
- (8846) reducing agent
- (8847) reducing gear
- (8848) reductio ad absurdum
- (8849) reference book
- (8850) reference library
- (8851) reference marks
- (8852) reference room
- (8853) reffexion
- (8854) reform school
- (8855) reformat
- (8856) refresher course
- (8857) refreshment room
- (8858) regardless of
- (8859) register office
- (8860) registered nurse
- (8861) registered post
- (8862) registered trade mark
- (8863) registration number
- (8864) registry office
- (8865) regius professor
- (8866) reinfect
- (8867) reinforced concrete
- (8868) rejection slip
- (8869) relapsing fever
- (8870) relaxed throat
- (8871) relay station
- (8872) release gear
- (8873) relief fund
- (8874) relief map
- (8875) relief road
- (8876) relief troops
- (8877) remand centre
- (8878) remand home
- (8879) remembrance sunday
- (8880) remote control
- (8881) rent rebate
- (8882) rental library
- (8883) repeating rifle
- (8884) repeating watch
- (8885) repertory company
- (8886) repertory theatre
- (8887) repetend
- (8888) repetition work
- (8889) report card
- (8890) report centre
- (8891) reported speech
- (8892) republican party
- (8893) repuire
- (8894) researrch
- (8895) resedit
- (8896) resident physician
- (8897) resilience(cy)
- (8898) resit
- (8899) rest area
- (8900) rest stop
- (8901) restaurant car
- (8902) restrictive practices
- (8903) resurrection man
- (8904) resurrection pie
- (8905) retaining fee
- (8906) retaining force
- (8907) retaining wall
- (8908) retardaton
- (8909) retirement age
- (8910) return fare
- (8911) return game
- (8912) return match
- (8913) return ticket
- (8914) returning officer
- (8915) revealed religion
- (8916) reverend mother
- (8917) reverse gear
- (8918) reverse turn
- (8919) reversing light
- (8920) reverson
- (8921) revolving credit
- (8922) revolving door
- (8923) rgb
- (8924) rhesus factor
- (8925) rhetorical question
- (8926) rheumatic fever
- (8927) rheumatoid arthritis
- (8928) rhombuses
- (8929) rhyming slang
- (8930) rhythm and blues
- (8931) rhythm method
- (8932) riband
- (8933) ribbon development
- (8934) richter scale
- (8935) rickrack
- (8936) ricrac
- (8937) rift valley
- (8938) right honourable
- (8939) right reverend
- (8940) right-and-left
- (8941) right-hand man
- (8942) ring craft
- (8943) ring ouzel
- (8944) ring-like
- (8945) ring-shaped
- (8946) ring-type
- (8947) riot police
- (8948) riot shield
- (8949) risc
- (8950) rll
- (8951) rnib
- (8952) rnli
- (8953) road fund
- (8954) road hog
- (8955) road house
- (8956) road safety
- (8957) road sense
- (8958) road show
- (8959) road tax
- (8960) road taxdisc
- (8961) road test
- (8962) road up
- (8963) robin redbreast
- (8964) rock and roll
- (8965) rock fever
- (8966) rock scorpion
- (8967) rocker switch
- (8968) rod man
- (8969) rode
- (8970) roentgen rays
- (8971) rogation sunday
- (8972) rogue house
- (8973) rogues gallery
- (8974) roll of honour
- (8975) roll-on roll-off
- (8976) roll-top desk
- (8977) rolled gold
- (8978) rolled oats
- (8979) roller bandage
- (8980) roller towel
- (8981) rollmop herring
- (8982) roman candle
- (8983) roman catholic
- (8984) roman catholicism
- (8985) roman nose
- (8986) roman numerals
- (8987) romanist
- (8988) romper suit
- (8989) rontgen
- (8990) room service
- (8991) roomed
- (8992) root beer
- (8993) root crop
- (8994) root vegetable
- (8995) root-mean-square
- (8996) rosa-de-montana
- (8997) rose
- (8998) rose window
- (8999) rote learning
- (9000) rouge-et-noir
- (9001) rough house
- (9002) rough luck
- (9003) rough-hewn
- (9004) round - off
- (9005) round brackets
- (9006) round robin
- (9007) round turn
- (9008) round-the-clock
- (9009) round-trip ticket
- (9010) rove
- (9011) roving commission
- (9012) row-de-dow
- (9013) rowan berry
- (9014) rowan tree
- (9015) royal blue
- (9016) royal commission
- (9017) royal highness
- (9018) royal jelly
- (9019) royal sail
- (9020) royal stag
- (9021) rs232
- (9022) rs422
- (9023) rsvp
- (9024) rtf
- (9025) rtfm
- (9026) rub-a-dub
- (9027) rubber band
- (9028) rubber goods
- (9029) rubber plant
- (9030) rubber solution
- (9031) rubber stamp
- (9032) ruby wedding
- (9033) rugby football
- (9034) rugby league
- (9035) rugby union
- (9036) ruled
- (9037) rum row
- (9038) rumble seat
- (9039) rumpus room
- (9040) run about
- (9041) run across
- (9042) run after
- (9043) run agianst
- (9044) run at
- (9045) run away
- (9046) run back
- (9047) run by
- (9048) run down
- (9049) run into
- (9050) run off
- (9051) run on
- (9052) run out
- (9053) run over
- (9054) run throught
- (9055) run up
- (9056) run upon
- (9057) runcible spoon
- (9058) rung
- (9059) runner bean
- (9060) running commentary
- (9061) running mate
- (9062) running powers
- (9063) running repairs
- (9064) running stitch
- (9065) running total
- (9066) runtime
- (9067) ruond
- (9068) rural dean
- (9069) rural delivery
- (9070) rural route
- (9071) rush candle
- (9072) russian roulette
- (9073) röntgen rays
sửa- (9074) s o s
- (9075) s-o-b
- (9076) saa
- (9077) sabbath day
- (9078) sabre-toothed tiger
- (9079) sacan
- (9080) sachet powder
- (9081) sacred cow
- (9082) saddle stitching
- (9083) safari park
- (9084) safari suit
- (9085) safe conduct
- (9086) safe deposit
- (9087) safe house
- (9088) safe keeping
- (9089) safe seat
- (9090) safe-deposit box
- (9091) safety curtain
- (9092) safety film
- (9093) safety fuse
- (9094) safety glass
- (9095) safety island
- (9096) safety match
- (9097) safety net
- (9098) safety razor
- (9099) safety zone
- (9100) saga novel
- (9101) sailor hat
- (9102) sailor suit
- (9103) saint's day
- (9104) saint-john's-wort
- (9105) sal volatile
- (9106) sale of work
- (9107) sale ring
- (9108) sales department
- (9109) sales slip
- (9110) sales talk
- (9111) salesclerk
- (9112) salique
- (9113) salon music
- (9114) saloon bar
- (9115) salt beef
- (9116) salt box
- (9117) salt junk
- (9118) salt shaker
- (9119) salt water
- (9120) saltwater
- (9121) salvation army
- (9122) sam browne
- (9123) samp
- (9124) sand hog
- (9125) sand trap
- (9126) sanders wood
- (9127) sandwich board
- (9128) sandwich course
- (9129) sang
- (9130) sanitary belt
- (9131) sanitary engineering
- (9132) sanitary napkin
- (9133) sanitary pad
- (9134) sanitary towel
- (9135) santa claus
- (9136) saratoga trunk
- (9137) sarc
- (9138) saros
- (9139) satellite state
- (9140) satellite town
- (9141) satin cloth
- (9142) satin flower
- (9143) satin paper
- (9144) satin sheeting
- (9145) saturation bombing
- (9146) saturation point
- (9147) sausage roll
- (9148) sauve-qui-peut
- (9149) save all
- (9150) savings account
- (9151) savings bank
- (9152) savoir faire
- (9153) savoir vivre
- (9154) saw
- (9155) saw log
- (9156) sawing jack
- (9157) sawn
- (9158) saxe blue
- (9159) scare-head(ing)
- (9160) scarlet fever
- (9161) scarlet hat
- (9162) scarlet letter
- (9163) scarlet rash
- (9164) scarlet runner
- (9165) scarlet sage
- (9166) scarlet whore
- (9167) scarlet woman
- (9168) scat singing
- (9169) scatter rug
- (9170) scenic railway
- (9171) schlicht
- (9172) schlichtartig
- (9173) school age
- (9174) school divine
- (9175) school fee
- (9176) school miss
- (9177) school pence
- (9178) school year
- (9179) science fiction
- (9180) scifi
- (9181) scissors hold
- (9182) scorched-earth policy
- (9183) score card
- (9184) scotch broth
- (9185) scotch cap
- (9186) scotch egg
- (9187) scotch tape
- (9188) scotch terrier
- (9189) scotch whisky
- (9190) scotland yard
- (9191) scraggly
- (9192) scramble eggs
- (9193) scrapbook
- (9194) scratch pad
- (9195) scratch-paper
- (9196) screen test
- (9197) screw coupling
- (9198) screw press
- (9199) screw valve
- (9200) script girl
- (9201) scripture reader
- (9202) scrivener's palsy
- (9203) scsi
- (9204) scylla
- (9205) se defendendo
- (9206) sea air
- (9207) sea anemone
- (9208) sea bed
- (9209) sea breeze
- (9210) sea captain
- (9211) sea chestnut
- (9212) sea coal
- (9213) sea coast
- (9214) sea cucumber
- (9215) sea eagle
- (9216) sea elephant
- (9217) sea fennel
- (9218) sea fog
- (9219) sea front
- (9220) sea gherkin
- (9221) sea grapes
- (9222) sea hedgehog
- (9223) sea kale
- (9224) sea king
- (9225) sea lawyer
- (9226) sea level
- (9227) sea lily
- (9228) sea lion
- (9229) sea lord
- (9230) sea melon
- (9231) sea mile
- (9232) sea monster
- (9233) sea mud
- (9234) sea needle
- (9235) sea nettle
- (9236) sea ooze
- (9237) sea otter
- (9238) sea parrot
- (9239) sea pass
- (9240) sea pilot
- (9241) sea poacher
- (9242) sea power
- (9243) sea pumpkin
- (9244) sea raven
- (9245) sea robin
- (9246) sea rover
- (9247) sea serpent
- (9248) sea shell
- (9249) sea slug
- (9250) sea snail
- (9251) sea sunflower
- (9252) sea swallow
- (9253) sea-island cotton
- (9254) seal brown
- (9255) sealed orders
- (9256) seat belt
- (9257) second chamber
- (9258) second coming
- (9259) second cousin
- (9260) second floor
- (9261) second in command
- (9262) second lieutenant
- (9263) second sight
- (9264) second-in-command
- (9265) second-order
- (9266) secret agent
- (9267) secret police
- (9268) secret service
- (9269) secret-service agent
- (9270) secret-service money
- (9271) secretary of state
- (9272) section gang
- (9273) secundum artem
- (9274) secundum naturam
- (9275) secundum quid
- (9276) security council
- (9277) security guard
- (9278) security risk
- (9279) seed bed
- (9280) seed capsule
- (9281) seed coat
- (9282) seeing as
- (9283) seeing that
- (9284) segmental-arc
- (9285) segregated
- (9286) seleceted
- (9287) select committee
- (9288) selection committee
- (9289) selective service
- (9290) selenium cell
- (9291) self-adjoint
- (9292) self-centered
- (9293) self-excite
- (9294) self-feed
- (9295) self-polar
- (9296) self-raising flour
- (9297) self-rising flour
- (9298) seller's market
- (9299) selling price
- (9300) seltzer water
- (9301) semi-axis
- (9302) semi-circle
- (9303) semi-convergent
- (9304) semi-definite
- (9305) semi-group
- (9306) semi-lattice
- (9307) semi-linear
- (9308) semi-matrix
- (9309) semi-orbit
- (9310) semi-prime
- (9311) semi-pure
- (9312) semi-simple
- (9313) semi-sphere
- (9314) semiconvergent
- (9315) senile dementia
- (9316) senior citizen
- (9317) seniores priores
- (9318) sensitive plant
- (9319) separatrix
- (9320) septic tank
- (9321) serbonian bog
- (9322) sergeant-at-arms
- (9323) series circuit
- (9324) serpent lizard
- (9325) service area
- (9326) service cap
- (9327) service dress
- (9328) service elevator
- (9329) service entrance
- (9330) service flat
- (9331) service pipe
- (9332) service station
- (9333) service uniform
- (9334) servo-system
- (9335) sesif
- (9336) set quare
- (9337) set screw
- (9338) settled estate
- (9339) seventh day
- (9340) seville orange
- (9341) sewage works
- (9342) sewer gas
- (9343) sewer rat
- (9344) sewing silk
- (9345) sex act
- (9346) sex appeal
- (9347) sex instinct
- (9348) sex life
- (9349) sextile
- (9350) sexual selection
- (9351) sh
- (9352) shack up
- (9353) shadow cabinet
- (9354) shadow factory
- (9355) shagged out
- (9356) shaggy-dog story
- (9357) shalt
- (9358) shan't
- (9359) share bone
- (9360) share index
- (9361) she'd
- (9362) she'll
- (9363) shea tree
- (9364) shear steel
- (9365) sheet copper
- (9366) sheet glass
- (9367) sheet iron
- (9368) sheet lightning
- (9369) sheet metal
- (9370) sheet mill
- (9371) sheet music
- (9372) shef
- (9373) shell bean
- (9374) shell game
- (9375) shelter tent
- (9376) shepherd dog
- (9377) shepherd's pie
- (9378) shepherd's plaid
- (9379) sher
- (9380) shetland pony
- (9381) shetland wood
- (9382) ship biscuit
- (9383) ship's articles
- (9384) ship's biscuit
- (9385) ship's chandle
- (9386) ship's company
- (9387) ship's husband
- (9388) ship's papers
- (9389) shipboard
- (9390) shipping trade
- (9391) shishkebab
- (9392) shock absorber
- (9393) shock tactics
- (9394) shock thepary
- (9395) shock treatment
- (9396) shoe polish
- (9397) shook
- (9398) shooting star
- (9399) shooting war
- (9400) shooting-box
- (9401) shop window
- (9402) shopping centre
- (9403) shopping mall
- (9404) shore
- (9405) shore dinner
- (9406) short bill
- (9407) short circuit
- (9408) short commons
- (9409) short cut
- (9410) short dead end
- (9411) short fall
- (9412) short head
- (9413) short list
- (9414) short metre
- (9415) short odds
- (9416) short order
- (9417) short sight
- (9418) short snort
- (9419) short story
- (9420) short subject
- (9421) short temper
- (9422) short time
- (9423) short wind
- (9424) short-time
- (9425) shorthand typist
- (9426) shot
- (9427) shot effect
- (9428) shouldn't
- (9429) shovel hat
- (9430) show business
- (9431) showbiz
- (9432) shrove tuesday
- (9433) shutdown
- (9434) shuttle bus
- (9435) shuttle diplomacy
- (9436) shuttle service
- (9437) shuttle train
- (9438) siamese cat
- (9439) siamese twins
- (9440) sickle cell
- (9441) sickness benefit
- (9442) side meate
- (9443) side order
- (9444) sidewinpe
- (9445) sig
- (9446) sight reading
- (9447) sighting shot
- (9448) sigma-additive σ
- (9449) sigma-field σ
- (9450) sigma-function σ
- (9451) signal corps
- (9452) signaler
- (9453) signalling
- (9454) signature tune
- (9455) signed
- (9456) signet ring
- (9457) silent film
- (9458) silent partner
- (9459) silicon chip
- (9460) silk-cotton tree
- (9461) silk-creen printing
- (9462) silver birch
- (9463) silver foil
- (9464) silver fox
- (9465) silver gilt
- (9466) silver jubilee
- (9467) silver leaf
- (9468) silver paper
- (9469) silver plate
- (9470) silver print
- (9471) silver sand
- (9472) silver screen
- (9473) silver solder
- (9474) silver standard
- (9475) silver wedding
- (9476) silvicolous
- (9477) simm
- (9478) simple fraction
- (9479) simple interest
- (9480) simple machine
- (9481) simple simon
- (9482) simplex-method
- (9483) simula
- (9484) sine die
- (9485) sine qua non
- (9486) single
- (9487) single combat
- (9488) single cream
- (9489) single entry
- (9490) single file
- (9491) single parent
- (9492) single-address
- (9493) single-digit
- (9494) sinn fein
- (9495) siphon bottle
- (9496) sister-in-law
- (9497) sisterd-in-law
- (9498) sit-down strike
- (9499) sitcome
- (9500) sitting duck
- (9501) sitting member
- (9502) sitting tenant
- (9503) situation comedy
- (9504) sixteenth note
- (9505) sixth form
- (9506) sixth former
- (9507) skeleton crew
- (9508) skeleton key
- (9509) skeleton regiment
- (9510) sketch map
- (9511) skid row
- (9512) skied
- (9513) skim milk
- (9514) skimmed milk
- (9515) skin magazine
- (9516) skipper's daughters
- (9517) skull session
- (9518) sky marker
- (9519) sky pilot
- (9520) sky truck
- (9521) slack lime
- (9522) slack water
- (9523) slapstick comedy
- (9524) slave states
- (9525) slaver driver
- (9526) sleeping partner
- (9527) sleeping policeman
- (9528) sleepy sickness
- (9529) sleight-of-hand
- (9530) slew
- (9531) sliding door
- (9532) sliding rule
- (9533) sliding scale
- (9534) sliding seat
- (9535) sliding valve
- (9536) slinked
- (9537) slipped disc
- (9538) slit trench
- (9539) slouch hat
- (9540) slovak
- (9541) slow lane
- (9542) slow time
- (9543) slunk
- (9544) slush fund
- (9545) small and early
- (9546) small arms
- (9547) small beer
- (9548) small change
- (9549) small fortune
- (9550) small fry
- (9551) small hours
- (9552) small potatoes
- (9553) small stores
- (9554) small talk
- (9555) smalltalk
- (9556) smalti
- (9557) smart alec
- (9558) smart aleck
- (9559) smash-and-grab
- (9560) smash-and-grab raid
- (9561) smelt
- (9562) smoke grenade
- (9563) smokeless powder
- (9564) smooth-spoken
- (9565) smoothed
- (9566) smoothing iron
- (9567) snaf
- (9568) snake skin
- (9569) snakes!
- (9570) snap fastener
- (9571) snap shot
- (9572) snap-fastener
- (9573) sneak preview
- (9574) sneezing gas
- (9575) snick-or-snee
- (9576) snip-snap-snorum
- (9577) sniveling
- (9578) snob appeal
- (9579) snob value
- (9580) snooks!
- (9581) snow bunting
- (9582) snow job
- (9583) snow man
- (9584) snuff-and-butter
- (9585) so-and-so
- (9586) soaking wet
- (9587) soap power
- (9588) sob story
- (9589) sober-sides
- (9590) social climber
- (9591) social democrate
- (9592) social science
- (9593) social security
- (9594) social services
- (9595) social studies
- (9596) social work
- (9597) social worker
- (9598) society column
- (9599) sod
- (9600) soda biscuit
- (9601) soda jerk
- (9602) soda jerker
- (9603) soda pop
- (9604) sodium bicarbonate
- (9605) sodium carbonate
- (9606) sodium chloride
- (9607) sodium hydroxide
- (9608) sofa bed
- (9609) sofi
- (9610) soft drug
- (9611) soft fruit
- (9612) soft goods
- (9613) soft landing
- (9614) soft money
- (9615) soft option
- (9616) soft palate
- (9617) soft pedal
- (9618) soft porn
- (9619) soft roe
- (9620) soft sawder
- (9621) soft shoulder
- (9622) soft soap
- (9623) soft tack
- (9624) soft-land
- (9625) solar cell
- (9626) solar plexus
- (9627) solar system
- (9628) solar year
- (9629) soldan
- (9630) soler-gun
- (9631) soli
- (9632) solitary confinement
- (9633) solutrean
- (9634) somat
- (9635) some time
- (9636) son-in-law
- (9637) sonic barrier
- (9638) sons-in-law
- (9639) sora rail
- (9640) sorehead(ed)
- (9641) sotto voce
- (9642) soul sister
- (9643) soul-brother
- (9644) sound barrier
- (9645) sound effect
- (9646) sound effects
- (9647) sound man
- (9648) soup maigre
- (9649) soup-and-fish
- (9650) soupcon
- (9651) soupÀon
- (9652) sour cream
- (9653) souree
- (9654) south african
- (9655) south pole
- (9656) south-southeast
- (9657) south-southwest
- (9658) southern lights
- (9659) soy sauce
- (9660) soya sauce
- (9661) space age
- (9662) space craft
- (9663) space fiction
- (9664) space flight
- (9665) space flying
- (9666) space helmet
- (9667) space invaders
- (9668) space probe
- (9669) space rocket
- (9670) space satellite
- (9671) space ship
- (9672) space shuttle
- (9673) space station
- (9674) space suit
- (9675) space traveller
- (9676) space travelling
- (9677) space vehicle
- (9678) spacebar
- (9679) span
- (9680) span roof
- (9681) spanish chestnut
- (9682) spanish main
- (9683) spare part
- (9684) spare tyre
- (9685) sparkling water
- (9686) sparring partner
- (9687) spat
- (9688) speaking clock
- (9689) spear side
- (9690) special branch
- (9691) special constable
- (9692) special delivery
- (9693) special licence
- (9694) special pleading
- (9695) special school
- (9696) special student
- (9697) specific gravity
- (9698) spectator sports
- (9699) spectralnes
- (9700) spectro
- (9701) speech clinic
- (9702) speech community
- (9703) speech disorder
- (9704) speech therapist
- (9705) speech therapy
- (9706) speer
- (9707) spelican
- (9708) spellbound
- (9709) spelt
- (9710) spent
- (9711) spermatorhea
- (9712) spin-dry
- (9713) spinode
- (9714) spinor
- (9715) spoke
- (9716) springbuck
- (9717) springhalt
- (9718) spun
- (9719) spun-yarn
- (9720) sql
- (9721) square-knot
- (9722) squinty
- (9723) stabilized
- (9724) stadia
- (9725) stair-horse
- (9726) stake-out
- (9727) stall-fed
- (9728) standarzed
- (9729) starshaped
- (9730) statemnet
- (9731) stateswomen
- (9732) statistican
- (9733) steady!
- (9734) steam
- (9735) steam-shovel
- (9736) stellarium
- (9737) stereotaxis
- (9738) stevengraph
- (9739) stir-fry
- (9740) stodgily
- (9741) stole
- (9742) stomodaeum
- (9743) stomp
- (9744) stove
- (9745) straitened
- (9746) strapped
- (9747) stringhalt
- (9748) stript
- (9749) stuffily
- (9750) styl
- (9751) subalgebra
- (9752) subase
- (9753) subcomplex
- (9754) subdirect
- (9755) subffield
- (9756) sublinear
- (9757) submanifold
- (9758) submatrix
- (9759) submenu
- (9760) submodule
- (9761) substituend
- (9762) sulfate
- (9763) sulfide
- (9764) sulfonamide
- (9765) sulphonamide
- (9766) summat
- (9767) svid
- (9768) swamies
- (9769) swamis
- (9770) swollen
- (9771) sylva
- (9772) sync
- (9773) syne
sửa- (9774) t'other
- (9775) tachomater
- (9776) taclocus
- (9777) tacnode
- (9778) tarantare
- (9779) tatu
- (9780) tau
- (9781) tautochrone
- (9782) taxman
- (9783) taxmen
- (9784) tcp
- (9785) teen
- (9786) teenage
- (9787) tele
- (9788) telecommuting
- (9789) telementry
- (9790) telenet
- (9791) teletypewriter
- (9792) telnet
- (9793) tem
- (9794) tera
- (9795) teredines
- (9796) terga
- (9797) that
- (9798) that's
- (9799) the
- (9800) theirs
- (9801) themata
- (9802) there's
- (9803) these
- (9804) they'd
- (9805) they'll
- (9806) they're
- (9807) they've
- (9808) thine
- (9809) thingumebob
- (9810) thirteith
- (9811) this
- (9812) tho
- (9813) those
- (9814) thought
- (9815) three-d
- (9816) thrived
- (9817) throughout
- (9818) thru
- (9819) thunderstricken
- (9820) thyself
- (9821) timeout
- (9822) tiroes
- (9823) tiros
- (9824) tirra-lirra
- (9825) tis
- (9826) to
- (9827) toilette
- (9828) toing
- (9829) tonnish
- (9830) top-drawer
- (9831) topologized
- (9832) tops
- (9833) tore
- (9834) toriod
- (9835) torsi
- (9836) torsos
- (9837) tost
- (9838) tother
- (9839) totien
- (9840) toward
- (9841) towards
- (9842) townie
- (9843) towny
- (9844) tpi
- (9845) trabecula
- (9846) tracde
- (9847) tracheated
- (9848) transmitting
- (9849) traumatically
- (9850) travertin
- (9851) travertine
- (9852) trendie
- (9853) tressel
- (9854) tri
- (9855) triangulated
- (9856) trilobed
- (9857) trochar
- (9858) tropophil
- (9859) trotskyism
- (9860) trotskyite
- (9861) trueffle
- (9862) truetype
- (9863) tsr
- (9864) tty
- (9865) tuck-in
- (9866) tuck-out
- (9867) tung
- (9868) turves
- (9869) twa
- (9870) twas
- (9871) twenteith
- (9872) twould
- (9873) tying
- (9874) type-cast
- (9875) typeover
sửa- (9876) ulama
- (9877) ultrafilter
- (9878) ultragroup
- (9879) ultrasble
- (9880) um
- (9881) umbellated
- (9882) umpty
- (9883) umyak
- (9884) un
- (9885) unbegot
- (9886) unblocking
- (9887) unbound
- (9888) unbroke
- (9889) unbrotherlike
- (9890) unclipt
- (9891) uncumbered
- (9892) uncus
- (9893) under-bid
- (9894) underclothed
- (9895) undercrept
- (9896) undercumstand
- (9897) underdone
- (9898) underdrawn
- (9899) underdrew
- (9900) underlaid
- (9901) underlay
- (9902) undersow
- (9903) undersown
- (9904) underspent
- (9905) understrid
- (9906) understridden
- (9907) understrode
- (9908) undone
- (9909) undramatised
- (9910) undrawn
- (9911) undrew
- (9912) unfocussed
- (9913) unfroze
- (9914) ungelt
- (9915) ungirt
- (9916) ungot
- (9917) unguis
- (9918) unitcircle
- (9919) unix
- (9920) unmade
- (9921) unmentionables
- (9922) unpersuadable
- (9923) unramified
- (9924) unrove
- (9925) unselfishly
- (9926) unsewn
- (9927) unshod
- (9928) unthorought
- (9929) until
- (9930) untread
- (9931) untrode
- (9932) unwoven
- (9933) up-stream
- (9934) upcross
- (9935) updid
- (9936) upholden
- (9937) upo
- (9938) uppercase
- (9939) ups
- (9940) uptight
- (9941) usenet
- (9942) usergroup
- (9943) uucp
sửa- (9944) valium
- (9945) vari-coloured
- (9946) vba
- (9947) vdt
- (9948) vdu
- (9949) velt
- (9950) venene
- (9951) venular
- (9952) vermil
- (9953) versiera
- (9954) vertigines
- (9955) vesa
- (9956) vga
- (9957) viatica
- (9958) viatores
- (9959) victoria-cross
- (9960) vidette
- (9961) villan
- (9962) vires
- (9963) visc
- (9964) vivat
- (9965) vl-bus
- (9966) vlsi
- (9967) vol
- (9968) volote
- (9969) vomerine
- (9970) vr
- (9971) vrai
sửa- (9972) w.c
- (9973) wards
- (9974) wartime
- (9975) wasn't
- (9976) wast
- (9977) wastrie
- (9978) we'd
- (9979) we'll
- (9980) we're
- (9981) we've
- (9982) wef
- (9983) weightily
- (9984) weitek
- (9985) went
- (9986) weren't
- (9987) wert
- (9988) what
- (9989) which
- (9990) while
- (9991) who
- (9992) whom
- (9993) whose
- (9994) wilt
- (9995) wite
- (9996) withholden
- (9997) withstood
- (9998) wmf
- (9999) won't
- (10000) worldwide
- (10001) worn
- (10002) would
- (10003) wouldn't
- (10004) wound
- (10005) wpm
- (10006) writ
- (10007) written
- (10008) wrought
- (10009) wt
- (10010) www
- (10011) wysiwyg