This template provides a simple conversion table from an IPA symbol (which may consist of multiple characters) to a Wikipedia article name for the corresponding sound.

Usage sửa

This template has a parameter that is mandatory. The parameter can be an IPA symbol, or an IPA-number. If the argument does not exist in the table, then an error message is returned.

{{IPAsym|m}} → âm mũi môi-môi hữu thanh
{{IPAsym|114}} → âm mũi môi-môi hữu thanh
{{IPAsym|ɡ͡b}} → âm tắc môi-ngạc mềm hữu thanh
{{IPAsym|pʰɪk}}Bản mẫu:IPAsym - Lỗi: Không tìm thấy mục từ "pʰɪk"

The latter is normally more an example of accidental misuse than intentional use, or it could be a message that the symbol is not (yet) in this table.

  • Optionally, when the input characters are unknown, the returned text can be altered from the default by using the second parameter:
{{IPAsym|pʰɪk}}Bản mẫu:IPAsym - Lỗi: Không tìm thấy mục từ "pʰɪk"
{{IPAsym|pʰɪk|unknown}} → unknown (parameter 2 used)
{{IPAsym|pʰɪk|}} → (empty string)

Notes sửa

  • Its direct use is probably not too meaningful, but it can be useful inside other templates, e.g. {{IPAlink}}.
  • One might expect a template-name here like "IPAarticle", since usually the output is significant to the template used.

Editing: extending this template sửa

If you want to add a new symbol-to-soundarticle mapping, simply add a new row in the table, using the existing rows as examples.

It is possible to map more than one symbol to the same sound. IPA-numbers for the symbol should be added in the same fashion. To avoid duplication, please make them "fall through" to the last case, like this:

  | 424
  | ɑ̃
  | ɛ̃
  | œ̃
  | ɔ̃ = nasal vowel

See also sửa

  • {{IPAlink}} – Displays an IPA symbol which is automatically linked to its sound article: β