local export = {}
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("zh")
local variety_data = require("Module:zh/data/dial")
local dots = {
"d2502e", "6941c7", "9fdd42", "e7ff79", "b66063",
"30bcff", "c6ceff", "02f291", "2e1200", "a4ff46",
"ffcccf", "63001e", "c124de", "00ae2d", "ff4ce4",
"6fff8b", "b900b1", "bfff6b", "0035b6", "fffe8d",
"61008c", "adff9e", "d463ff", "3c8a00", "db0098",
"00c97f", "a20090", "01a145", "ff5ec8", "59ffc6",
"e50025", "01c0cc", "a60003", "02b9db", "d37200",
"0151c6", "949900", "00156f", "ffa938", "290062",
"b69700", "6d87ff", "c88100", "014592", "ff823e",
"000f36", "bdffc4", "1e003b", "ffce7a", "320029",
"d5ffea", "6a0050", "009267", "ff4c61", "019282",
"fd98ff", "094300", "ad96ff", "965a00", "8eb0ff",
"761f00", "9bd8ff", "490d00", "fbffe9", "1d000f",
"feecff", "00141e", "ffddad", "001b14", "ff93ce",
"004f23", "9d0050", "005e5e", "ffa291", "003e33",
"ff9cac", "00536c", "ffc594", "0079b1", "5a3600",
local grey = "ccccbf"
local elements = {}
elements.map_header = function(text)
return tostring(
mw.html.create( "h2" )
:wikitext( text )
elements.map = function(points, legend)
return tostring(
mw.html.create( "div" )
:addClass( "thumb" )
:addClass( "zh-dial-map__container" )
:tag( "div" )
:addClass( "thumbinner" )
:addClass( "zh-dial-map__frame" )
-- these styles can't be moved to the .css file because .thumbinner has its own definitions
:css( "overflow", "auto" )
:css( "font-size", "1px" ) -- related to the positioning of the dots
:tag( "div" )
:addClass( "zh-dial-map__map" )
:wikitext( '[[File:Chinese dialectal variation location map.svg|1200px|link=]]' )
:wikitext( points )
:tag( "div" )
:addClass( "zh-dial-map__legend" )
:wikitext( legend )
elements.dot = function(d, loc_name, loc_info, top, left, colour)
local term = mw.ustring.gsub(d.term, "[%[%]]", "")
return tostring(
mw.html.create( "span" )
:attr( "data-word", term )
:attr( "data-location-en", loc_name )
:attr( "data-location-zh", loc_info.chinese )
:attr( "data-group", loc_info.group )
:addClass( "zh-dial-map__dot" )
:addClass( (colour == grey and "zh-dial-map__dot-other" or nil) )
:css( "top", top .. "em" ) -- The size of 1 em is tied to the font-size of .zh-dial-map__frame
:css( "left", left .. "em" )
:css( "background-color", "#" .. colour )
:attr( "title", loc_name .. " (" .. loc_info.chinese .. ") " .. loc_info.group .. ": " .. term )
-- without text in the <span> it seems like the wikitext render discards the whole <span>???
-- and makes a link with no text at all??????
:wikitext( " " )
elements.legend = function(d, colour, appendedText)
return tostring(
mw.html.create( "div" )
:attr( "data-word", (d and d.term or "other") )
:addClass( "zh-dial-map__legend-row" )
:addClass( (colour == grey and "zh-dial-map__legend-row-other" or nil) )
:tag( "span" )
:addClass( "zh-dial-map__legend-row-dot" )
:css( "background-color", "#" .. colour )
:wikitext( " " ) -- please let me make empty spans
:wikitext( appendedText )
function export.make_map(frame)
local syn_data = require("Module:zh/data/dial-syn/" .. frame.args[1]).list
local prelim_data, data, points, legend = {}, {}, {}, {}
for location, synonym_set in pairs(syn_data) do
if variety_data[location] and variety_data[location].lat and synonym_set[1] ~= "" then
for _, term in ipairs(synonym_set) do
term = mw.text.split(term, ":")
if term[2] ~= "mT" and term[2] ~= "GT" then
term = term[1]
if prelim_data[term] then
prelim_data[term].count = prelim_data[term].count + 1
table.insert(prelim_data[term].locations, location)
prelim_data[term] = { count = 1, locations = { location } }
for term, term_data in pairs(prelim_data) do
table.insert(data, { term = term, count = term_data.count, locations = term_data.locations })
table.sort(data, function(first, second) return first.count > second.count end)
local prev_count, num = data[1].count, 1
local greyed, greyed_count = false, 0
local num_syn = table.maxn(data)
--when need to have greyed points, grey out all synonyms with only 1 dialect point
local have_greyed = num_syn > 80 and data[num_syn].count == 1
for _, d in ipairs(data) do
greyed = greyed or (have_greyed and d.count == 1) or (num > 70 and d.count ~= prev_count) or num > 80
local colour = greyed and grey or dots[num]
for _, location in ipairs(d.locations) do
local loc_info = variety_data[location]
local top_offset, left_offset = 0, 0
if table.getn(syn_data[location]) > 1 then
top_offset = math.random(-300, 300) / 100
left_offset = math.random(-300, 300) / 100
local top = ((55 - loc_info.lat) * 89520 / 5593) + top_offset --((55 - loc_info.lat) * 1200 * 746 / 799 / 70) + top_offset
local left = ((loc_info.long - 70) * 16) + left_offset --((loc_info.long - 70) * 1200 / 75) + left_offset
local loc_name = mw.ustring.gsub(loc_info.english or location, "%((.*)%)$", "- %1")
table.insert(points, '[[' .. d.term .. '|' .. elements.dot(d, loc_name, loc_info, top, left, colour) .. ']]')
if greyed then
greyed_count = greyed_count + d.count
local link = m_links.full_link({
lang = lang,
term = mw.ustring.gsub(d.term, "(.+)_[1-9]", "%1"),
alt = mw.ustring.gsub(d.term, "(.+)_([1-9])", "%1<sub>%2</sub>")
table.insert(legend, elements.legend(d, colour, link .. " (" .. d.count .. ")"))
prev_count = d.count
num = num + 1
if greyed_count > 0 then
table.insert(legend, elements.legend(false, grey, "other terms (" .. greyed_count .. ")"))
local map_header = elements.map_header(
"Bản đồ các phương ngữ tiếng Trung Quốc tương đương cho " .. m_links.full_link(
lang = lang,
term = mw.ustring.gsub(frame.args[1], "%-.*", ""),
gloss = syn_data["meaning"],
local note = "\n''Lưu ý: Bản đồ này có thể không được hỗ trợ tốt trên thiết bị di động. Vui lòng xem trang này trên máy tính.''"
local map = elements.map(table.concat(points), table.concat(legend))
return map_header .. note .. map
return export