local export = {}

local substring = mw.ustring.sub
local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match
local rsplit = mw.text.split
local U = mw.ustring.char
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("bg")
local script = require("Module:scripts").getByCode("Cyrl")

local GRAVE = U(0x300)
local ACUTE = U(0x301)
local BREVE = U(0x306)
local PRIMARY = U(0x2C8)
local SECONDARY = U(0x2CC)
local TIE = U(0x361)
local FRONTED = U(0x31F)
local DOTUNDER = U(0x323)
local HYPH = U(0x2027)
local vowels = "aɤɔuɛiɐo"
local vowels_c = "[" .. vowels .. "]"
local cons = "bvɡdʒzjklmnprstwfxʃɣʲ" .. TIE
local cons_c = "[" .. cons .. "]"
local hcons_c = "[бвгджзйклмнпрстфхшщьчц#БВГДЖЗЙКЛМНПРСТФХШЩЬЧЦ=]"
local hvowels_c = "[аъоуеияѝюАЪОУЕИЯЍЮ]"
local accents = PRIMARY .. SECONDARY
local accents_c = "[" .. accents .. "]"

-- single characters that map to IPA sounds
local phonetic_chars_map = {
	["а"] = "a",
	["б"] = "b",
	["в"] = "v",
	["г"] = "ɡ",
	["д"] = "d",
	["е"] = "ɛ",
	["ж"] = "ʒ",
	["з"] = "z",
	["и"] = "i",
	["й"] = "j",
	["к"] = "k",
	["л"] = "l",
	["м"] = "m",
	["н"] = "n",
	["о"] = "ɔ",
	["п"] = "p",
	["р"] = "r",
	["с"] = "s",
	["т"] = "t",
	["у"] = "u",
	["ў"] = "w",
	["ф"] = "f",
	["х"] = "x",
	["ц"] = "t" .. TIE .. "s",
	["ч"] = "t" .. TIE .. "ʃ",
	["ш"] = "ʃ",
	["щ"] = "ʃt",
	["ъ"] = "ɤ",
	["ь"] = "ʲ",
	["ю"] = "ʲu",
	["я"] = "ʲa",


local devoicing = {
	["b"] = "p", ["d"] = "t", ["ɡ"] = "k",
	["z"] = "s", ["ʒ"] = "ʃ",
	["v"] = "f"

local voicing = {
	["p"] = "b", ["t"] = "d", ["k"] = "ɡ",
	["s"] = "z", ["ʃ"] = "ʒ", ["x"] = "ɣ",
	["f"] = "v"

-- Prefixes where, if they occur at the beginning of the word and the stress is on the next syllable, we place the
-- syllable division directly after the prefix. For example, the default syllable-breaking algorithm would convert
-- безбра́чие to беˈзбрачие; but because it begins with без-, we convert it to безˈбрачие. Note that we don't (yet?)
-- convert измра́ to изˈмра instead of default измˈра, although we probably should.
-- Think twice before putting prefixes like на-, пре- and от- here, because of the existence of над-, пред-, and о-,
-- which are also prefixes.
local prefixes = {"bɛz", "vɤz", "vɤzproiz", "iz", "naiz", "poiz", "prɛvɤz", "proiz", "raz"}

-- version of rsubn() that discards all but the first return value
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
	local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
	return retval

-- apply rsub() repeatedly until no change
local function rsub_repeatedly(term, foo, bar)
	while true do
		local new_term = rsub(term, foo, bar)
		if new_term == term then
			return term
		term = new_term

function track(page)
	require("Module:debug").track("bg-pronunciation/" .. page)
	return true

local function count_vowels(word)
	local _, vowel_count = mw.ustring.gsub(word, hvowels_c, "")
	return vowel_count

function export.remove_pron_notations(text, remove_grave)
	text = rsub(text, "[." .. DOTUNDER .. "]", "")
	-- Remove grave accents from annotations but maybe not from phonetic respelling
	if remove_grave then
		text = mw.ustring.toNFC(rsub(mw.ustring.toNFD(text), GRAVE, ""))
	return text

function export.toIPA(term, endschwa)
	if type(term) == "table" then -- called from a template or a bot
		endschwa = term.args.endschwa
		term = term.args[1]
	local origterm = term
	term = mw.ustring.toNFD(mw.ustring.lower(term))
	term = rsub(term, "у" .. BREVE, "ў") -- recompose ў
	term = rsub(term, "и" .. BREVE, "й") -- recompose й

	if term:find(GRAVE) and not term:find(ACUTE) then
		error("Use acute accent, not grave accent, for primary stress: " .. origterm)

	-- allow DOTUNDER to signal same as endschwa=1	
	term = rsub(term, "а(" .. accents_c .. "?)" .. DOTUNDER, "ъ%1")
	term = rsub(term, "я(" .. accents_c .. "?)" .. DOTUNDER, "ʲɤ%1")
	term = rsub(term, ".", phonetic_chars_map)

	-- Mark word boundaries
	term = rsub(term, "(%s+)", "#%1#")
	term = "#" .. term .. "#"

	-- Convert verbal and definite endings
	if endschwa then
		term = rsub(term, "a(" .. PRIMARY .. "t?#)", "ɤ%1")

	-- Change ʲ to j after vowels or word-initially
	term = rsub(term, "([" .. vowels .. "#]" .. accents_c .. "?)ʲ", "%1j")

	-------------------- Move stress ---------------

	-- First, move leftwards over the vowel.
	term = rsub(term, "(" .. vowels_c .. ")(" .. accents_c .. ")", "%2%1")
	-- Then, move leftwards over j or soft sign.
	term = rsub(term, "([jʲ])(" .. accents_c .. ")", "%2%1")
	-- Then, move leftwards over a single consonant.
	term = rsub(term, "(" .. cons_c .. ")(" .. accents_c .. ")", "%2%1")
	-- Then, move leftwards over Cl/Cr combinations where C is an obstruent (NOTE: IPA ɡ).
	term = rsub(term, "([bdɡptkxfv]" .. ")(" .. accents_c .. ")([rl])", "%2%1%3")
	-- Then, move leftwards over kv/gv (NOTE: IPA ɡ).
	term = rsub(term, "([kɡ]" .. ")(" .. accents_c .. ")(v)", "%2%1%3")
	-- Then, move leftwards over sC combinations, where C is a stop or resonant (NOTE: IPA ɡ).
	term = rsub(term, "([sz]" .. ")(" .. accents_c .. ")([bdɡptkvlrmn])", "%2%1%3")
	-- Then, move leftwards over affricates not followed by a consonant.
	term = rsub(term, "([td]" .. TIE .. "?)(" .. accents_c .. ")([szʃʒ][" .. vowels .. "ʲ])", "%2%1%3")
	-- If we ended up in the middle of a tied affricate, move to its right.
	term = rsub(term, "(" .. TIE .. ")(" .. accents_c .. ")(" .. cons_c .. ")", "%1%3%2")
	-- Then, move leftwards over any remaining consonants at the beginning of a word.
	term = rsub(term, "#(" .. cons_c .. "*)(" .. accents_c .. ")", "#%2%1")
	-- Then correct for known prefixes.
	for _, prefix in ipairs(prefixes) do
		prefix_prefix, prefix_final_cons = rmatch(prefix, "^(.-)(" .. cons_c .. "*)$")
		if prefix_final_cons then
			-- Check for accent moved too far to the left into a prefix, e.g. безбрачие accented as беˈзбрачие instead
			-- of безˈбрачие
			term = rsub(term, "#(" .. prefix_prefix .. ")(" .. accents_c .. ")(" .. prefix_final_cons .. ")", "#%1%3%2")
	-- Finally, if there is an explicit syllable boundary in the cluster of consonants where the stress is, put it there.
	-- First check for accent to the right of the explicit syllable boundary.
	term = rsub(term, "(" .. cons_c .. "*)%.(" .. cons_c .. "*)(" .. accents_c .. ")(" .. cons_c .. "*)", "%1%3%2%4")
	-- Then check for accent to the left of the explicit syllable boundary.
	term = rsub(term, "(" .. cons_c .. "*)(" .. accents_c .. ")(" .. cons_c .. "*)%.(" .. cons_c .. "*)", "%1%3%2%4")
	-- Finally, remove any remaining syllable boundaries.
	term = rsub(term, "%.", "")

	-------------------- Vowel reduction (in unstressed syllables) ---------------
	local function reduce_vowel(vowel)
		return rsub(vowel, "[aɔɤu]", { ["a"] = "ɐ", ["ɔ"] = "o", ["ɤ"] = "ɐ", ["u"] = "o" })

	-- Reduce all vowels before the stress, except if the word has no accent at all. (FIXME: This is presumably
	-- intended for single-syllable words without accents, but if the word is multisyllabic without accents,
	-- presumably all vowels should be reduced.)

	term = rsub(term, "(#[^#" .. accents .. "]*)(.-#)", function(a, b)
		if count_vowels(origterm) <= 1 then
			return a .. b
			if not mw.ustring.find(origterm, ACUTE) then
				track("reduced multisyllabic terms")

			return reduce_vowel(a) .. b
	-- Reduce all vowels after the accent except the first vowel after the accent mark (which is stressed).
	term = rsub(term, "(" .. accents_c .. "[^aɛiɔuɤ#]*[aɛiɔuɤ])([^#" .. accents .. "]*)", function(a, b)
		return a .. reduce_vowel(b)

	-------------------- Vowel assimilation to adjacent consonants (fronting/raising) ---------------
	term = rsub(term, "([ʃʒʲj])([aouɤ])", "%1%2" .. FRONTED)

	-- Hard l
	term = rsub_repeatedly(term, "l([^ʲɛi])", "ɫ%1")

	-- Voicing assimilation
	term = rsub(term, "([bdɡzʒv" .. TIE .. "]*)(" .. accents_c .. "?[ptksʃfx#])", function(a, b)
		return rsub(a, ".", devoicing) .. b end)
	term = rsub(term, "([ptksʃfx" .. TIE .. "]*)(" .. accents_c .. "?[bdɡzʒ])", function(a, b)
		return rsub(a, ".", voicing) .. b end)
	term = rsub(term, "n(" .. accents_c .. "?[ɡk]+)", "ŋ%1")
	term = rsub(term, "m(" .. accents_c .. "?[fv]+)", "ɱ%1")

	-- Sibilant assimilation
	term = rsub(term, "[sz](" .. accents_c .. "?[td]?" .. TIE .. "?)([ʃʒ])", "%2%1%2")

	-- Reduce consonant clusters
	term = rsub(term, "([szʃʒ])[td](" .. accents_c .. "?)([tdknml])", "%2%1%3")

	-- Strip hashes
	term = rsub(term, "#", "")
	return term

function export.hyphenate(word)
    -- Source: http://logic.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/hyphenation/hyph-bg.html#hyphenation-rules-between-1983-and-2012
    -- Also note: the rules from 2012 onward, which encode the modern standard, are entirely
    -- backwards-compatible with the previous standard. Thus our code can generate valid 2012
    -- hyphenations despite following the older rules.
	word = rsub(word, "[" .. GRAVE .. ACUTE .. "]", "") -- Remove accent marks

    -- Treat дж as one single unit; this is bypassed by re-writing it as д.ж
    -- I.e. we write суджук, but над.живея
    word = rsub(word, "дж", "#")
    word = rsub(word, "ДЖ", "=")
    word = rsub(word, "[.]", "")

    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. hcons_c .. hvowels_c .. ")(" .. hcons_c .. ")(" .. hvowels_c .. ")", "%1" .. HYPH .. "%2%3") -- Single consonants separated by single vowels are hyphenated
    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. hvowels_c .. ")([йЙ])(" .. hcons_c .. hcons_c .. hcons_c .. "-)", function(a, b, c)
    	return a .. b .. substring(c, 1, 1) .. HYPH .. substring(c, 2, -1)
    end) -- A й followed by two or more consonsants keeps one consonant to the left of the hyphen
    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. hvowels_c .. ")([йЙ])(" .. hcons_c .. ")([^" .. HYPH .. "])", "%1%2" .. HYPH .. "%3%4") -- A й preceded by a vowel and followed by one consonant is kept with its vowel
    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. hvowels_c .. ")(" .. hcons_c .. hcons_c .. hcons_c .. "-)(" .. hvowels_c .. ")", function(a, b, c)
    	return a .. substring(b, 1, 1) .. HYPH .. substring(b, 2, -1) .. c 
    end) -- When multiple consonants intervene between a vowel, at least one stays on either side of the vowel
    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. hcons_c .. ")%1", function(a) 
    	return a .. HYPH .. a end) -- Two of the same consonant are hyphenated
    word = rsub_repeatedly(word, "(" .. hvowels_c .. hvowels_c .. hvowels_c .. "-)(" .. hcons_c .. ")", function(a, b)
    	return substring(a, 1, -2) ..  HYPH .. substring(a, -1, -1) .. b end) -- For sequences of two or more vowels, the final vowel goes after the hyphen and the rest before

    word = rsub(word, "(.)[" .. HYPH .. "]([ьЬ])", HYPH .. "%1%2") -- ь cannot be directly after a hyphen
    word = rsub(word, "([ьЬ])[" .. HYPH .. "](.)", "%2%1" .. HYPH) -- ь cannot be directly before a hyphen
    word = rsub(word, "(.)" .. HYPH .. "(.)$", HYPH .. "%1%2") -- At the beginning of words, merge isolated letters with their following letters
    word = rsub(word, "^(.)" .. HYPH .."(.)", "%1%2" .. HYPH) -- At the end of words, merge isolated letters with their preceding letters
    -- Note: the above is flawed in that it cannot detect isolated letters within the word.
    -- We hope that this is sufficient, and there are no rogue cases in between words.

    word = rsub(word, "#", "дж") -- Decode back to дж
	word = rsub(word, "=", "ДЖ")

    return word

local function get_anntext(term, ann)
	if ann == "1" or ann == "y" then
		-- remove secondary stress annotations
		anntext = "'''" .. export.remove_pron_notations(term, true) .. "''':&#32;"
	elseif ann then
		anntext = "'''" .. ann .. "''':&#32;"
		anntext = ""
	return anntext

local function format_hyphenation(hyphenation)
	local syllables = rsplit(hyphenation, HYPH)

	return require("Module:hyphenation").format_hyphenations( { 
		lang = lang,
		hyphs = { { hyph = syllables } },
		sc = script,
		caption = "Tách âm",
		} )

function export.show_hyphenation(frame)
	local params = {
		[1] = {},

	local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()

	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
	local term = args[1] or title.nsText == "Template" and "при́мер" or title.text

	local hyphenation = export.hyphenate(term)
	return format_hyphenation(hyphenation)

function export.show(frame)
	local params = {
		[1] = {},
		["endschwa"] = { type = "boolean" },
		["ann"] = {},

	local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
	local term = args[1] or title.nsText == "Template" and "при́мер" or title.text

	local ipa = export.toIPA(term, args.endschwa)
	ipa = "[" .. ipa .. "]"

	local ipa_text = require("Module:IPA").format_IPA_full(lang, { { pron = ipa } } )
	local anntext = get_anntext(term, args.ann)

	return anntext .. ipa_text

return export